Kevin, Kevin, Kevin.. Ok actually this is for Blacky the cub wolf I tumble through the sky with, wing tips cutting through pine trees, the "puff" of missed 7.62 rounds kicking up in front of us as we take turns pushing our planes to the limit (I've got the Eagles playing lol) and flying without any ourselfs..
Blacky.. PUT DOWN THE BUD LIGHT.. BRAAAAHHHAAAA, and while your putting down the beer unlock the caps on your keyboard and stop yelling at us ..
Now here this.. I love ya back brother.. Wait, a clarification on that.. We all love ya .. Means ya got a lot of dates to the prom, and your dance cards full.. BRAAAHHAAA
KWH75.. hmmm, a cold lifeless group of three letters (initials?) and that 75 thing (birth year?), just letters and numbers, but when I open up Forum - Squadron - Wolf Pack, and see that KWH75.. I start giggling like an 8 year old with a red rider BB gun, I know what I'm going to read next is going to make me (honestly) laugh out loud from the humor, smile at the wisdom, and glow inside from the warmth..
Kev.. You make the fourm.. I see the pack as this extra large Pizza cut up in thirty or so slices. I guess that analogy would work in a number of ways, but the most obvious is we all have a place, and worth.. One of the main (if not THE) reasons this place is fun is because of your wonderful, posts.. Are they out there a bit sometimes.. ha ha .. Do I have years missing from the seventies, remember the lyrics "sitting down town at the railway station, one step over the line" you rock brother.. I'm so proud to be your friend.. Don't ever change ...ok.. you could check that the caps were off.. Next cold one is on me, but ya gota stop drinking the expensive stuff.. Milwaukeee's best light is fine and half the cost of Bud.. But I digress .. Forgive the pizza analogy it's pretty lame.. But I'm a geezer so I get to be lame .. Go shine your danc'n shoes boy, put a new fret in the axe, and get ready.. You're gonna rock tonight !!
On a more serious note.. This is Sunday, in Christianity our traditional day of rest and reflection, let's all reflect on the goodness and light thats from the Lord.. This is indeed the day the Lord made, as are all of them, and all of us.. May the Lords blessings touch us all..
As alway, and from our collective hearts, prayers for Mindy, and both James and his wife.. If any of you are going through a rough time please send me a pm.. All in confidence, and sometimes just putting it on paper can help..