CalvinIsAwesome wrote: Hi Slenderman. My brother (BetterThanYou) is interested in joining the squad. He's a II Wing Commander, but some of the xp is from me playing on his account. I think you played in a game with both of us once. Anyway, thanks for considering him!
Yeah! Message me once he's in man!
Terminator_X wrote: I watched all 53 videos of marble hornets on youtube. Its about a colloge st
Udent that seen something (the slender man) amd he got crazier and madder through each video. Check it out on youtube. The first part is the introduction. Marble hornets introduction at YouTube.
YES! I LOVE Marble Hornets! I'm actually very good friends with the creator, Troy Wagner! I thought they were fantastic about halfway through -- then they just got cheesy. But yeah! Funny you should mention that, hahahah. Many people call me "Slenderman" as my nickname in real life as people all agree I dress classy, I'm extremely tall (I'm 6'4), I'm in very good shape and slender and for some reason -- people say I tend to "warp" everywhere. Like, I just always "appear". I don't know. But the nickname stuck, hahahah.