*420* wrote: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE either increase size of hit box for this retarded plane, our get rid of it. I dont have too much trouble shooting planes down, but this stupid plane I can do circles around while shooting it, but somehow dont hit it with a single bullet WTF!!
I also noticede in your post I previously quoted, you complained to Joaquin about "foul language" on his forum. I couldn't help but notice your profound use of swear/insulting words. Look at the above quote, first line, twelfth word.
Again, look at the last line, last word. I'm sure many people know what that stands for. I won't be surprised if you reply to this with more nasty words. I also doubt you ever took the time to realize that using the word "retarded" could be
extremely insulting to someone who knows or is close to a person who is mentally or physically challenged. Do not say sorry to me, because I am not one of those people, and this argument does not concern me, so apologize Hojuruku.