I hope you find something useful in the posts above. Please feel free to contribute anyway you can. Keep in mind that Dogfight is constantly changing, particularly in the way points are scored. A full manual would need constant updates.
Also, be sure to see the "stickied" threads in the announcements and others sections.
From announcements re: points
Zuperman said (a while ago, not sure if this is still all accurate):
The ranking is pretty simple, it goes in this order:
1) Your rank. A MORAF (rank 31) is above any rank 30, a rank 30 is above 29 and so on.
2) On the same rank, it is based on your scored points.
3) In the odd case that you have the same rank and same points, then it's based on your kill-deads number.
That's it. Basically it is point 1 and 2, because the 3 hardly if ever happen and it would last for a few minutes.
As to what gives/reduces points. Some are static, some are dynamic.
- When you safely land using the parachute, you get 50 points.
- Bombing an hangar gives you 75 points.
- Bombing a carrier gives you 75 points.
- Winning a game gives you 200 points.
- Losing a game gives you 100 points. (yes, you get points losing a game, because you stayed there until the end!)
- Killing a friend makes you lose 50 points.
- Bombing a friendly hangar makes you lose 200 points.
The part that are dynamic:
- Killing enemies. It is calculated on the difference between your ranks, if you are a rank 31 killing a rank 3, you will get almost no points. But if you are rank 3 and bring down a rank 31, you will get lots of points.
- Mission specific things, for instance, the zeppelin mission:
The zep has a total amount of points. When you hit it, you get some of those points. At the end of the game, if you brought down the zep you will get all its points, but if you didn't, the defending team will get 700 points.
Other missions may have some more dynamic things. Yes, i'm working on new missions