I thank you all for your prayers, I'm so wiped out. I'll be up and flying either Sat. or Sun. Look forward to seeing everyone. Speaking of prayers, this was one of the most smoothest procedures yet.
Cue Ball
Cueball #2
The following user(s) said Thank You: Freimann, 6gun, KURUPT, LiLBaDGaL, Cypher7{WP}
Hey all pilots within listenig range hear this ¡ is a team killer and responsible for my first ever 5 min ban, and gosh darnit i still like myself lol
After two times killing me he barely got off the carrier until i was banned.
The following user(s) said Thank You: TX Constable{WP}, dognamitt, LiLBaDGaL
Cush *EOI* wrote: One last post on the landslide in my neighborhood, hope ya'll find this one interesting.
This mansion is sliding into the lake.....wow.