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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221641

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That is the best news I have heard in awhile. Mrs. Viper and I will continue praying for Mindy and her recovery... sounds very promising and we are pleased!

United We Prowl/Together We Howl
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221647

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Thank you Digger for the update on Mindy. That is certainly great news.

Thank you Padre for taking the lead in offering prayer in support of Digger, Mindy, and James and his wife.

Thank you squad for supporting our compadres with your heart felt prayers.

Thank you Lord for your mercy and amazing grace and loving kindness.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221648

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I'm reading about some great things here tonight and it just elates my heart to know that our Lord is listening and granting blessings and healing. :cheer:
I too have great news! My blockage is in the clear. Circulation is normal in both of my legs and my blood is being regulated at a proper thickness with Coumadin. It may be a lifelong med, but, all is well. This week I go to my new Vein specialist to check for more "leakers" in my legs. Beyond that I'm scheduled to have scans of my back done to try to find an answer to the fatigue issue. Circulation is out of the picture, so, I may have nerve or disc issues. I'm ready to find out. I'm going on my 5th week of being out of work because of all of this. I hope to get clearance to get back at it this week. So, my time may be more limited here once I get back to work. Rest assured, I'm not going anywhere.
My wife had 32 vials of blood taken last week to check her cancer markers due to the Lytic Lesions on her head. There are NO cancer markers!! :cheer: Doctors are getting a grip on this situation and are dealing with a severe infection, which may have come from one of her blood transfusions just before her Hysterectomy. They may have to go into her hip for some bone marrow to do more testing. We shall see. Teresa is going for scans mid-week to look at the extent of the infection since more lesions have made themselves known on her head this week.
Life goes on! Every day is a blessing, and being a part of the WolfPack has certainly made it sweeter! If given the chance, I'd hug every last one of you right now. Thanks for your continued support and prayers. Love you guys!
Thanks to those of you who have given my WolfPack Facebook page a look. It's turning out to be a great way to put faces to the names. And not just our Wolven Bretheren, but also family members. It's also given us some insight into what else goes on outside of DF. IE: hobbies and lifestyles. With that said, Thank You for giving it a chance.
Blessings and Salutations.
AOOOOOOOOoooooooooohhhhOOOOOOOOOoowwwwwWWW! :woohoo:

Fear not the darkness, for when it is just dark enough, then , and only then, will you begin to see the light of the stars.
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221650

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Thank you James

We will keep on praying

God is good indeed!!
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221657

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Great news on Mindy, and now with James and his wife Teresa.. How great is that .. "How great tho art" ..

I'm smiling, and full of the joy and happiness that seem to be a constant on our site.. Thank you Lord..
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221742

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Thank you so much for sharing and congrats on the good news. It is wonderful to hear!!! I will continue my thoughts and prayers for both you and your wife. It seems our pack has something very special going as it has brought together some very special people. I don't think this is coincidence my friends. God works in strange and wonderful ways. Yes Padre, How Great Thou Art!


I have tried to get to the Facebook Page, and I have been unsuccessful. I would love to join but not sure how. Please help!!!!

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221751

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ok WP.....time to make your voices heard.....


go here and tell zup that WP needs its on section........we need ALL WP members to post....imagine how different zup's reaction would be if 10+ people posted....how about 20+, 30+? 40+!!!!......if we get a lot of people to post....he can't possibly ignore us!!

(once we get as many WP people posts as possible...i'll try to get the other squads to help post)
Silencing.....Silencing.....Silencing.....now only if i could mute people.....

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221770

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Fear not the darkness, for when it is just dark enough, then , and only then, will you begin to see the light of the stars.
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221783

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It was gratifying to see other first rank players posting on it.. Read Wigs comment just before mine.. a note on mine I listed a few of our top players to show the maturity/stability of the Sqd.. Forgive me for any old timers, and hi level players who weren't mentioned.

I spent the day sporting my new crossed sabers, and flying around looking for new players, and trying to strike the same fear that i had when ever I saw those crossed blades .. Then I got out of dodge before they embarrassed me lol.. On an off all day looking for my pack.. Then at 8:30 squeak, and sky show up hooo doggies im a happy man.. It was SO cool to fly close enough to see them.. Pure fun..

Then the lovely mrs padre sakes me to help her close up the house and get ready for bed.. I felt guilty for being absent half the night and didn't even tell her I was flying with the squad.. Maybe tomorrow..

As always prayers of thanks and attention for Mindy, James and Teresa..

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221894

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I emailed this to ZUP (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) a few minutes ago. Keep your toes crossed, Wolves.

We know of the time and effort that you and the EchoBoom team have put into making DF one of the best online video game that we have ever played, and we thank you for that. The WP Squadron is growing in not just the number of active pilots but also in our ability to portray DF in a positive light and perhaps serve as role models for some of the younger pilots. We have but a simple request -- to move the WP Squadron from the "Squadron Topics" thread to the Squadrons section. Below is a sampling of some recent posts regarding our request:

"Hey ZUP......Wolf Pack has really grown and became quite active.....They have proven to be a quite beneficial part of the DF community and they have shown to be a permanent squad that will not just float away after a couple of months......You should really give WP them their own squad section and make one of them a Squad Mod." Angelic Silencer

"Hi Zup, Its Digger from the WOLF PACK SQUADRON I have a few questions or if you can do it for me that would be great to and then they would be requests. How can I take my Official Wolf Pack Squadron thread and make it the official WOLF PACK page? Is this possible? I thought that is what I was doing when I first created the thread. I am just finding out now that this is not correct and everyone has just been posting on a post I created. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. I would like my squad to be listed in the squadrons section and in yellow like some of the other squads. In addition, I will also need a moderator and I have no idea if this is something you do or if I can name someone in my squad to this? I think thats it. I love your game. Keep up the good work. Digger

"I agree with this thread totally. i have seen wolfpack grow into a serious squadron and i feel a {WP} squad section and mod would help them. many of their members are active forum users that post positive content. i know whoever that would be named mod would take the job seriously." HorribleBreast.

"GOOD MORNING! As an active member of the Wolf Pack Squadron, I can assure you that we have something very special here. We have great leaders, great respect for not only our own, but also the rest of the DF community. For goodness sake, we even have our own Squad Chaplain! In all my years, I have never been part of a team with such smilar goals and personalities. (I'm 51 years young, so I've played some games in my time). With all due respect, we earned and rightfully deserve our own Thread. We have shown leadership and guidance to newer players. Flyers from other squadrons have taken time to take some of us under their wings to help develop and improve us as well. The pride that comes with being an integral part of the DF community can only be topped with a place to call home. That home is a dedicated WolfPack Thread in the Squadron section of our ever growing Forum. Please honor our request." Sincerely, James Perry Aka SkyWolf {WP}

With much respect,

George alias Squeak{WP}

Sent from my iPad[/b]
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221896

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Skipper, Squadron;

We have a problem, I just checked Sqd chat and there was a message from SkyWolf that broke my heart.. They are losing there internet coverage, and he was saying goodby.. We all know James has been off work for some time with the health issues he's talked about.. We all know these were absolutely real, and sadly job ending, and of course what's behind his loss of service.

A note here, not once did James complain about his health issues, or mention how bad the financial situation was.. I think we can all appreciate why he didn't, it just takes a second to put your self in his position and understand what he was going through.. So sad that he couldn't say anything about it, but I understand, and know the rest of us would probably deal with it the same way.. Head shaking..

NOW!! Time to act.. Forgive your old chaplain for swearing but this falls in my department, and I'll be dammed if this is going to happen without our intervening and somehow taking this one bill off his plate.. Look guys this is like 10 dollars each if ten or so of us jump in and help.. The only thing I don't know how to do is set up the PayPal to make it happen, but know you guys do..

I wish you could all see James post in Sqd chat.. No complaints, only "life happens before your eyes" .. Yep it does happen, NOW it's our turn to pay James back for all the work he's done for us..those great banners.. A great guy, he just made level 18, he's had a lot taken away from him, and a lot of worry.. The one thing he had positive was this game.. I don't how much longer he has but know we need to jump in fast..

James if you still have service please post whatever info we need to make this happen.. Kevin, or any of my brothers please help with the PayPal part.. Lets take care of our own Wolf Pack !
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221903

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Squeak, a great letter ..absolutely excellent..a question my friend, you used a different address than we did yesterday..SO, for those of us who left comments on the other thread, do you think he will see them. Or should we "re" send using the address you used?
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221904

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One of our supporters in the Forum suggested the direct email route which I think is the way to go. Did a little Google research on ZUP & EchoBoom and I do believe using the EB address holds the greatest promise for reaching him.
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221905

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Padre my friend, i know we have spoken on WC before, i believe when you just started in DF. This is terrible news about your squad mate. Please keep me posted by PM or here when the details are worked out. I would like to help if possible.
The WP is proving to be a top notch group, cheers to you all.
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221906

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I saw Sky's post in squad chat and cannot agree with you more.

Squad, l'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep Sky up and flying.

Sky, if you are reading this, please give me a howl on FB.


Your friend,

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221912

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when WP gets their own squad section....this should be on the first post on the 2nd thread.....

Silencing.....Silencing.....Silencing.....now only if i could mute people.....

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221934

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I am in and agree to help where we can. I just sent SkyWolf an email,I hope he still has internet service. I will keep you posted if he responds. I will do my best to coordinate something with him and share what I learn with you and the Pack.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221936

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Oh by the way, I also sent in an email directly to the programmers of DF and requested for Wolf Pack to be listed in the Squad Section. Thank you Silent for the help!!!


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221956

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Thanks Doc.. This came as a complete surprise to all of us, I suppose we should have seen it coming based on the protracted health issues both James and his wife have had, but he's such a positive individual that he's kept this to himself, and I'm guessing might have been blind sided by it as well.. Saying that just based on the sudden and brief posts in Sqd chat..

James is really a super individual, a very special man.. God bless you Doc for offering to help, besides your compassion it shows what an honest friend of the Squadron you are, will keep you apprised as soon as we know anything..

By the way you're right.. you were one of the first people I spoke with on DF.. You took time away from your busy schedule of camping, and spawn killing me long enough to tell me I was too old and slow to play the game and to take my half blind arthritic geezer self back to scrabble..

Hope that made you smile.. Now go renew your AARP card / greg
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221958

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Hi all,

Squeak--thanks for the nicely penned email to Zup and EchoBoom. With hope it will be seen and moved forward.

Very sorry to hear about Sky Wolf. Doc and Padre--true hearts of gold, both of you! Digger please keep us informed.


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221959

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The Viper family is willing and able to help wherever needed. I have been in contact with Sky and Mrs. Sky on the facebook page... I should be able to help him stay afloat for a little while anyway. Thanks for the heads up Padre and Digger....

We are, after all, a family here.

United We Prowl/Together We Howl
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221960

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Copy that Viper. I just posted on the FB page and will forward the info to Padre via email.

God bless

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221962

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Always impressed with this squad! I'm not on FB, but let me know what can be done.

Agree with Viper---One big happy Wolf Pack Family!
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221963

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You got it Dire.


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221974

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I couldn't fly tonight.. couple of issues.. Sky.. and his post in Sqd chat.. I know Squeak saw it, not sure how many of the rest of you did.. something I won't forget anytime soon.. not that it was written for sympathy,. "Life comes at you fast" .. I keep thinking that with all he had on his plate he couldn't have had to many things that got his mind of the problems more than DF.. he was understandably proud about the level up to 18 earlier.. AND I keep thinking about James saying he couldn't work, and praying he wasn't desperately hoping we'd ask if he was ok.. That's all a simple "hey you ok" and he could have told us he had problems.. We all know the sort that James is because I think were all like him.. I know I couldn't have said "hey brothers I need help" and bet the same with you guys..

The second thing is you guys jumping in with big hearts.. and the honest spirit of help that IS Wolf Pack..I'm so proud to be a member..

This is in edit at 0220 hrs Mt.. I just got a PM from James.. He asked me to share it as I wished, so here's an overview.. The pm was pretty emotional, they have been dealing with this for sometime and were over whelmed by everyone's response to their problem..Told me he was reading it to his wife and they both had tears of gratitude.. As we can imagine it's a lot worse than just paying for the net..(told James I was sorry for not seeing this and asking if they needed anything, I'm pretty sure he will understand)

The good news is he's going back to work next week, so with our Lords blessings this is a one time fix..but a fix is sure needed.. Guys they have been counting on their church for meals.. I asked James to send me his address, and I say we all send him what we can, I promise you they will appreciate ANYTHING at this point.. Unless you guys have a better idea just pm me for the address, I'll send it when I get it.. I know this much.. Next time someone "like us" says they've been off work we have to ask them if they need help.. Jim was just to proud to ask.. And again I think we all understand that..

I am so proud to be your chaplain.. and yes I shed a few tears myself..

As always prayers for Mindy, and our dear friend James and wife..
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221995

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Thanks Padre for staying on top of this, and the rest of WP as well. I will keep checking here for updates. Great to hear he is heading back to work. Your a good bunch!
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #222005

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The overwhelming emotions I am feeling don't compare to the humble pride I'm experiencing just being a part of this amazing group of people. The outpouring of unselfishness and pure caring being shown to my family has brought tears to my eyes. WE are forever grateful! Thank you all!
Thanks be to God.
Dear Lord, we thank you for the fellowship and brotherhood you have blessed us with. I pray that you bless each and every one of them for having such caring hearts. Their kindness is in my mind a pure reflection of living their lives according to your will. Thank you, God! With You, all things are possible! Amen!

Fear not the darkness, for when it is just dark enough, then , and only then, will you begin to see the light of the stars.
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #222015

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OK James im standing by waiting for another PM this one with your address on it.. The guys above have already PM'd asking for it, and I'm afraid your having second thoughts..please don't .. PM that address buddy, Please !

Doc, soon as I get that address I'll send you a PM .. By golly you're a likable old cuss aren't ya :) thank you my friend.

Where's our rock'n wolf Kevin at..
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #222042

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Dr CurtisShoe wrote: Thanks Padre for staying on top of this, and the rest of WP as well. I will keep checking here for updates. Great to hear he is heading back to work. Your a good bunch!

Hes not a real shoe....but he is a REAL DOCTOR.....AN ACTUAL DOCTOR.....HE LIVES LIKE A DOCTOR!!!!!

(for those who are wondering about Shoe's and my inside joke.....)

Silencing.....Silencing.....Silencing.....now only if i could mute people.....

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #222047

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Hi guys,

I received an email from James and he said he was re-activating his PayPal account. I have been waiting for a reply from him with regard to that information. So Padre is waiting for an address and I a PayPal account. Which ever comes first we will get that info out. I know I am anxious to help just like many of you. Doc. thank you for your kindness my friend. I will check back soon.


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Moderators: Digger {WP}DireWolf{WP}
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