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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #218941

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #218942

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I had the opportunity to fly with Skenny in a Dogfight. Was glad to meet another great pack member
ARRARRAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooohhhoooooooowww! He let loose with some great howls! Keep it up, Pack! People are noticing!

Fear not the darkness, for when it is just dark enough, then , and only then, will you begin to see the light of the stars.
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #218943

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that's great james lol skinny is a cool wolf and have u met padre yet ......padre my dear brother I miss ya man got a new plane id love to try out with sparin spiritual leader howl at a brother lol oooooowwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhh :evil:
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #218944

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:) still no luck with screen shots but ill get it sorry for takin up the space yall lol love our pack ooooooww

wwwwhhhhhhh united we prawl divided we maul lol jk
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #218956

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lol ill give it a rest for now my brothers n sisters ty all for the help on postin an banners ...im wolf banner crazy now lol gn my pack ooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #218963

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still no screen shots aaaaaagaggghhhh lol
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219063

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Ha ha ..keep trying Kev it'll happen.. Ok a couple quick things.. First off I want to bump macs post on the marathon four hour fight he had with vipe, and howl'n wolf.. I've read some of M.O.M.s threads and macs a stone red killer.. Neat that he stopped by and even neater that our brothers turned in a combined approx 90 kills.. Don't remember the exact count, but do remember they were both close to a star each, and only one point difference in both kills and falls.. That's some dedicated shoot'n..

Ok, per advise given I stopped at the WC this morning, I've only been on it twice before and it seemed to be full of teenagers.. Today was a good experience, and Yep if nobody's on ours a good way to reach out to others.. Saying this last with the hope that I don't sound like a geezer (I am) tight a## .. I think we should always remember we represent the Sqd when we're on there.. For what it's worth I reminded myself of the fact before I got into conversations.. Excellence starts with small stuff and the big stuff falls inline.. I'm pretty sure that applies to flying as well.. Case in point, I wanted to be able to land on carriers to win capture games.. Repeated practice, and advice from our top flyers got me there.. I couldn't win a head on fight for anything, it seemed like I had a paper cowling, so lately I've learned to avoid them which is pretty easy, that way I can come up on their six.:-) ihesitate to offer advise as I have more to learn than knowledge to give, so know it's offered as a newby that hasn't had his first thousand kill yet (close, maybe today) and most reading this have anywhere from ten to mega thousand kills, but I know other new players will benefit from it.. If you keep playing with the "win" mindset all else will follow..

Prayers for Mindy, and both Jim and his wife.. One other piece of advice from your Sqd chaplain.. If you meet someone with the Ebola virus.. don't ask them in and offer the use of your bathroom .. That's a bit of military mind humor.. Fact is if ebola takes hold in other third world countries besides west Africa we could be looking at a REAL bad scenario, So prayers for all dealing with it, and It only takes a min to remember how lucky we are, and to offer a prayer of thanks for our blessings and of hope for others..
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219072

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:) still trin
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219097

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Just on after apologizing several times for a PG 13 joke , no swearing ,,, And no talking to after I apologized several times ,,,, all the sudden ,, surprise I'm kicked ,,, thanks for the LIE!!!!!!! Like family my ass , there are others whom call me the N WORD here and there ain't shift happening to them ,,, all I said was!!!! Yah I asked my wife one day if we could call over a oriental callgir so we could order in and eat out ,, lol , ,,,, then 20 min of sorry sorry ,,, then I'm kicked ,,,, fer real I don't need no FAKE FUCKS so don't come a skin Mr to join when you realize YOU FUCKED UP !! EAT ME !!!

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219098

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don't know whats going on but I think we should remove to above statement plz

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219099

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I just a request to a moderator
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219103

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I agree with Bwolf--statement needs to be removed and I hope we can get a moderator soon.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219105

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agreed my brothers don't like poison on our positive thread home


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219108

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Love the banners -- especially the red one

great job B Wolf
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219109

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DRACOS.. Read the other comments about a mod.. When your ban is over think twice about coming on this thread and acting out.. It doesn't matter to you, but it does to us..

Troops forgive your old chaplain for getting angry.. I'll be the first to admit I'm still working on that turn the other cheek thing.. We have a clear cut chain of command, that I'm not one of, but the Skipper and senior staff can't be everywhere .. I brag about you guys and want my wife to read your posts.. When it's clear cut stuff like this protecting the den is all of our responsibilities..
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219115

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Squeak wrote: Agree

I just a request to a moderator

Post should say I just made a request to a moderator

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219117

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Unfortunate events. Appropriate actions were taken. Kudos to the leadership!

Fear not the darkness, for when it is just dark enough, then , and only then, will you begin to see the light of the stars.
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219131

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padre my dear brother I agree with ya 10 mill percent was just taking a breath before I posted lol an what u just said my friend u know exactly why brother I feel same as u ..and if the wifeys readin this hello misses pistol padre from all of us here in the den ;) ....as I have thanked all of my brothers n sisters in the past for the help when feelin like I havny made the best choices 4 the pack when that's all I ever want to do 4 my wolf fam......let me clear the air with a quote from our dear skipper digger when he said and I loved this this is just as much everyones pack squad and fam as the next wolf ....I know not an exact quote but is close lol B) ...but that made me grin ear to ear when he wrote that cause we was havin doudt about things ..if u noticed when that happens to one of us a band of wolf angles swoop down to pick a downed brother right up quick like and pull them right back up out of the dark back into the light ...lol im quoteing myself now ..crazy musician ....but padre u let out what ever u need brother we all feel the same and were all in this thick or thin good or bad together always know that my dear brother ......ur pal kevinwayne ooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwhhhhhh ow ow ooowwwwwwwhhhhhh

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219132

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oh and thanks to our banner making brother and sister skywolf an spitswolf for there great hard an lovly work on the banners ty so very much our pages are fill of wolf color and pride yall ty.... and sky hope u don't mind my brother I been using the red banner to hope u don't mind sir I just love it ty all !!!!!
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219133

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oh and thanks to our banner making brother and sister skywolf an spitswolf for there great hard an lovly work on the banners ty so very much our pages are fill of wolf color and pride yall ty.... and sky hope u don't mind my brother I been using the red banner to hope u don't mind sir I just love it ty all !!!!!

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219138

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Great game tonight with my honorable and noble Wolf Pack Family! OOOOoooOOOO
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219140

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Dracos13 wrote: Yah I asked my wife one day if we could call over a oriental callgir so we could order in and eat out

Forget the language for a second, a joke that lame should be a bannable offense in itself... Er, what was I here for?

Oh yeah.

Just wanted to throw out there, I've had a couple more games with Wolf Pack fellas, and it's been a blast. Last night I said I was impressed: today I'm saying this squad should have a forum section and mods. Jeez, Zup, get on that already...

Thanks for the great response my post last night got. I've sent the memo on to my fellow M.O.Ms: Wolf Pack is a real squad! (Every now and then we get confused, see...) I'll proudly fly with any of you as my wingman, any day. And I'll be the wingman too, if I have to. As long as I get cake.

Honestly. That joke is lamer than a one-legged blonde.
You're getting predictable, guys. You can do better, right?
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #219146

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Macs just being nice cause I called him,a stone red kill''n machine.. A funny stone red kill'n machine too "jokes so lame it deserves banning" "lame as a one legged blond".. Told you guys I read some of the M.O.M. Threads, and it's a scary group.. Think you have to have 50 K kills before they let you post, and some sort of Masonic lodge initiation that has to do with naked goats and midgets.. Or maybe it was naked midgets and goats.. Being a geezer I thought about joining them, but figured they didn't have a slot for chaplain..

The above is only half true .. The part about Mac being a nice guy is dead solid true.. And a funny read if you have the time..

Dire, Viper, Squeak and myself all flew together tonight .. Course I was tail end Charley, but we had a really fun time.. To the point that my wife asked what I was laughing about.. How often does that happen huh.. I had to leave early to put mama to bed and the cat out.. Hoping I got that right .. and I just remembered we don't have a cat.. Yep a lame geezer joke... Pretty sure it's Macs fault..

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron FB Group Page 9 years 9 months ago #219147

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The Howler: Social Media for The Wolf Pack Squadron has launched!
I have created a Facebook Group page for our Squadron members. If anyone is interested in joining up, please send me your email addy so I can invite you to the page. It will be a private page where only members can view our posts. There are three privacy levels available, so we can change it to public or semi-private anytime.
We'd love to have you join us! Your membership is completely voluntary. Come check it out. If you don't like it, We'll let you out, lol.
Let me know, please.
Sky Wolf/James

P.S. KWH75 BlackWolf has already joined
What are YOU waiting for?

Fear not the darkness, for when it is just dark enough, then , and only then, will you begin to see the light of the stars.
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron FB Group Page 9 years 9 months ago #219151

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MAC :cheer: my brother ty very much 4 ur support it means a lot to all of us here at the pack to b comrades with the great moms clan ive flown with ya and padre is right u have some great one liners bro lol good man great pilot and plz know ur more than welcome to stop bye any time and post brother just call first and well have ya some cake lol will cookie cake be ok ...lol but 4 real bro ty .....and padre and I had a late night dogfight after party lol just him and I that if we havnt stoped I think it woulda been the never ending df lol somebody after a week woulda had to send a search party out 4 us or just plan kicked us out like to bar flys at the end of the night lol....u ant gotta go home but u cant stay here lol u don't know how many times I heard that back in my hardcore music days uuuggghh ...but we had a ball so much that we was whoopin an a holler like to wild banshees lol but wouldn't change or trade any of my brothers or sisters for nothing in this world lol .....now we come to sky wow a newer brother wolf but let me tell ya hes all pack all the time and is a great asset to or wolf clan and a dear friend the facebook page is so great yall ive already blown it up with screen shots pics and other cool stuff would love to matche more faces to the names of my brothers n sisters ....so in closeing I love our pack and ty all 4 the close bond we share '''its a true blessing guys monster props to digger ..viper..dire ..squeak padre..spits..sky..bear howlin..skinny...and all the rest of my pack .....ur big an lil brother kevinwayne blackwolf aka blacky lol padre
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron FB Group Page 9 years 9 months ago #219212

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Fear not the darkness, for when it is just dark enough, then , and only then, will you begin to see the light of the stars.
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron FB Group Page 9 years 9 months ago #219214

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Sent a request to join under my wifes account... I guess I really need to get my own account huh?

United We Prowl/Together We Howl
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron FB Group Page 9 years 9 months ago #219232

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Hi folks!

Just thought I'd pop in and say hello. I have read some of your posts and I would like to say a few things! Some of you guys seem to be doubting if you are being taken seriously as a squad. I would like to put all your doubts to rest, I consider you to be a great squad with strong leadership and you have organised yourselves extremely well. If you continue in the direction you are going, I am sure you will go from strength to strength!

Gunners Inc started with just a few rules and has kept them to this day, those being, be nice, be respectful to other pilots and squads, fly regularly and enjoy the game. I have yet to fly with a Wolfpack member that breaks one of these rules. Your squad is a credit to the game, for that you have my respect.

I noticed the Padre (God bless you, sir!) is after some flying tips! Good Sir, please feel free to PM me, any help or advice you require I will be honoured to give. That goes for any other members of your squad, I am more than happy to help where I can.

Keep up the great work, you have the makings of an excellent squad here.

See you in the skies! ;)

Warning: Spoiler!
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron FB Group Page 9 years 9 months ago #219238

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KK thanks for checking in on our thread, and thanks for the encouraging words about the Wolf Pack. Your respect is quite high praise indeed.

Along those lines I have flown in missions with you regularly and have to say that you are a credit to the game and GI as well, they are lucky to have pilots like you in their ranks. I have yet to be in a game with the Gunners that wasn't pure fun regardless of whether the GI's are red or blue... (blue is the preferred color for sure!)

KK you are a welcome visitor to our thread any time, and welcome to fly beside me whenever I am lucky enough to see you in blue!

LOVE the howl! Keep that up and you may be our first honorary member!

United We Prowl/Together We Howl
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron FB Group Page 9 years 9 months ago #219239

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Credit and respect where it is due, my friend! ;)

By the way, forgot to mention you don't need Zup to move this thread to the 'Squadrons' category. Digger, when you are on next, you should see an 'Edit' button at the top of your page as you are the creator of this thread. Hit it and it should allow you to edit the category the thread appears under, so you can create a sub category in the squadrons category and call it 'Wolfpack' for instance. ;)

Warning: Spoiler!
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