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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220144

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Hi all,

Just checking in. Had some good flying time with Squeak and Bwolf! Padre, hope to fly with ya soon. Glad things are going well SkyWolf. I'm with Squeak, on the privacy side--but might see if I can make it work. :)

See ya in the skies!

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220158

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Dear Lord, in your name, and with only you to guide.. We pray

We ask that you might watch over James and his wife, and Mikes wife Mindy.. We pray that these three people, along with others who are sick might be raised up and touched by your healing white light that comes in prayer.. We put our trust in you Lord, knowing the prayers of your people that are answered every day.. We ask that you might hear ours at this time.. Being totally submissive to your rule, and in complete accordance with your wishes.. Please take every illness and unhealthy cell from them, and wash them clean with the miracle of answered prayer.. Please forgive our sins Father, as we acknowledge them and ask for complete forgiveness, that we can come to you on bended knee and ask for your help, and healing power.. We know the miracles that have and do happen, and ask that you hold all who are sick in the palm of your hand, and take any sickness from them.. P,ease wash them clean Father, washed clean by faith, that every cell might be healthy, and everyone we pray for might be healed.. In your holy name ..Amen

Our prayers extend to those affected by the plagues, and viruses that are affecting all in west Africa, and the children here in our Nation.. Please take away any fear or pain, and heal those who are sick.. Again in your holy name .. Amen
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220405

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Actually it is funny , but not a banable offence , no swearing , and who the fuck you ??
And why are you talking about me ??!!! It was a joke !!!! I wasn't dissing on many one ,
If u have something to say about me then say it in a reply you pussy ! I tripped across this shit talkin ,,, this is BULLSHITT !!!
And your a chicken for not saying this to ME!!!!! So are the person who booted me after I was adult about the incident,, without even saying 1! WORD to me !!!! FUCKEN CHICKEN SHITTS !!!!!!!

I said 1 thing , and apologized immediately , and people were treating me like I was saying FUCK YOU !!! When I spent 30 min apologizing respectfully ,,, and then boot without a WORD!!!!

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220412

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You are a complete Fool. I can kick you from my squad for any reason I want at any time I want and I have obviously made the right decision. As far as talking shit, it is you that has had nothing good to say about us since you were dismissed. If you don't like being talked about then stop being an idiot. I am leaving this posted on my thread for ALL TO SEE AND READ. Anyone who has just a bit of common sense will realize what an immature low life fool you are. If you were any kind of man you would just move forward and stop the immature bullshit. It's a game, dude. Grow up! I think it's funny on how foolish you have made yourself look. :P

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220430

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Anyone who can't see that we have something special here in our Squadron is a candidate for the short buss. I've spent some time thinking about this, because it's just so unusual for a group of people, the majority of whom are alpha males, to have this cohesion.. Why? The answer is leadership..

It was an excelent command decision to leave this post up.. Everybody respects, and in their hearts WANTS a leader.. We have one.. Please don't anyone confuse this with brown nosing.. In my life time I've had to face any number of personal issues that required "correction" .. Being a brown nose was never a fault.. We have an honest to goodness leader.. It's not that hard to gain the respect of us newer pilots, but when you look at the respect he gets from the top shelf pilots .. Dire, Viper, Squeak, and others who could ALL run first class Squadrons it's pretty clear our Skipper is as good as they come, and the reason we all "click".

Oh yeah the issue.. Big deal, as stated its just a game.. Dracos, you will with out question check to see if your histrionic "emoting" gets everybody all limp wrested with fear and new found respect.. Uhhh..not so much. BUT you can really profit by this, there's not a person alive who hasn't embarrassed themselves a lot worse. ""if" you're embarrassed then you're going to turn out fine.. If you're still full of pizz and anger then you still have some growing up to do.. and by the way I had never heard of you till your first post, don't know what you did.. Don't care.. Man up.. It's JUST a game.
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220448

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Dear Draco,pls abandon this thread,as I'm sure you are no longer welcomed here. Further cussing will just increase your chances of being banned, so I recommend shutting up as soon as you can because you are showing what an idiot you are by your previous actions. A moraf can kick anyone out as he/she pleases as it is his/her squad,not the punk's who got kicked. Good bye loser

with the upleast respect for you
-Angelic Silencer
Silencing.....Silencing.....Silencing.....now only if i could mute people.....

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220532

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Greetings Wolf Pack!

Padre, sir...what you said "We have an honest to goodness leader.. " Yep!

How are my brothers and sisters? Had some great flying time this evening with a few pack members and wishing all a happy week. :)

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220556

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That was fun, Dire. I lost conn with both world chat and squad chat... I guess the game decided it was time for bed.

Padre, we certainly do have a leader, an excellent leader. I feel lucky to belong to this squad every time I log on and see a server flooded with WP pilots flying and howling...... great times! I cannot imagine being anyplace else....

Thank you Digger, and thank you Wolf Pack!

United We Prowl/Together We Howl
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220558

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hi to all my friends in wolfpack! i am glad to see you aren't gonna let one fool get in the way of success. you guys have a fine organization here. very impressive.

always a pleasure to fly with the WP's


so what the heck? rock the discotheque!
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220587

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Wolfpack you made a great call by kicking that fool just read his last post!!! You guys are a good squad so every now and then you gotta take out the TRASH!!!! Good job!!
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220715

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Thanks gunnerz.. But not a lot cause you wax me to often.. ha ha.. It's always a pleasure to fly with you, or any of your crew, you're all great pilots and just as important SERIOUS players.. One of those hate to see you in red, ya wear blue real well things..

Sky and I had a number of games together today.. This part is hard, because if your chaplains not humble who is.. So I'll prefaces it by saying I fell more than I killed.. But holy hanna was i killing them today.. A couple hi scores, and WAY hi deaths lol, but in all honesty we presented the colors pretty well today, and managed to each stick the winning landing that won our two carrier games.. Neat stuff and obviously I'm still a bit stoked..

I've got a vision of skipper, squeak, dire, viper ad nausea sorta giving me an indulgent smile... Yes gentleman of the mega thousand kill, star wearing, never crash, kill in two bursts, always have a clean window crowd I know you all could drop me before I could say "huh" (I say that a lot) but for context remember when you were at the 1K kill mark and it sorta all came together.. That's how we flew today!

Life is good, the Lords in his Heaven, we're all among friends, and Milwaukee best light (nothing but the best huh lol) is still as cheap as diet coke.. One of the best days of my life was when a group of WP came into my it!

Prayers for Mindy and both Jim and his wife ..
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220716

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Digger, Last night a few of us, KWH, Dire, Squeak, myself, and most importantly, Red Werewolf were in a game together. Red Werewolf amassed at least 103 kills prior to the end of the game. I was shooting at the end and didn't manage to capture a screenshot, however this can easily be corroborated by the other three players. I recommend him for 3 gold stars and designation as "sharpshooter".

I don't think he has a forum account or a banner but we certainly should give credit where credit is due. That guy can flat-out fly.

United We Prowl/Together We Howl
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220730

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Dracos, just a quick word to help you understand why you were kicked from this squad. When you fly under the banner of a squad, every word you say and action you take reflects upon that squad. In order to maintain the respect and good name that squad has worked to get, the MORAF of that squad sometimes has to make hard decisions.
If you got kicked, it was for a good reason, that being because you brought disrespect upon your squad. Your reaction as far as I have seen does nothing more than further justify the decision to kick you.

A lesson to be learned from this is as follows:

1. Squads have rules for a reason
2. Your brothers will stand by you as long as you are righteous
3. Don't bring your ego, it doesn't help
4. Don't take a dump on your own doorstep

I hope this helps you in the future. This may be just a game but as in real life, respect for others will earn you respect in return.

To my friends in the Wolfpack, I hope to see you all in the skies soon!

Warning: Spoiler!
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220736

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This is a photo of the pack

that was in the game with me. There was about four other pack members.
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220739

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Red Werewolf,

Hi my brother! Glad to see you here. OW OW OW OOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW!

I don't see the photo though bro?

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220740

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RED_WEREWOLF {WP} wrote: This is a photo of the pack that was in the game with me. There was about four other pack members.

Hey, Red! In order to post a pic on the forum you need a photobucket or tinypic or similar picture hosting account. Upload the photo to your account, then you can use the 'forum or messageboard' link to post it on here. You can't do it from your own device, it has to be uploaded to the web first. I am sure your bro's will help you out if you need it! ;)
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220750

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digger, i got the screen shot. I'll upload it when I get home tonight.

Red WAS ON FIRE in that game.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220776

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Hi Pack,

We have a Egret and Noah5663 who have submitted requests to join our ranks. Please keep an eye out for them as I am looking for some feedback on them. Also, let them know if they want to join,they also need to post a small introduction on this thread. Thanks

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220782

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Roger that, Skipper
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220783

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Red's kills attached (hopefully)

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220784

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Trying again

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220786

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Red Werewolf, I got your email and emailed the final tally (115 kills) to Digger for him to post and present the award. Great job!!!

You guys should see it as soon as the Skipper gets some free time.....

And Red Werewolf, good to see you on the forum!

United We Prowl/Together We Howl
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220789

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Red Werewolf, Congrats on the 115 kills! OOOOOooooOOOOO

Cheers, Dire
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220798

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Red Werewolf .. Teach me to brag about having a good day.. WOW is there a lesson in that! My red face is smiling, and proud you're a pack member.. You've set a new standard, and one that's head shaking great.. You have our, and my absolute respect..

Great job falls short .. Our first three star, congratulations.... Sir!
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220808

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Hats off to you Red, you were in the zone in that game. I came into the game at 80-90 kills so I missed alot, but a very solid game. If Viper didn't drop and keep us in circles towards the end we woulda held out till probably 150 kills :P All joking aside it was a very good game from all of you. You flew as a pack and used tactics and skill to win the game. Hope to see you in the air again, preferably blue next time ;)
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220822

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digger ...hey brother noah was in a game with me an asked to join I tald him we need to get to know him a lil better but he asked to join and I asked him to look at or thread an follow it sir ......red great job and congratz my brother glad to share the skys with u brother ........and kk an dis thank u guys so much 4 stopin n with the warm an kind words my brothers plz holler at us any time bros ur always welcome here ......padre an sky congratz on the promo guys well done I proud of u both an our pack we have made a lot of great friends here ..and I 4 one am thankfull for u all my brothers ty ur bro kevin........... ooooooooooowwwwwwwwhhhhh ow ow ow ooooooooowwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhh

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220929

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #220945

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103 kills? nice job Red....its hard enough getting that many kills with 34 deaths, much less being dedicated to sticking around in a game for so long.....

GOOD no.....Great Job!!!!!
Silencing.....Silencing.....Silencing.....now only if i could mute people.....

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221098

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To All Who Shall See These Presents, Greeting:
This Is To Certify That
Wolf Pack Squadron MORAF & Triple Gold Star Recipient
Has Awarded
For His 115 Kills In A Single Game.
October 12, 2014


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 9 months ago #221104

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ooooowwwwwwhhhhhhhhhh .. digger thank u sir for allowing me in the ranks my brother I am full of pride and honor to join my brothers ......and grinning ear to ear lol thank u all 4 the help and support ive been shown .......lov our pack guys OOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHH OW OW OOOOOWWWWWWWWWHHHHHH ..

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