[*M]TBUILT wrote:
[NLR] McFate wrote: T-built,
I have never said that up-the-middle is the "wrong" way to play.
Over the years people have constantly said that sneaking, dropping, intentionally tanking, covering for team mates once you have dropped your bombs is wrong. Some have even claimed these things are against the rules and called for the banning of some who do.
I encourage people to fly how they want and to use their heads in how they play regardless of how others might complain. I do not tell people who want to not to fly up-the-middle
Got it this time?
Okay you didn't say it's wrong but countless time's i've heard boring, meat grinder, valley of death that's my idea of fun it may not be everyone's idea of fun but it's mine and has worked well for 4 year's. I keep hearing you saying i play this way and that's great do as you wish and play the way you want to. But don't say the valley of death is boring or easy.
Don't worry i won't be a smart ass and ask if you got it this time.
Great! I'm glad we got this out there. It happens over and over that people misinterpret what I'm saying exactly as you have. It's the little catch that some of you Ms seem to have where you take the worst interpretation and run with it and blow things up into a new enemy-of-the-day drama.
Up-the-middle only is often boring to me. Why does that insult you? I'm not the least bit phased when head-on guys say similar stuff and won't stick around for CTC or DF missions. The "meat grinder" or "Valley of death"? I think it's pretty descriptive and makes me chuckle when I see 4 vs. 4 get shot down wave after wave... I've read about historical battles and seen movies where real war choke points earned similar names. "Hamburger Hill" comes to mind. (Hill 937 in Vietnam is a great case study on use of military tactics)
Anyway, fly your way I'll fly mine. Post what you want, I'll post what I post. I'm not after the Misfits. Got that too I hope.
I'm not after the Misfits. Still you guys react like ex-wives. I could post "men tend to put on extra weight once they reach middle age" and chances are some of you would take it personally.
Enjoy the game. Let others enjoy it. If you don't like my posts don't read them.