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Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5055

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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE either increase size of hit box for this retarded plane, our get rid of it. I dont have too much trouble shooting planes down, but this stupid plane I can do circles around while shooting it, but somehow dont hit it with a single bullet WTF!!

If thats the way to exterminate, it'll take too freaken looonng

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5056

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And if the solution for this is "everyone should get one," this game will not be much fun. The combination of the tiny hit box and turning on a dime just isn't realistic and also puts other planes at a huge disadvantage. The big gap in capability will result in a lot people quitting games when these planes come out.

And please give us our higher sensitivity back! It's the only way to halfway keep up with that plane!


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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5057

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Keep it. Ignore complaining scrag. It doesnt perform well in dogfight so its fair. Also when turning its more vulnerable. The real plane had same advantage. 420 Just requested you to make game more unrealistic to compensate for her shortcomings.

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5058

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I disagree. This game has low enough frames per second that the fast turns make that plane appear and disappear instead of scrolling off, and that makes hitting it so much harder. Then the small hit box makes it altogether random. When games get to this point, kills no longer correlates well to skill, and the fun factor goes away.

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5060

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All true but only for.the.latest update. Before that the fokker rocks. Ingleman scared the english.in this.plane. It should.stay scary. You cant make a slim plane as fat as 420 just so she can hit it.the game should be what u see what u get. You.shouldnt be flying with an invisible elephant on your head that is vulnerable to attack. If u are going to make stupid.changes to the game like that we should have visual representations of oF oversized fat animals sitting on the planes. I want to play dogfight. I think u clowns want to play mario kart hehehe. Maybe the game has to honor the.dimensions of its objects for the kill box.

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5066

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So Juaquin Grech, is this the type of language you allow on your forum now?! Its soo great for the children that visit here to read. Hopefully all their parents see this and no longer pay for their subscriptions. He also speaks even worse than this in game. He should be banned from forum and the game.

If thats the way to exterminate, it'll take too freaken looonng

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5070

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What is bad? Fat or the my request to make game realistic. You dont make a f16 easy to hit as a FAT 747 so loosers and special people can hit a target in a dogfight game. If u want the planes to be fatter i think u may have fat hands and are having finger trouble. Lets make an accessible version of the game for the special people. Also fix the controls to work with samsung sensors.

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Last edit: by hojuruku.

Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5071

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420 Should never be given operator access. She calls ppl racist whilst making sick racist jokes about koreans eating dogs. Biggest hypocrite i ever seen. She blamed me for the no name bug that affects asian nicks. She said ban all asians from game. Jonathan thanks for not being a racist slag like her. Ive seen you have put your app description in korean and fixed app visiability. Good job. Just stop some characters being used during registration so those people can be spared the wrath of the racist slag as i wasnt.

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5074

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You have some major mental problems! You are just some loser. How in the world would the no name thing be done by you?! What an idiot. I stick up for myself in game when YOU start talking crap to me. Anyone that knows me in game will back me up. So just leave me alone you pompous freak

If thats the way to exterminate, it'll take too freaken looonng

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5076

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Jonathan check server logs for today. I join she always says RACIST because i called her it once for saying ban all asians due to no name bug. See her racist jokes today in the chat logs. I joked and said im an aussie expat in korea u racist slag. I eat kangaroo not dogs. I even had a roosossoto. She said only faggots eat risotto. I thought the italians were good lovers. Maybe she needs an italian stallion or to grow up in a multicultural country to resolve her racism issues and the lack of reason. Irrational people jump to conclusions that are incorrect.

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5077

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Sorry she was thinking she could offend me by saying koreans eat dogs when im not korean. My wife is though and the place next door sells it. So shes a racist try hard. Trying hard to propergate conflict she instigates then squeel for bans. You give a brat like this ops and its going to spill over into google index market the lot. Just give her a private chat or a months mute and all will be well in dogfight land. I would be shocked to find out she is an adult user. If so there must be extra flouride in her water district and the what we are seeing is symptomatic of that.

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5078

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Wow dude u got problems. Maybe that roosotto gave you some sort of brain parasite?!

If thats the way to exterminate, it'll take too freaken looonng

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5079

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Wtf, and it's a game people.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5080

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My my Hoj, your posts are very defensive and antagonistic. I wonder what nurture or nature has caused this? Merely a scientific curiosity : )

From my Dogfight experience with battling the Fokker, its hit box seems small compared to fuselage size. Maybe biplanes have hit boxes extending to top and bottom wings, in which case they are too big, since primary downing hits should be engine and pilot. Unless hitting a spar, bullets would shred canvas and ribs but generally not cause a catastrophic kill of the airplane. If one accepts that logic, then biplanes and monoplanes would not have significantly differing hit boxes. Even if one does not accept that logic, and wings are considered hittable, then monoplanes should die on first hits or have lower armament, since blasting a wing panel on a mono is more catastrophic than on a bipe.

Biplanes are designed to fly with higher wing loading when wing panels and struts fail. Not easy to model, since a shredded panel would cause all kinds of effects, but the point is that there is some redundancy over monoplanes.

In any event, the point here is that I ask Zup to review the relative hit box sizes because we think the Fokker has an over-advantaged model in the game, from a fun/fair perspective AND also from a realism perspective. Yes, the plane wreaked historical havoc... but _this_ much?

Would love to hear from others on this too, both Fokker fliers and non-Fokkers. Please minimize the personal attacks.


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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5083

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There she goes. . .
There she goee AGAIN. . .
Do not feed the forum troll.

Has an opinion on everything. Knows a lot of nothing.


I say delusions of grandeur. No businessman will make a moderately good product then allow a nutjob friend to harrass people. Then revoke access to what your customers pay for.

Imagine joining a game every time to see RACIST blurted across the screen in front of a bunch of strangers before u did or said anything. Most normal people would say something back in capitals to th
e scrag.

Oh but we cant call an abusive scrag a scrag because shes got special friends.

And you really should live a little 420 outside your fantasy world where u are the godess of the dogfight game and everyone loves you. If you did you would know how tasty kangaroo meat is.

If i join a game and i the word RACIST pasted on my screen for calling her racist for saying all no named users(asians and russians) will soon be banned i reserve the right to say RACIST WHORE back and leave it at that.

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5084

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ok guys stop calling each other names. 420 what happend to the rookie when I joined?
You were nice and had fun? Now stop this.
lets eat grandma. lets eat, grandma. commas save lives

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5086

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She said i would forfiet the use of the game and be banned because i signed up using asian characters not knoing about the unicode font bug. I called her racist. I know she is full.of it having the power to ban people. Not developer would ban game players based on race. Ive seen jonathan take some tips of mine to properly publish game in korean market. He even translated his other apps descriptions too. So 420 has demonstrated all those in game threats and abuse the scrag hurls is just intimidation from an ugly persion. Im flattered she called me racist for a month. I must have really struck a nerve by showing that banning no names is really banning asians who didnt know better. Rather than conceeding defeat she makes a big deal out of it. As a result if got a crazy white trash racist slag constantly hurling abuse in game. Not letting bygones be bygones and trying to escalate a conflict so she can do her trademark smutty "HA" after i react to her verbal abuse. Of course if i react she runs to teacher and say BAN HIM HE DOESNT LIKE ME [BEING A RACIST W♥♥♥♥]

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5089

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I believe it is time for Zupe to step in. There are kids playing this game and the language is totally unacceptable now.. Please call a halt to it.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5090

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I would gladly take one for the team. Id be muted aslong as 420 is. The one who automatically hurls abuse on join. I did contrled experiment. I didnt use game for whole week. I come back and she still cant stop her in game harrasment. I think de opping her wasnt enough. Muzzle that #@*#. Ill want to disengadge but she cant let go of her vendetta. Sorry 420 for exposing your racist comments including todays. Lets not kiss. Not make up and shut up. Ill play you after the next update when sensors interface is fixed. I wont talk back if she goes off the rails again except to return to sender RACIST in caps.

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5091

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*420* wrote: So Juaquin Grech, is this the type of language you allow on your forum now?! Its soo great for the children that visit here to read. Hopefully all their parents see this and no longer pay for their subscriptions. He also speaks even worse than this in game. He should be banned from forum and the game.

I'm sorry *420*, but I think you are at fault here I've heard both sides of the story and really, you're what, 25? Granted I sometimes use some foul language in the game, I think these alleged rascist comments are unacceptable.

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5092

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*420* wrote: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE either increase size of hit box for this retarded plane, our get rid of it. I dont have too much trouble shooting planes down, but this stupid plane I can do circles around while shooting it, but somehow dont hit it with a single bullet WTF!!

I also noticede in your post I previously quoted, you complained to Joaquin about "foul language" on his forum. I couldn't help but notice your profound use of swear/insulting words. Look at the above quote, first line, twelfth word.
Again, look at the last line, last word. I'm sure many people know what that stands for. I won't be surprised if you reply to this with more nasty words. I also doubt you ever took the time to realize that using the word "retarded" could be extremely insulting to someone who knows or is close to a person who is mentally or physically challenged. Do not say sorry to me, because I am not one of those people, and this argument does not concern me, so apologize Hojuruku.

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5095

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How does kangaroo taste like?
Who ever dislikes you gets payback by something else.
My planes bullet proof.;)
the talking banana light
im always beyond the clouds or way over my head

Once upon a time knights of the sky's were hey! But on a beautiful day we dueled and fell now red poppies cover our graves in Flanders...

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5096

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WOW! Put this garbage back in the closet were it belongs. :( :blush: :S

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5097

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Stop fighting.weve all been racsist at a point.(color,race, group,politics,war)
Who ever dislikes you gets payback by something else.
My planes bullet proof.;)
the talking banana light
im always beyond the clouds or way over my head

Once upon a time knights of the sky's were hey! But on a beautiful day we dueled and fell now red poppies cover our graves in Flanders...

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5099

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Hey!and wasn't this a post about the focker eindecker 3
Who ever dislikes you gets payback by something else.
My planes bullet proof.;)
the talking banana light
im always beyond the clouds or way over my head

Once upon a time knights of the sky's were hey! But on a beautiful day we dueled and fell now red poppies cover our graves in Flanders...

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5101

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Yes and what a fine plane she is! It's a good equalizer for us slightly challenged pilots against the top dogs.But only in the head on action. Once the dogfight starts the cream usually rises to the top and lesser pilots go down in flames.

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5128

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i think the e3 should have a bit bigger hit spot becuse i can put the dot on the plane and shoot and nuthing happens its a big disadvantige to the alied pilots. And somthing to do with the game not the e3 it would be nice if the game ran a bit beter so when you git a plane in your sights boom it didipers and you have to git it back in your sights it drives me crazy i git lined up with a plane and bang there gone.

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5143

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I thought there was hope for the crazy 420 vendetta to end.

Yesterday she came to me and said truce, and i said no problems and that was it.

Just to be safe I advoided a couple of games with her today.

Then about half a hour ago the strangest thing happened.

I'm just flying along and i get shot in the back by alex%#$@ on the same team.
I just said "team killing [expletive deleted]" and was done with it.

420 see's her cue and pipes up who just joined the server less than 30 seconds ago starts telling I started it.
I mean if you are not on the server, and you couldn't see anything, then to accuse me of starting it is bullshit.
The funny part is she just demonstrated to everyone who is on she is a liar.

I thought she put this crazy name calling vendetta to rest. Here she goes again.....

I'm racist now (what I called her originally), and a fag. She's got no moral high ground with
the abuse and crap she hurles out daily. I believe in discipline. I'm no saint either, but to let her have her way of getting
whoever she wants banned for her own petty reasons doesn't send a good message to the gaming community, that this
little tramp runs the show. I think Jonathan if cares about the quality of the gaming experience for all after reviewing the
game server logs should mute her, and me too because I reacted to her provercation. For one month 420 can be muted,
and at the end of this the problem is solved, her ego trip and I'm the friendsd with Jonathen Gretch so I ban you stint will be over.

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5144

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Anyone think smaller planes should be small and bigger planes should be big? Hitting the wings of a monoplane is twice as hard as a biplane. Deal with it. Scroll up. I dont planes that appear small should be lugging an invisible elephant sitting on your head to marke taget practice easier for the dummies. If you fear being fokkered do evasive manoveuring and dont fly in head on. I know this forum is ment to be flight school. Learn how to counter the enemies advantage or improve your aim. My dad always said a bad craftsman always blames his tools. Ithe plane should keep its realistic advantage of being thin. Enough said.

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Re: Fokker E.lll 12 years 7 months ago #5149

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You keep mentioning realism and I have nothing against the Eindecker but the fact of the matter is that it was an airplane that appeared early in the war and is actually quite primative and slow compared to airplanes that appeared on the front later in the war. It was slow (88 mph max speed) and was a wing warper that didn't even have ailerons which is hallmark of modern aircraft. A wing that warps by its nature is structrually weak and can't sustain high g maneuvers. It also was underpowered and had a low ceiling and a poor rate of climb. The French Spad which has been relegated to an also ran in this game flew almost 140 mph, had heavy armament and a very high ceiling. It would've made mincemeat out the Eindecker which would've been a death trap going against airplanes like the Se5a, Sopwith Camel or Spad. If you want the game to be realistic the Eindecker should be a complete pushover.

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