Gentlemen, we have a slight change upon us, providing there are no well thought through objections, we will now be
receiving 'recruiting' new
patients members as 'in-game' members,
As in-game members they will be fully fledged members of our team but on a semi-probation period.
They must comply with the following:
In-game only members are not registered forum users yet, it will be required within 4 weeks of their probationary period. Providing they sign up here, place their [LB] before their name and we received no illustrated complaints during this period, they will rise the rank within the squad.
Any complaints regarding behaviour, abuse or poor attitude from current Looney Bin members will see instant dismissal from our home.
This is a trial as explained on page one of our thread, by getting people in this way might just see us cherry pick some of the young and coming aces and with the kick feature, we can easily remove any player not worthy of their tag.
Please feel free to criticise or commend my cognitive genius.