I have a suggestion. I know most likely it will never be added in this game however i'll suggest it anyways.
At the moment there are many new player or less experienced players complaining that they are being shot down too fast and too often by higher ranking players, This is frustrating for them as there is no other Room and as some have just waited an "eternity" to entre the room only to die again seconds later. It doesnt allow them flying time or to stay in the game for long which takes the fun out of the game... for everyone.
In order to solve this you would need a room for lower ranking players so they can practice before they entre the other room and go up against a high ranking players, higher Ranking players can also entre but cant massacre noobs. no no!
This would be a great addition to the game as it would would allow everyone to play against players closer thier skills/Rank.
It would allow the more experienced players team up with each other to fight in one room while casual/new players get to live longer in the other room, learn to dogfight, get some practice etc .
Players with certain level and experience would only be able to gain rank by fighting against others who also are experienced and the less experinced ones who want an oportunity to rank up. Having praticed and better skills noobs can climb rank . Well, its only a suggestion to be worked on and improved over time.
I only say it, because I see that there are many new players complaining that they havent a chance against experienced players are shot down too quickly and don't have a room to practice in the game which causes frustration between players.
A room for less experienced players would help solve these issues in this game with a little though.
and by allowing lower ranking players to play against other players closer to thier skill/rank level in one room it opens up the option of the second room where matches are ranked and for more experienced, competitive players which i think could be a great.