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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #205886

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Interesting, ive found it so far to be slightly LESS manourvable than the old D8, but i dont fly it. Thats just the opinion of a diehard tripehound pilot. It sure is a bigger target though!

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #206349

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Hey Digger, pilot named coronelsantos is interested in joining the squad. played in a game against him with dire tonight and he waxed me pretty good. seems like a decent chap. i suggested that he contact the squad in the forum and told him i would give you a heads up.


p.s. thanks for the banner

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #206353

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I second that recommendation! He's very nice and a good pilot.

Nice to hear folks like playing with us. Good news Squeak.


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #206501

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Thanks for the good word and heads up on this pilot. I will keep an eye out for him.I have not heard anything from him as of yet.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #206509

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Heads up! Keep an eye out for a pilot by the name of coreytnr. He is a dirty player in my opinion. I joined a game that he was on the opponent side. It was a bomb the carrier game. When I joined his plane was positioned just in front of where you spawn on the carrier with virtually no room to maneuver around him. He sat there while his team bombed the carrier and my team could barely get off the carrier and getting into the air. I am not a fan of this tactic and it was the first time I had seen anyone pull such a ridiculous maneuver. Jedimasteryoda, a high ranked MORAF seemed to encourage the tactic or at least did not have a problem with it. He was of coarse on that team. Needless to say I am no longer a fan of Jedimasteryoda, as I believe MORAFS should set an example for the rest of the players. I guess this is not the case. Anyway, I call a full blown air assault on coreytnr. Anytime any WOLPACK pilot sees him, blown him out of the sky!!! Be relentless with it! Make him cry! As you can tell I am pissed. Remember our code while you take care of this business. Happy coreytnr hunting WOLF PACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #206566

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Thanks for the above heads up Digger and thanks for the awesome Wolf Pack banner. Oooooooowwwwww!
Anybody, how the heck to i load it to my profile? Im afaid the bear is technology challenged so help please?

Banner frustrated, Bear.
Hooowwwllll Grrrrr.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #206582

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lol Digger had to walk me through the steps to load my banner as well whitetrashbear. You need to put (img) in front and behind the link to the banner I think. Check other banners, right click and look at properties, that will show you the actual text you need to have before and after your banner link. Cant wait to see it!

Digger, message received regarding coreytnr. I have heard of that tactic but have yet to face it.

United We Prowl/Together We Howl

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #206769

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Hi all,

Struggled with banner too Bear.

Digger, I've only encountered this once with a pilot named Rush Limbaugh (nope, not kidding). He killed sits on runway and will shoot fellow players. Bad sport. Will keep an eye out for pilot you mentioned.


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #206792

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Here ya go brother wolf who is a bear. Use this code for your signature, just copy and paste in the signature area of your profile here on the forum,

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #207050

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Digger, Viper and all,

I met a very good pilot tonight, KWH75 who said he was interested in joining Wolf Pack. I said I would put in a good word. He's very honest and a good pilot.

See everyone in the skies!


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #207076

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Thanks digger and all pack members who gave bear advice. Bear hugs to you all!

Hooowwwwl Grrrrrr
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #207616

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Welcome Bear! OOOwwwwwwwwwww

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #207662

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Looking sharp, Bear

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #207705

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DireWolf {WP} wrote: Digger, Viper and all,

I met a very good pilot tonight, KWH75 who said he was interested in joining Wolf Pack. I said I would put in a good word. He's very honest and a good pilot.

See everyone in the skies!


Met him last night in a game with Red Wolf and he is definitely interested. Even offered to switch to help me out as I was outnumbered 4-1. I will keep an eye out for him and Dire if you could instruct him how to join I will happily add him to the squad.

United We Prowl/Together We Howl

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #207788

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Will do!


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #208406

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #208495

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Hey Kevin, are you able to click on the squadron button and search for Wolf Pack from the menu screen in game? Should be a button at the bottom.

United We Prowl/Together We Howl

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #208870

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yes sir I fin got it right lol so happy to be part of the pack thank u guys for the wonderful welcome hope to fly with my alphas an bata members asap .....aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhh o my new brothers ur bro kevinwayne ....

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #208924

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Kevin, welcone aboard.

thanks for the support in the game tonight.


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #208926

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I second, Squeak! Welcome to the Wolf Pack, Kevin...oooOOOwwWWW!


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #208932

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thaks again guys ....lol man I had fun squeak lol we was way out numbered like 3 to 1 I think might a been more lol didn't win but we was a great team bro ...we let em know wolf pack r not fly by night pilots I loved being the underdog with ya squeak ill switch any day rather than go against a pack brother oooooooowwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhh ow ow ow oowwwhhh...

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #209437

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Hey Wolf Pack--this went on Blacklist. First time I've had to do this. KW-Blackwolf and I were in the game and lost due to this poor behavior. He is not in a squadron, otherwise I would follow WP rules and inform Digger or Viper to contact a MORAF if he had one.

"Be advised--I played a game today and pilot named chingiwingi tanked himself under water to bomb our carrier. I informed him that was cheating and please stop, as no one could shoot the tank after repeated tries.

He ignored me (and others) and bombed the carrier to 18%. I attempted to get a screen shot, but no luck. He began to fly again, but tanked himself once more under water and bombed to completion after being asked by several players to stop.

If this is a glitch, that is understandable. However, if other players are asking to comply with rules Chingiwingi should do so and play fair.

Thank you, Dire"

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #209441

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Thanks for the heads up. I will keep an eye out

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #209467

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Hey guys, I havn't been flying much so a big hello to everyone!
I thought the underwater tank was a commen occurance, I have been on the receiving end of it several times which is VERY frustrating but players usually self destruct after a while if you ask them. It seems that this guy is taking it to extremes which is a shame. I guess not everyone has our standards!

I met the invincable plane again. Yes Dire, it was blue! a D5 i think. The pilots name was Ritz but it IS a case of extreme lagg. I shot him down a couple of times but the lagg got worse and worse, the kill message would show a couple of minutes after i hit him. The clincher was when i flew behind him flat and level and i gave him the whole 380 round belt and nothing happened. he left the game and the kill message came up about 5 minutes later, crazy!

When i am flying im doing all right, ive had a few good games with pack members which is always great! sorry im not up there more guys! My kills are catching up with my deaths finally! I am less than 200 behind now and i plan on sticking with the tripehound till i reach the milestone of equal kills/deaths, then i might think about upgrading to CAMEL!

Speaking of better planes, i sent feedback to zuperman saying that we need a new allied super plane! Check out the MARTINSYDE F4 BUZZARD. The ultimate allied plane of the war. It would be AWESOME! let me know what you think, we could send a squadron request for new allied plane?

Gonna go fly. Hoooowwwwwwwlll grrrrrrrrr.
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #209469

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Hey Bear,

That crazy blue plane is still out there! lol

I'll check out the plane you mentioned and look for you in the skies.

Cheers bro!


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #209547

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Hey guys, check this out (if it works)


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #209548

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never mind it didn't work


Was trying to upload mp3 of wolf sounds

Oh well, back to the drawing board

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #209549

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2nd try

Attachment not found

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #209593

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Nice Squeak! I think we all have different howls, just like a real Wolf Pack!



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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #209695

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I love it! Good idea Squeak!

United We Prowl/Together We Howl

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