Hi Lone Player,
If you're talking about being a forum moderator; those of us with dark blue names are moderators of our squad section of the forum only. We have full editing privileges of any post of any thread within our squad section but we have no authority of any kind in-game. To become one you can have your squad moderator ask zuperman to add you to the squad's forum section, or if you have created your own squad; once it is established and growing, you can ask Zup to give you a forum section for your squad.
If you're asking about being an in-game moderator, dogfight no longer has any.... officially. Zuperman flys to test and troubleshoot. You've probably seen him flying now and then. He is rarely in for long and is often peppered with comments and questions. He also has unknown accounts and has mentioned observing all kinds of behaviors while flying incognito. He is the only known person who can kick, mute or ban a player. There used to be around 8 mods but now due to legal and contractual concerns he can no longer authorize others to have that control over other players.