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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 5 days ago #202540

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Thanks for the info. I didn't know about the blacklist, I'll have to check it out. Seems to me the developer of this game would want to keep it honest. If everyone is bullet-proof it defeats the purpose.

I have Win 8 too, but could use a IPhone to snap pic--might work.


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 5 days ago #202622

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Hi all,

Is there some update that gives extra protection to planes? It happened again tonight with Devil's Dog DD Red Wolf. Another blue plane that I hit countless times. I asked what was up and someone said there is an update, but soon left. Another pilot named branic confirmed he/she hit the pilot a number of times after me--at this point it was laying in a field and an easy target. I can see extra protection, but this takes more bullets than a zep.

Does an update exist?

Thanks, Dire

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 4 days ago #202804

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Hey guys,

I guess some of you see the gravedigger avatar and some see me and my wolf. Not sure what that is about. As for this invincible plane thing, I am not aware of any update or anything else with regard to that. But I will look into it and get back to you. Hey Vipe, who is this pilot that wants to join?

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 4 days ago #202850

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I think he was DOGAR and whitetrashbear recruited him, maybe. He was awfully impressed with WTB's skills and tactics.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 3 days ago #202998

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Hi everyone, Dogar didnt mention joining wolfpack untill he bought it up with viper on world chat. I will back up his request though, he flew real good and was a fair and firm player. It was a pleasure to share a game with him. I think he (or she) is exactly the typre of pilot wolf pack is looking for.
Figured out how to load avatar image!
PS he is also able to confirm that i got 60+ kills in game last night. Hooooowwwllll. Need to work on screen shots.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 3 days ago #203036

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Bear, like the avatar! Dire

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 3 days ago #203247

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thanks dire, your rating is looking real good at the moment, you have been putting in the hard yards, awesome!

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 3 days ago #203254

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Thanks Bear. It's been tough, but I'm getting there. Viper gave me some great tips today.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 3 days ago #203255

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Found the invincable plane! my screen filled with hit messages and it didnt go down, i burnt around 100 rounds ditect hits and nothing. I said " dude, i dont know who u are but this is not cool" the pilot left the game.
There is obviously a cheat code out there, but i dont think many pilots will use it. Will be interesting to see how common this becomes. If someone with a d8 gets this we are in trouble!

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 2 days ago #203284

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Hi guys. I have talked to some of the other squad leaders about the invincible plane thing. So far the consensus seems to be that it is extreme lag due to more and more people from around the globe are playing this game. Lets keep an eye out for these planes and email me their names. I will forward to the programmer and have him look into it if need be.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 2 days ago #203404

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Bear, was it a blue plane? Crazy...

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 2 days ago #203406

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Thanks Digger. Will get the names if I see it again and send to you.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 2 days ago #203655

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I cant remember thr type/colour of plane Dire, but i will be keeping a look out for it in future!
The bear has been putting in some cockpit time and trying some new ideas.

Ive been practising divebombing from 1000-500 ft, gives me less time over target and i have height in hand to handle reds as soon as i bomb. Carrier hard to hit from 500 ft with reds on you but im getting better.

Ive also been working on a way to reduce risk in headon attacks. I really dont like this attack but is hard to avoid as eveyone else does it. I keep the red plane in the cornear of screen and as soon as tracer starts coming in i start barrell rolling like crazy. Makes me very hard to hit. At the last second i will straighten up and get in a quick burst (try to anyway) or i roll past and try to get them from behind. Its working, even with bomb on board my deaths are down and im getting some extra kills.

Would love to hear any tips that are working for other people

What are peoples plans 4 next 48 hours? would be very keen on some squad play if anyones around.

Digger, Ive got some new ideas on squad tactics too, but i might write them up later...

Hooowwwwlllll Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Bear.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 2 days ago #203667

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Congratulations Viper! although in sad circumstances. Here is a huge howl to all wolf pack members and their families.


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 1 day ago #203691

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WTB what I addressed in my submission to Digger was similar to what you do to reduce risk in head on attacks with one difference. People will complain and then leave games where the red pilots barrel roll, so my tactic for the same situation is jinking like crazy which few people complain about and the effect is the same.

I am working on the advanced flight manual, put in about an hour last night when I could have been flying, and will address when to use the tactic you describe for maximum effectiveness vs. those pesky reds. Please submit your squad tactic ideas to my email, which you can get from Digger, and I will incorporate them into the manual.

United We Prowl/Together We Howl

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 1 day ago #203729

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Hi Bear and All,

I've always wondered how high up one could bomb enemy base.

Tactics lately I've used are zigzag pattern and tilt plane on side before bombing enemy base. Amazingly it has worked a few times, even with enemy behind me. I've also coupled it with a sharp dive right before base to gain some speed carrying the bomb. Viper shown me some great tactics that I've used lately and actually gotten compliments from friends in other squads--the loop is great!

I won't be back on till late Sat or Sunday. Wife and I are heading north out of the heat in Phx Arizona--been about 110-114 lately. This wolf needs to sit in the cool woods!

I second the congrats to Viper and Howl out to all Wolf Pack friends and family!

See all in the sky. Dire

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 19 hours ago #204107

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there is a rumour going around that D8s will be removed from game.. Please lord, let it be true!

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 10 years 36 minutes ago #204394

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I hope they offer refunds for those who worked hard and earned/paid for upgrades. Grrr..lol

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #204425

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It looks like if your D8 is upgraded you will get the new aircraft and the associated upgrades. Mine was fully upgraded so I am with you, Dire. There is a note from Zuperman which says as much because others asked the same question. It looks like mixed reviews as far as replacing the D8. Some folks are really happy while others are upset. Personally I am sorry to see it go because flying it was so much fun, and killing it was also fun. I have never been a only-play-one-side kind of pilot and would just take whatever I got. I had found the D8 was a fairly easy target once you got by it, the trick was to get past without being a bullet sponge. I guess we will all see what the future holds as a squad. Luckily the advanced manual will only need a bit of an adjustment as I was going to have a code to identify D8's by pilot.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #204473

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Hi Viper,

Thanks for the info and glad Zuperman will take into account those who upgraded the d8. I like it and the camel. I'll learn to fly something new and make the best, but as you said I'm sorry to see it go.


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #204960

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Hi Viper and a big oooooooooooooooooooooow to the pack.

Viper, check my email regarding defense statergy

Further testing of my defense idea has proven its worth. I saved at least half a dozen attacks on our hangers and kills/deaths were 12/2. switched to normal play and finished with 30/15. Reds will not drop to engage so its easy, just dive down from high, pull in behind and tat tat tat tat tat tat tat KABOOM!

Once we start playing as a squad i forcast carnage with a side helping of mayhem! Its gonna be great.

Straight shooting wolves


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #204969

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Hi all..

Squad fights will be great. I hear Zuperman capped at 50 members for each squad. Hope we can find some more dedicated folks. Anyone seen/heard from Ryu?


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #205002

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WTB, got your email and I like your ideas. Definitely be working them into the manual. Worked on the flight manual for an hour or so last night in lieu of flying, but I did get a few short games in and squad chat with Digger so it was fun.

Keep it up WTB! Sounds like you had a great time flying yesterday!

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #205306

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Looking forward to the manual.

Do you know the Dicta Boelke? 8 rules for combat flying that you might want to include (except for #3)

Sort version:

1. keep sun behind you
2. follow thru on attack
3. fire at close range
4. keep eyes on opponent
5. attack from behind
6. if attacked, turn in to opponent
7. in enemy skies keep open line io retreat
8. attack in groups, single out your target

Squeak (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #205341

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Hi squeak, have only had the pleasure of fying with/against you a few times. You are right, Oswald Boelke was probibly the master tactician and leader of the air war and his rules have stood the test of time.
Im a firm beleiver in #3 myself. Firing from long range just burns up ammo although you might get a lucky hit. I always try to fire from medium to close range myself, the closer the better! When you are down to your last 10 rounds you should still be able to get a kill. Thats just me though, everyone does things differantly.

Most combats in ww1 took place at ranges of less than 100 meters. luckily we're in a computer game, not the real thing!

Hope to see you in the skys


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #205430

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Squeak {WP} wrote: Viper.

Looking forward to the manual.

Do you know the Dicta Boelke? 8 rules for combat flying that you might want to include (except for #3)

Sort version:

1. keep sun behind you
2. follow thru on attack
3. fire at close range
4. keep eyes on opponent
5. attack from behind
6. if attacked, turn in to opponent
7. in enemy skies keep open line io retreat
8. attack in groups, single out your target

Squeak (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

All those are great except I cannot figure out how to keep the sun behind you. That is a common theme in all the books I have been studying to make the manual.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #205557

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Wolf Pack welcomes funky munky!!!!

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #205624

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Welcome funky munky! I have flown with him and he will be a fine addition to our squad

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #205670

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I got the update for the new plane replacing D8. So far it's not too bad and think the D8-whiners will be just as unhappy. It's as fast and, in my opinion, has slightly better ability to turn when in tight combat. One thing, it's painted bright blue/orange. It might as well have a sign that says "shoot me"! I'll change it once I have enough points.

Happy Flying! Dire

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 11 months ago #205672

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Looking forward to the update! Sounds great Dire

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