Hey Grey, good to see your finally back. Thank you for the invite as well bubba, and if u would still have me, id be more than honored to join your squadron. You know id fly through hell and back with ya without so much as a second thought. I wont be very active on the forum because Im not crazy over several people here, but ill stop by from time to time. But ill gladly fly yalls colors.
It will be so nice to finally fly with some REAL brothers. A lot of people here seem to call you brother and family, but the moment u leave the squad, u become that hobo on the side of the road no on wants to make eye contact with. You, freimann, and jim are a few of they guys thats still even bothered to check up on me and see how I was doing and actually treating me like a brother. Im really looking forward to this, thank you for the opportunity. I patiently await your reply