So I play on minecraft servers a lot (yes, yes, the eye rolling), and many of them have a thing called a party system. Basically a party is a "group" that you invite players to within the server, so you can play games together. (See where this is going?) Anyway, in minecraft usually the command /party is used for inviting, party chat in some cases, etc. The party only lasts as long as its players are online, or it is disbanded.
Now it wouldn't use commands of course in Dogfight, rather a UI thing I'm sure. But I think something along those lines would help players get in games with eachother. For example I have been playing with Cypher tonight, but when I join a game he has to keep joining games in hope of finding me so we can fly. If we have "parties" (we'll call them that for now), squad members and friends can fly together, people like Cypher can organize tournaments and fly-ins more easily, and I think it would really help the df community.
Really all it involves is a page on the GUI (with a button near vault or chat, etc.) with the ability to invite or kick players from a party, and a way for players to accept invites. Then we need some function to join the same server. (In minecraft it automatically teleports the party to whatever server its owner joins) This could be done the minecraft way, or better yet a button to join the server that the owner is on.
This could be a feature limited to subscribers, but I would recommend ONLY limited when it comes to owning a party. The whole point is to allow players to play together, so everyone should be able to join a party, though it would be reasonable to limit creating one to subs.
If zuperman and the community are interested in this, let me know Zup, and I will gladly help you understand some more details if you like.