Hey bud welcome back. Not many gunners around. Horrible Breast has rtred from DF and has not passed on his Moraf position of the Squad. Si its basically in a hibernation state. Wolf Pack has extended a unconditional open door squad invite to all Gunners Inc pilots.
This means you can come and go as you feel like. If you apply to WP you are immediately accepted no questions asked. You are our Allies and considered part of Wolf Pack. If you Join you are also encouraged to keep your Gunners Inc Squad Tag.
For eg. Armament Goes By Armament {GI}/ {WP} or something
Im Wolf Packs Recruiting Co. If you have any questions or need instructions on how to join up. message me any time. Things have really died down in this game. But I am sure things will turn around. So its important to group up and have a couple strong Squadrons to rebuild the game and its core structure.. What that is has come under debate . But you get the jest of it all. As well there is no expectation or pressure to join. There is MOM Misfits. Dawn Patrol, NLR, TFL and the other boys . The Latin Mafia. I think charli8e or FPN or one of those lol dudets is running that show