Greetings Pilots!
Think you got what it takes to join a fast flying, howling fun group of Wild Wolves? Let's find we are looking for a few good Wolves to join. But we have very limited space in The Den.
Why join?
-We'll train you to be the best in the game. Fight hard and fair!
-Vault $$ is available for upgrading planes
-Proudly wear the WOLF PACK tag {WP} and be part of one of the most respected Squads in DF Elite.
Check out our Rules below and if you think you've got what it takes, post here or PM any member of our squad. Gives us a HOWL and the pack will decide if you're a good fit!
Wolf Pack is an elite squad of skilled fighter pilots and like a wolf pack, squad members are sociable, loyal, they work together and always show respect. This squad is about playing the game, making friends, and having lots of fun. If you like animals, especially dogs or wolves even better!
1. Follow orders from the commanding officers.
2. Must wear a Squad-Tag so you are properly identified as a proud Wolf Pack member. Squad-Tag is {WP} after your name. Ex: Digger {WP}
3. Do not team kill.
4. Work together with your teammates to win.
5. Watch your fellow squad member’s backs.
6. No vulgar language.
7. Be polite and respectful to all.
8. No spawn killing or camping, unless you are coming up to bomb or to get a bomber in.
9. Your choice on working together with squad mates in a dogfight game.
10. Your choice on working together with squad mates and/or allies in all other games. Help squad mates out whenever possible.
11. Always follow basic game rules.
12. If you have a problem with another pilot, moderator, or squadron, you are NOT to argue with them in World or Mission Chat or on a squadron thread (whether theirs or ours),instead take it to the air or bring it to a squad Air Marshall or MORAF to handle.
13. Name changing is NOT allowed in Wolf Pack. As long as you are member of the Pack, you are required to keep the original name you joined Wolf Pack with. If at any time you change your name while a Pack member, you will be terminated from the Pack. No Exceptions. There is a formal squad process for name change requests.
14. Each Pack Member must fly at least once a month in order to remain an active member of our squad. If there is no change in your stats, and it is pretty hard to fly with out a death, kill, change in points, etc, then you are subject to replacement. Please do not waste our time as the Wolf Pack Squadron is for Active & Elite pilots only. Please know we monitor each pilots fly time.
14.5 Have Fun!
If you think you have what it takes to be a member of the Pack, can follow the above rules and are a level 8 or better you're welcome to submit a Request to Join.