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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279499

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hsosaAla21 and I were in a BTB mission, and he was getting the better of me.

We were the only two in the game, he shot me down far more than I got him but in one approach I was able to get him. He parachuted onto my base, tanked up, and proceeded to hit my remaining Hangars.

Not cool, and certainly without honor.

I plan to show this little piggy some Gunner Love next time I see him in-game.

I hear the song of the Valkyries, they call to me, they bid me to take my place in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.

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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279511

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Annoying style of play..shame you didnt hit the video button and share it....
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279518

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Hola vikingo salvaje.tiene captura de pantalla
de lo que habla?
1-hable con mi piloto dice que no estaba dentro del aeropuerto sino mas lejos cuando se
hizo tanque.
2-estaban solo los 2 jugando verdad?pues aprenda a defenderse,aprenda a jugar mejor.
3-bastardo si hay aqui alguno seria usted si le insultar dentro del juego quiza no juegue mas.el seguro que no ha insultado a nadie.
deje de llorar y aprenda a defenderse.un saludo.
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279519

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He vuelto hablar con el....y eso que dices es falso,caias en paracaidas pero no podias hacerte tanque...como iba hsosa a hacerse tanque cayendo en paracaidas?
Le.dire lo que paso el iba ganando se hizo tanque lejos del aeripuerto y usted iba dereccion al suyo,fue tonto por no darse la vuelta.debe ser que tiene mal perder verdad?
Pues conmigo seguro se pondra de los nesvios
estoy deseando verle,para decirselo amigo o tal vez alguna que otra clase de vuelo y estrategia no le vendrai mal verdad?.un saludo
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279523

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SavageViking wrote: hsosaAla21 and I were in a BTB mission, and he was getting the better of me.

We were the only two in the game, he shot me down far more than I got him but in one approach I was able to get him. He parachuted onto my base, tanked up, and proceeded to hit my remaining Hangars.

Not cool, and certainly without honor.

I plan to show this little piggy some Gunner Love next time I see him in-game.


Saludos SavageViking;

Con Todo respeto quiero aclarar lo sucedido: Usted me derribo fuera de su base, (no estaba sobre de su base como dices) y use mi paracaídas como normalmente; como estaba en la distancia permitida pude usar mi tank y correr hacia sus hangares, usted no se percato y siguió derecho hacia mi base y se dio cuenta tarde cuando comencé a destruir sus hangares (quedaban menos de 4 hangares).
Tome en consideración lo siguiente:
Primero; Yo iba ganando, lo derribe en varias oportunidades, mucho más que usted a mí y llegue a destruir sus hangares con mi avión, nunca le hice camping y regrese a mi base sin problemas. No es mi estilo jugar sucio, y además iba ganando. Usted lo sabe.
Segundo: Usted las veces que me derribo las hizo justo sobre su base y yo como normalmente hago use mi paracaídas y tal como se pudo dar cuenta, cuando tocaba tierra, automáticamente me regresaba a mi base. (El juego no tenia errores)
Si posee las pruebas efectivas para demostrar que hice lo que usted me acusa perfecto. Si no, con todo respeto, lo considero un mal perdedor. Usted tiene el mismo nivel que yo, teníamos las mismas condiciones de juego y fue una buena batalla. No es necesario ofender a alguien solo porque perdió. Tiene que respetar para que lo respeten.

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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279525

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Wanna know the truth Viking? He may be the first, but he won't be the last. If the button is there, they will press it and who are you to blame them? Do you pay their subscription? If not I would advise that when these situations occur, note the name and return favor at a later date.
Ignorance has a way of enlightening us all.

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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279546

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Hola vikingo yo tambien espero su mensaje y que se discupe como debe ante mi oficial.es lo
menos que deberia hacer no le parece?
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279560

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I'm not going to lie, I've used the glitch. Very rarely but I have done it.

Not that long ago, we faced off against each other Savage. Btb. You may not remember but I do. You were allied, I was German. Wasn't 1 on 1; there were other players in the game but guess who kept using the tank glitch? Savage Viking. Guess who did not have the glitch in that game?

This seems pretty hypocritical to me.
Bannerless and naked. Whatever...
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279596

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SavageViking wrote: hsosaAla21 and I were in a BTB mission, and he was getting the better of me.

We were the only two in the game, he shot me down far more than I got him but in one approach I was able to get him. He parachuted onto my base, tanked up, and proceeded to hit my remaining Hangars.

Not cool, and certainly without honor.

I plan to show this little piggy some Gunner Love next time I see him in-game.


Aprenda a perder y sea un buen perdedor tratando de mejorar.

Learn to lose and be a good loser trying to improve.
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279598

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SavageViking wrote: hsosaAla21 and I were in a BTB mission, and he was getting the better of me.

We were the only two in the game, he shot me down far more than I got him but in one approach I was able to get him. He parachuted onto my base, tanked up, and proceeded to hit my remaining Hangars.

Not cool, and certainly without honor.

I plan to show this little piggy some Gunner Love next time I see him in-game.


Quien es usted para hablar de honor cuando usted insulta llamando a los demás de BASTARDO...

Who are you to talk about honor when you insult others calling... BASTARDO. :whistle:
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279599

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HSOSA, we believe you... (Te creemos)

Svage Viking, I know that HSOSA will have not problem to fight with you again, like a really gentleman...(yo se que HSOSA no tendrá problemas en luchar contigo de nuevo como un verdadero caballero)

And dirty language it's not necessary...(y el lenguaje sucio no es necesario)

Ala 21 - The Black Dragons - Ala 21/Dragons - Ala 12
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279606

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hsosa wrote:

SavageViking wrote: hsosaAla21 and I were in a BTB mission, and he was getting the better of me.

We were the only two in the game, he shot me down far more than I got him but in one approach I was able to get him. He parachuted onto my base, tanked up, and proceeded to hit my remaining Hangars.

Not cool, and certainly without honor.

I plan to show this little piggy some Gunner Love next time I see him in-game.


Saludos SavageViking;

Con Todo respeto quiero aclarar lo sucedido: Usted me derribo fuera de su base, (no estaba sobre de su base como dices) y use mi paracaídas como normalmente; como estaba en la distancia permitida pude usar mi tank y correr hacia sus hangares, usted no se percato y siguió derecho hacia mi base y se dio cuenta tarde cuando comencé a destruir sus hangares (quedaban menos de 4 hangares).
Tome en consideración lo siguiente:
Primero; Yo iba ganando, lo derribe en varias oportunidades, mucho más que usted a mí y llegue a destruir sus hangares con mi avión, nunca le hice camping y regrese a mi base sin problemas. No es mi estilo jugar sucio, y además iba ganando. Usted lo sabe.
Segundo: Usted las veces que me derribo las hizo justo sobre su base y yo como normalmente hago use mi paracaídas y tal como se pudo dar cuenta, cuando tocaba tierra, automáticamente me regresaba a mi base. (El juego no tenia errores)
Si posee las pruebas efectivas para demostrar que hice lo que usted me acusa perfecto. Si no, con todo respeto, lo considero un mal perdedor. Usted tiene el mismo nivel que yo, teníamos las mismas condiciones de juego y fue una buena batalla. No es necesario ofender a alguien solo porque perdió. Tiene que respetar para que lo respeten.

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HSOSA, we believe you... (Te creemos)!!!!!
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279612

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I dont think so.

Hsosa is well known as an honorable player.

Its to easy to créate a post when we are angry.

think about it and do the necesary! ( maybe erasing the post)

We always have good shotings so you know me as I know you and no complains from any of Us, if true,

let me tell you something, H Sosa was the one who made me understand the squad rules and to accept

them. Just so I could be part of the squad.

So I think its ridiculous what you say.

thats my opinion, hoping this doesnt change our relation at the sky, se you next time.

Kindly regards
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279617

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Amigo Vikingo Salvaje:

Es increíble las acciones que aveces se cometen, nacidas de la impotencia y la ignorancia cuando las cosas no resultan como tú esperabas.

Creo que este berrinche te ha salido bastante caro! y por no medir las consecuencias de tratar con calumnias desacreditar el buen nombre de un piloto a todas luces honorable, porque entérate, HSosa es Marshall de Ala21/Dragons y créeme que no llegó a ese puesto con acciones como las que tú le imputas.

Te trajiste la batalla fuera del juego, no te bastó perder allá? No vengas al foro a llorar como niña lo que no pudiste defender como hombre en el terreno de batalla, eso si que es deshonroso.

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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279622

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sspippe wrote: Hsosa is well known as an honorable player.

I've never been in a game with Hsosa where he didn't play dirty.
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279623

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[M]Comet wrote: I'm not going to lie, I've used the glitch. Very rarely but I have done it.

Not that long ago, we faced off against each other Savage. Btb. You may not remember but I do. You were allied, I was German. Wasn't 1 on 1; there were other players in the game but guess who kept using the tank glitch? Savage Viking. Guess who did not have the glitch in that game?

This seems pretty hypocritical to me.

If this was recent you may also have noticed that IF I grabbed a tank I did not shoot at a hangar. And you are correct that this was not a 1 on 1 situation you are referring to.

By saying that I KEPT using the glitch means numerous times, which means that I also was killed in the tank numerous times.

Hsosa had many advantages in the game, he did not need to use this glitch to the effect he did. It wasn't like he landed halfway up the hill, it was practically on the runway.

I asked him if he was going to use the glitch... his response was five hangars in rapid succession.

I don't see a correlation to my actions in our game Comet and Hsosa's actions in the game in question.
I hear the song of the Valkyries, they call to me, they bid me to take my place in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.

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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279626

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Let me start off by saying I don't speak Spanish, so apologies if I don't quite understand all of what has been said in defense of Hsosa or otherwise.

These are the facts:
- Hsosa was Allied, I was German
- Hsosa bombed two hangars as I spawned in and later bombed another
- I was able to bomb one hangar after getting in a tank in neutral territory and got lucky
- The kill count was 12-6 in favor of Hsosa when I shot him down over my base
- I flew on to press my flying advantage while he chuted down
- I noticed he got into a tank and I asked him if he was seriously going to use the glitch
- He never responded, just blew up the remaining hangars

Up to that point, Hsosa was a very good opponent and I had great respect for his flying skills as well as his aim.

If "Bastardo" crossed the line in name-calling I apologize, "Pendejo" should have been used...
I hear the song of the Valkyries, they call to me, they bid me to take my place in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.

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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279630

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sspippe wrote: I dont think so.

Hsosa is well known as an honorable player.

Its to easy to créate a post when we are angry.

think about it and do the necesary! ( maybe erasing the post)

We always have good shotings so you know me as I know you and no complains from any of Us, if true,

let me tell you something, H Sosa was the one who made me understand the squad rules and to accept

them. Just so I could be part of the squad.

So I think its ridiculous what you say.

thats my opinion, hoping this doesnt change our relation at the sky, se you next time.

Kindly regards

Your opinion is yours, I don't hold anyone's opinion against them.

Treat me with respect, you get it in return.

If someone acts in a way that pisses me off, I burn them down.

I hold no squad accountable for the actions of one pilot, and I don't expect any reaction from your squad either.

It sounds as though Hsosa has many squadmates that come to his defense. Great, it's good to see brothers of the sky stick up for one another. DogFight needs more of this type of loyalty.

I just wanted it known that I didn't appreciate how the game ended and that I will be looking for Hsosa in-game.
I hear the song of the Valkyries, they call to me, they bid me to take my place in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.

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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279633

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nestor wrote:

SavageViking wrote: hsosaAla21 and I were in a BTB mission, and he was getting the better of me.

We were the only two in the game, he shot me down far more than I got him but in one approach I was able to get him. He parachuted onto my base, tanked up, and proceeded to hit my remaining Hangars.

Not cool, and certainly without honor.

I plan to show this little piggy some Gunner Love next time I see him in-game.


Aprenda a perder y sea un buen perdedor tratando de mejorar.

Learn to lose and be a good loser trying to improve.

Believe me, if you see my stats, you'll know that I have no problem losing, especially if a pilot is better than me and wins with honor.

I recognize talent and respect it.

I have seen poor pilots take every advantage they can just to win, I don't call them out on that because they need the glitch to win.

Hsosa was clearly winning, he didn't need to use the glitch to win, he used the glitch anyway.

If I felt that Hsosa was not a good pilot and he had to cheat to beat me, ok. No problem.

But I thought he was clearly the better pilot today. This is why I brought it up.
I hear the song of the Valkyries, they call to me, they bid me to take my place in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.

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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279635

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Sad you stick to insult someone.
I dont know what you meant EAGLE.
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279638

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SavageViking wrote:

[M]Comet wrote: I'm not going to lie, I've used the glitch. Very rarely but I have done it.

Not that long ago, we faced off against each other Savage. Btb. You may not remember but I do. You were allied, I was German. Wasn't 1 on 1; there were other players in the game but guess who kept using the tank glitch? Savage Viking. Guess who did not have the glitch in that game?

This seems pretty hypocritical to me.

If this was recent you may also have noticed that IF I grabbed a tank I did not shoot at a hangar. And you are correct that this was not a 1 on 1 situation you are referring to.

By saying that I KEPT using the glitch means numerous times, which means that I also was killed in the tank numerous times.

Hsosa had many advantages in the game, he did not need to use this glitch to the effect he did. It wasn't like he landed halfway up the hill, it was practically on the runway.

I asked him if he was going to use the glitch... his response was five hangars in rapid succession.

I don't see a correlation to my actions in our game Comet and Hsosa's actions in the game in question.

Ok before I reply, let me say this: I have no issues with you SV and you are what I'd consider honourable.

But how is it ok for you to take advantage of the tank glitch and not him? Because I was able to get your tank?
What were you going to do with your tank if not bomb hangars with it? Have a picnic at my base?

That's what I don't understand: how it's ok for one and not another. That's the only point I wanted to make. I didn't complain about it at the time (and I'm still not) but I must say I was very surprised when you did it.

Hey I'm done here, there's enough brewing from the Latin brothers.
Bannerless and naked. Whatever...
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279642

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[M]Comet wrote:

SavageViking wrote:

[M]Comet wrote: I'm not going to lie, I've used the glitch. Very rarely but I have done it.

Not that long ago, we faced off against each other Savage. Btb. You may not remember but I do. You were allied, I was German. Wasn't 1 on 1; there were other players in the game but guess who kept using the tank glitch? Savage Viking. Guess who did not have the glitch in that game?

This seems pretty hypocritical to me.

If this was recent you may also have noticed that IF I grabbed a tank I did not shoot at a hangar. And you are correct that this was not a 1 on 1 situation you are referring to.

By saying that I KEPT using the glitch means numerous times, which means that I also was killed in the tank numerous times.

Hsosa had many advantages in the game, he did not need to use this glitch to the effect he did. It wasn't like he landed halfway up the hill, it was practically on the runway.

I asked him if he was going to use the glitch... his response was five hangars in rapid succession.

I don't see a correlation to my actions in our game Comet and Hsosa's actions in the game in question.

Ok before I reply, let me say this: I have no issues with you SV and you are what I'd consider honourable.

But how is it ok for you to take advantage of the tank glitch and not him? Because I was able to get your tank?
What were you going to do with your tank if not bomb hangars with it? Have a picnic at my base?

That's what I don't understand: how it's ok for one and not another. That's the only point I wanted to make. I didn't complain about it at the time (and I'm still not) but I must say I was very surprised when you did it.

Hey I'm done here, there's enough brewing from the Latin brothers.

Thank you Comet, as far as I am concerned we have no issues and you bringing this up makes sense.

As a matter of fact, when I got the tank, I wanted to make sure you all knew it. If I could get a few of you to chase me, all the better. So your picnic analogy is not far off.

You've seen me use the tank, if I'm going to bomb, I let fly as soon as I'm in range.

I'm not going to say "I let you kill me" but I also will not say that I actively went after your hangars either.

After the third time I was just trying to see how many planes it took to kill me... a game within a game, so to speak.
I hear the song of the Valkyries, they call to me, they bid me to take my place in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.

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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279644

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Ok I know I said I was going to leave this alone...

But I gotta give kudos where it's due...

"Tank Camping" has been introduced by you SV. Very innovative! :lol:

A new tactic!
Bannerless and naked. Whatever...
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279646

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Savage Viking, sorry I can understand you, but I can't believe you... At least you have screenshot, video or honorable witness ...

What ever, the time is always the best judge...

Have fun in the game...

(Vikingo Salvaje, disculpa puedo entenderte pero no puedo creerte, a menos que tengas captura de pantalla, video o testigos honorables...

Como sea el tiempo es siempre el mejor juez...

Diviértete en el juego...)

Ala 21 - The Black Dragons - Ala 21/Dragons - Ala 12
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279647

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OK, I know it is not my place to jump in here but have a thought that I just have to throw out there.... :unsure:

Zup said he was pretty much done with DF and is going to focus on DF2 unless there was huge outcry... there seems to me to have been plenty of comments and complaints for quite a while now about the 'tank glitch' and there seems to be no apparent effort to change it... :huh:

so my thought or question is this; if it is going to be a permanent part of the game, is it going to be considered a 'glitch' forever?? or could it be that zup is ok with it there??

Do we need to adjust our viewpoint on how this aspect of the game is considered?? :whistle:

It does make for a quicker match at times and adds a huge degree of challenge for one team :pinch: but if everyone is aware of it going in and takes it into account during game play then it is just another aspect of the game...

Ah sheesh.... what did I just step in?? zup has probably spent hours on it and now my bullets will be marshmallows forever... :P
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279648

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Muro0406 wrote: Savage Viking, sorry I can understand you, but I can't believe you... At least you have screenshot, video or honorable witness ...

What ever, the time is always the best judge...

Have fun in the game...

(Vikingo Salvaje, disculpa puedo entenderte pero no puedo creerte, a menos que tengas captura de pantalla, video o testigos honorables...

Como sea el tiempo es siempre el mejor juez...

Diviértete en el juego...)

I understand that you need to stand by your squad.

I wish that I had a screenshot, maybe hsosa got one?

I've said many times, if a pilot is better than me, I take my punishment like a man. If a pilot is not as good as me, I make sure that I treat him/her with the utmost respect.

Ask Hsosa how the game ended. I don't speak Spanish so maybe you can translate for me.

Either way, it doesn't matter. The game goes on. I know what happened and I'll be damn sure I never turn my back on Hsosa again, or assume that he plays with honor.
I hear the song of the Valkyries, they call to me, they bid me to take my place in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.

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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279650

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Nebulas wrote: OK, I know it is not my place to jump in here but have a thought that I just have to throw out there.... :unsure:

Zup said he was pretty much done with DF and is going to focus on DF2 unless there was huge outcry... there seems to me to have been plenty of comments and complaints for quite a while now about the 'tank glitch' and there seems to be no apparent effort to change it... :huh:

so my thought or question is this; if it is going to be a permanent part of the game, is it going to be considered a 'glitch' forever?? or could it be that zup is ok with it there??

Do we need to adjust our viewpoint on how this aspect of the game is considered?? :whistle:

It does make for a quicker match at times and adds a huge degree of challenge for one team :pinch: but if everyone is aware of it going in and takes it into account during game play then it is just another aspect of the game...

Ah sheesh.... what did I just step in?? zup has probably spent hours on it and now my bullets will be marshmallows forever... :P

You've hit the nail on the head my friend.

If this game were a job and real money was on the line, I know that "Cheating, Sneaking, Glitching" to win would be an acceptable way to play.

But this is not a game where money is on the line.

This is a game where honor and integrity are the true currency.

Unfortunately, too many are unable to earn where it counts.
I hear the song of the Valkyries, they call to me, they bid me to take my place in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.

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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279676

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Nebulas wrote: so my thought or question is this; if it is going to be a permanent part of the game, is it going to be considered a 'glitch' forever?? or could it be that zup is ok with it there??

Do we need to adjust our viewpoint on how this aspect of the game is considered?? :whistle:

It does make for a quicker match at times and adds a huge degree of challenge for one team :pinch: but if everyone is aware of it going in and takes it into account during game play then it is just another aspect of the game...

Zup pretty much sums it up in this post of his (emphasis is mine):

zuperman wrote: I don't think we need to write the rules every 6 months. The idea is very simple: anything that could ruin the game for you or other players if repeated constantly is not allowed.

There is no need to repeat it for every single specific case that may arise: now you can tank on this corner of the map, is it allowed to spawn kill? Now you can jump with one leg on a building, is it allowed to spawn kill there?

To me is pretty obvious, we already said no spawn killing.

Do we really need to spell out a rule book when you know you are ruining the game for all the other team? If you know it is ruining the game, you know it is wrong. Trying to excuse it with: where are the rules? It's like pissing on the kitchen of a bar and say that there is no sign saying it's forbidden.

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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279773

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No creo que mi hermano hsosa allá echo algo asi yo lo conozco como juega y el no aria trampas y no les creeré mientras tenga captura de pantalla y no es motivo para que ofendas a a un piloto que respeta las reglas y debes saber perder con honorabilidad piloto y no mentir.
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Classless hsosaAla21 9 years 3 months ago #279793

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Saludos señores;

Primero quiero agradecer a todos los que formaron parte de este apartado y que mostraron su apoyo en todo momento, en especial a mis hermanos de escuadrón y a los que no también. Grandes hermanos como ustedes hacen mejor el juego. Segundo, fue conversado y aclarado el tema en privado con el señor SavageViking, y damos por cerrado este apartado. Pido por favor a mis hermanos que se disculpen con el piloto si se excedieron con sus palabras al igual que él lo hizo conmigo. Todo fue un mal entendido.
Cabe destacar que ambos estamos en total acuerdo en que NO se use el tank al caer en la base enemiga. El piloto que tenga el botón disponible debe regresar inmediatamente a su base y usar su avión. Es un error del juego y no se debe sacar provecho, este hecho lo consideramos una acto sin honor. Fomentemos la competencia sana.

Cerrado el tema, gracias por su tiempo señores.
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