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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #324783

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HEY ZUP, whenever i try tk login to either u.s. server it throws me into same game, same players. Also the lag is getting really bad again.

Please put out a new update for original dogfight/dogfight#1

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #324893

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I second that notion bullet! I pay to play, and have done so since the subscription thing came out. Lately, I'm starting to get very frustrated. Weren't we promised subscribe= a lot less lag, and to have our choice of servers...?! Last 5 days or so now, vimy and mess are running same game game, same peolple, and lag is worse, not better, as of last night, I'm only able to log in to messiness server, no art, no fest, no bori. So now, my choice of server has disappeared. So I'm questioning .. why the heck am I still paying? Zup, I mean no offense to u what so ever, but surely u can't expect ppl to continue to pay, for no updates, especially when choices have been taken away, and the lag just gets worse by the hour the hour now, not even days anymore. If u want to spend time updating and getting elite ready, that's fine and u do a great job. But all the newer players (low levels) are going to want to continue on DF 1 first to level up before they migrate to elite..
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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #324895

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Zup said a while back that he will no longer update or fix df1 anymore. He is putting all his time and resources into elite and df1 is what it is.

One beer two beer three beer floor

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #324896

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[*M]BOAZ wrote: Zup said a while back that he will no longer update or fix df1 anymore. He is putting all his time and resources into elite and df1 is what it is.

Ive had 1 or 2 updates since that was said though. My phone doea ahtomatic updates so i can see when elite is updated and df1. I know i have had 1 or 2 updates since he made that statement and everything was working great. Now like overnight it just went way wrong

I dont pay for this. I like the original better this far and as of this moment i wish to continue to play the original version of df.

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #324897

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Zup responded in WC. He can't fix original df and he expects that it will get worse.
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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #324899

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If this is the case than it should be completely free. No subscriptions. Its not fair to pay for a less than par app, and continue taking money if not willing to attempt a fix.

I havent been sold on elite yet.

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #324900

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With Marshmallow rolling in, it will be difficult to play. so better move to elite where he can actually fix the issues. Right now. I think he might have dedicated or shared vimmy or other server with elite as people responded to lag there.

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #325169

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I have very little control over updates for Dogfight as I explained. You've seen a few updates because of major critical issues that they let me send it out, for instance the game did not run at all on Android 6, so I was given a special package so I could update and fix that... and I had to wait for 1 month!

So unfortunately I have little options for Dogfight 1 and that's why I moved all efforts to Dogfight Elite. My advise is to move to Elite, simple as that. I may be able to fix things on Dogfight but the time I may need to fix things there are out of my control... it could be 1 week or 1 month or more...
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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326249

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:( zup please do somting with servers 10 games 10 kiks lags a lot i wery much lowe this game but cant start new game if
first one not even colse to done plese meke some updaates for DF1

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326252

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First one is not only done, it is declared obsolete and without maintenance. Which is exactly the reason why it has all these issues.
That's why the same way Apple doesn't work on fixing iOS 5, but move forward to 6,7,8... 9
Upgrade the game, Dogfight 1 will eventually stop working because it is literally impossible I can keep updating it for 4 more years
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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326254

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Come guys df 1 is dead zup himself said that over a year ago move to df elite were new planes are about to roll ojt of hangers and a new tank its well worth it as well it way better imo then df1 what are u waitti g for??? Df1 to quit working all together before u switch if thats the case youll be far behind us elite players in planes etc and yes elite does take time to get used to since it is more realistic then df1 cause of bullet drop etc but once u get it down its way way better then df1 so come join df elite and let the battles begin kill alot of reds with us...
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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326256

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Yeah, and the point is that Df1 WILL stop working eventually. It will arrive to a point it will happen. I keep postponing its dead because I'm allowed updates occasionally and you guys complain about it. But for $2... jezz... it's not like it's a surprise I'm working on Elite as the continuation of the game. I've been warning of Df1 going dead for a long long lonnnnnnnnnnnng time.

Begin moving there. Df1 is just one update away from Android/Apple/Microsoft to not being able to update the game at all. I warned it over and over again and made the effort to move all accounts manually on January so at least you didn't start from scratch.
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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326259

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Zup you said that DF1 is dead and us to move on to elite which i still cannot use tilt on my windows tablet. even after I upgraded to windows 10 from 8.1. But it still takes my money for subscription. If You have no control over it then who gets the money every month.

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326262

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Hola!!a todos,el juego élite es genial,el zuper ya dijo que los esfuerzos y el trabajo lo haría en el nuevo.Todos deben pasar al élite,llegará un momento que no funcione,yo
Anque al principio cuesta un poco,prefiero
Que Joaquín centre su trabajo allí por que es
El el juego que va a quedarnos bien.
Esto que pasa ya lo advirtió a mi no me sorprende.Aunque a todos nos cueste perderlo
No podemos hacer nada,debemos hacer caso al
Creador,por que no abra otra solución.Mejor
Pasarse antes que después, el trabajo
De Joaquín es genial!!.los gráficos jugabilidad y mejora no tienen nada que ver,a
Medida que pase el tiempo lo podrá ir mejorando más y atendiendo cualquier fallo sin
Embargo en el DF original,no puede hacerlo o
En tal caso cada problema no se sabe ni cuando
Lo podría solucionar,.siempre en nuestro
Corazón quedará este juego y ahí seguirá con
Más o menos lag y con más o menos problemas
Pero amigos es la hora del cambio es así de
Lógico.un saludo a todos,tengo que reconocer
Que el élite es muy superior.
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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326263

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Hi !! all, the elite game is great, the zuper and said efforts would work and the nuevo.Todos must pass the elite will come a time that does not work, I
Anque initially cost a bit, I prefer
Joaquin focus its work there because it is
The game is going to stay well.
This happens already warned me my sorprende.Aunque not cost us all lose
We can not do anything, we must heed the
Creator, why not open another solución.Mejor
Go sooner rather than later, work
Joaquin is great !!. Gameplay and improved graphics have nothing to do, to
As time passes it will be getting better and taking any decision without
But in the original DF, you can not do or
In this case each problem is not known or when
I could solve, .siempre in our
Heart this game and there will continue to
More or less lag and more or less problems
But friends is time for change is that
Lógico.un greeting to all, I have to admit
That the elite is far superior.
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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326272

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Gladly i wont to swich to DF2 BUT CANT NOT POSIBLE TO PAY WITH MY SAMSUMG Ativ s some problem with store and im very sad if DF1 END becose its best game ewer

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326273

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Redwasp2 wrote: Zup you said that DF1 is dead and us to move on to elite which i still cannot use tilt on my windows tablet. even after I upgraded to windows 10 from 8.1. But it still takes my money for subscription. If You have no control over it then who gets the money every month.

You decide that. Cancel the subscription if the game doesn't work and I can't fix it. I'm not forcing anyone to pay for a game they can't play. There are things I can't fix no matter how much I would like to.

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326274

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graho wrote: Gladly i wont to swich to DF2 BUT CANT NOT POSIBLE TO PAY WITH MY SAMSUMG Ativ s some problem with store and im very sad if DF1 END becose its best game ewer

Contact the store. They should be able to fix whatever issues related to payment processing

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326281

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Tnx zup for help but try to concat microsoft 2 time about payment but nobady apllyd enyting

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326283

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They've always replied to me on the same day when it's related to payments (they do want people to be able to pay obviously).
Try any of these ways:
and if you have windows 10, even easier:
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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326357

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Its crusing all time when is uploding crashes back on forum

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326359

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Zup i now tinkin someting maby its problem if i m pre paid user of my mobile provider

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326360

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graho wrote: Zup i now tinkin someting maby its problem if i m pre paid user of my mobile provider

If it is through mobile operator, it should be reflected in mobile bill or if you enabled using google play, you have to cancel subscription from your google play account.

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326364

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Have no subc in gogle play just checd.Im not in google play windows mobile samsung ativ s gt i8750...and sorry cant chat all day can you check why im not swering or usig bad words

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326393

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Zup. if you are no longer in control of dogfight and you are no longer going to monitor it then who is getting the 1.99 that I have to pay every month and if u still get the money are you putting that money into dogfight elite.

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zup whats going on with df1?????? 8 years 4 months ago #326399

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:( Still can subscribe to df1 but stop meintance and upgrdes ok no upgrades but need to meintance for subcribers becose they are still pay mony to play but they cant play :sick:

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