The official ~DARK*NIGHT*E~ THREAD / STARTPAGE 6 years 11 months ago #366027
"We Fly, We Fight, For we are the DarkNights!" "Welcome to DarkNight, for we strive to make a Squad with respect and loyalty. And we need your help!" THIS MOTTO SAID THE FOUNDER OF THE FIRST DN SQUAD, RADIENT, who found DN 2014 and promoted myself as Leader 2015. I LEAD DN UNTILL EARLY 2017. After an outtime the squad was not more to activate and in september 2017 i found DN new as DN*II. In 5 weeks only the new DN entry again in the top sqads and raised since sunday 3 ranks futher to 47th. I never belongs to another squad, except one day in dawn patrol. I spent 100 dreds of hrs.in DN, together we will go back to the top! I NEED U ALL FOR THIS TARGET, HELP ME AND U EARN SOON PROMOTIONS, OR BE AN OFFICER AND CREATE ACTIVE OUR FUTURE WITH YOUR VOTE!! MEMBERS : - OFFICERS : ENOXX ! (Leader / (1st in command) / Founder / MORAF based on the old DF-System with 32 levels / 2 votes (+1 if result is remis)) DATONE ( vice-Leader / (2nd in command)/ 1 vote) ROSE FLYER ((3rd in command) / 1 vote) Vacancy (4th in command) / PR-OFFICER /1 vote Radient (5th in command) / Founder of DN*I / 1 vote - VICE OFFICERS: Vacancy (6th in command) / vice-responsible recruitment / 1 vote Vacancy (7th in command) / 1 vote Vacancy (8th in command) / 1 vote It will be similar to the DN squad.founded by radient. The future from the squad in the hand of the DN OFFICERS AND VICE-officers and a bit shall naturally be in my hands too. I planed a command structure as follows: Myself as leader imorted the idea that squad officers (and as DN officer or vice- can be promoted all members in the sqad. Im not a very good pilot, but anyway, lm leader thats my job, i havent to be one of our best pilots. I love my squad and better as fly i do lead my squad, thats make me more fun. Ok for DN*II I see 5 officers, miself with 2 votes and DN OFFICERS 2nd to 5th incommand with each one vote. And further 3 DN VICE OFICERS WITH EACH ONE VOTE. The summary will be based on the above mentioned 3vice-, 5 officers incl. Myself =8 DN WHO CAN VOTE. The summary of max.valid votes should never be able to dividend in 2, It would give a remis. Cause i have 2 is the sommary of max. Valid DN VOTES =9. The votes receive an from myself promoted vice- or officer. The votes have an immaterial value, but it will be handled nowhere and with a change to another sq. It will be asap null and void. If a voting ends remis, the leader have to study about, the result must be latest 5hr. after a closing of a voting communicared, its only valid results YES or NO! SINCE TODAY IS THIS METHOD PRACTICABLE, we have a 1st and a 2nd in comm., so its theoretically poss. To organize a voting. As long as no 3rd ptomoted is,can enoxx use one vote, we are not corrupt, it would be a farce if i take my 2 votes and datone would loose anyway with 1:2. We vote correct, with original rules are valid in switzerland, the country from where icome and from which all said the ppl have most to say in the world. Direct democraty is calling that. - PILOTS : Admiral Junkers Querty kick butt new Boi time Wingly Ryan222 Tankwart Steveggggg Wardog1 Chrisvezz06 Messi_g_low Ianchris27 Badgehunter Tyrie Dovanec Deutschland 1914 Luftwaffe xXBLACKOUTXx Our RULES are : 1. Respect all pilots 2. Respect all officers 3. Respect everyones privatcy 4. No Spawn Killing 5. No cussing 6. Welcome all new members 7. Respect others beliefs 8. Have fun 9· Dont handle NEVER against yr squad, it would be yr last action! THIS POINT IS THE ONLY ONE WHICH YOU WILL FIRED ASAP! THE SQUAD RULE NO. 10 WILL BE FOR SURE A RULE WHICH CONFRONTATIONS AGAINST MAYBE ALL OTHER SQUADS RULES: 10. Sneaking and further strategies are NO subject to be a DN squad rule, its the free choice of the pilots with their own consequences. THE TRUTH IS, IN REAL WAR ACTING IS THE ONLY ONE TARGET TO WIN THE BATTLE, AND THIS WITH ALL STRATEGIES, WAR ISNT FAIR! THEREFORE, SNEAKING AND RADAR OVERFLYING IS ALLOWED, BUT ONLY AS LONG AS THE SQUAD HONOR CANT BE DAMAGED! MEANS THE ABOVE MENTIONED IS STRICTLY PERMITTED IF MAYOR-GENERALS AND HIGHER RANKS ARE INVOLVED IN A GAME! My Rules are: 1. I didnt have necessary to let feel my officers and pilots that im the no. 1 macker, i try to act always fair, otherwise pls tell me. 2. No one will be fired cause he critics my lead style, im not your chief, im a friend and bro. and i want and work for this squad will be great again! 3. If a DN handle AGAINST our SQUAD, by informing other squads about our plans or by founding an own squad with copying our ideas and so further, I promise to protect this squad and if i must, i will to conform with this a member immediately fire without any information in advance! Thanks to {*R}Dirt ! Produced by: DN: ENOXX ! Version:0.1.0 - 14.Dec.2014, 03:20h GMT +1. Version:0.2.0 - 26.Dec.2014, 19:55h GMT +1. Version:1.0.0 - 30.Dec.2014, 10:55h GMT +1. Version:1.1.0 - 31.Dec.2014, 21:35h GMT +1. Version:2.0.0 - 29.Jan.2015, 20:56h GMT +1. Version:2.5.0 - 15.Feb.2015, 02:11h GMT +1. Version:2.5.1 - 17.Feb.2015, 16:19h GMT +1. Version:2.6.0 - 02.Mrz.2015, 02:39h GMT +1. Version:2.7.0 - 15.Mrz.2015, 18:17h GMT +1. Version:2.8.0 - 09.Mai.2015, 07:11h GMT +2. Version:2.8.1 - 18.June2015, 17:22h GMT +2. Version:2.8.2 - 28.June2015, 12:59h GMT +2. Version:3.0.0 - 14.Dec.2015, 01:32h GMT +1. Version:4.0.0 - 21.Oct.2017, 02:44h GMT +/- 0 Version:4.0.1 - 07.Nov.2017, 00:12h GMT +1. Enoxxgif_zpsb7oyl1ip (2).gif |
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Last edit: by ~D*N~ | *ENOXX*!.
The official ~DARK*NIGHT*E~ THREAD / STARTPAGE 6 years 10 months ago #367564
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Last edit: by ~D*N~ | *ENOXX*!.