Manfred wrote: Dent, do you have a pic of your mechanism to press the GoPro shutter button? Cuz that button's a BEAR to push! A little harder to make reliable than a regular camera's button, I think.
Beauty of the GoPro is You can set it to take pictures every so often, 1 every second on up I set it to 1 every 5. That way I'm almost guaranteed to get the pic I want. I'm sure I'll be making a Button pusher

for this camera soon as you can also take pictures while filming a movie.
What I do with my other Camera's is mount a servo, How ever I can, Reengineer a servo arm or just glue a rubber tip on. One of my Homemade servo mounts encloses the whole camera. I'll post some Pic's of a couple of my mount setup's later.... One of them can be used to carry and drop toilet paper rolls and other small items..... That one's more of a saddle mounted to the bottom of the plane..
For any of you interested in RC and Photography, Check out the QuadCopter craze. Quadcopter's are very easy to fly and very stable. Some of the video's are just amazing.
Technology has really opened up this hobby in leaps and bound's in just the past 10 years.