Liljoe0872 {WP-P} wrote: What does this say? I don't know Spanish.
baron rojo wrote: Así es por eso el otro día,te decía [Å|Ñ] que te pondas en tu nick el símbolo de la alianza
Y hable contigo sin conocerte por que heres aliado mio.Habla con tu líder o con alguno de sus mandos y ellos te explicarán todo.ok?
Roy heres amigo o hipócrita?,yo no lloro solo derribo y procuro enseñar a mis aliados lo que tienen que hacer al igual que viper y sus mandos.Yo no lloro y tampoco soy un hipócrita no pensaba que tu lo fueses,yo contigo me llevaba bien.No sabia que pensarás eso de mi
O no entiendo bien lo que dices.El idioma es siempre un problema para comunicarse,pero recordad que nunca debe ser un muro impenetrable.con ganas y buena disposición se llega a saber idiomas,o al menos lo básico.
Un saludo lobos.viper gracias por no dispararme en la captura de barco,heres todo un ejemplo ojalá!!otros muchos sigan tus pasos
Jim.un placer ser parte de esta alianza. 
o that's why the other day, I told you [Å | Ñ] that you put in your nick the symbol of the alliance
And talk to you without knowing you why you are my ally. Speak with your leader or with one of his commands and they will explain everything.

Roy heres a friend or a hypocrite? I do not cry I just shoot down and try to teach my allies what they have to do as well as viper and his commands. I do not cry and I'm not a hypocrite I did not think you were, I used to take you Good. I did not know you'd think that about me.
Or I do not understand well what you say. The language is always a problem to communicate, but remember that it should never be an impenetrable wall. With desire and willingness you get to know languages, or at least the basics.
A greeting wolves.viper thanks for not shooting me in the boat, heres an example, hopefully! Many others follow your steps
Jim.A pleasure to be part of this alliance