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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #252422

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Question of the Week

I would like to introduce the new thread to everyone. Anybody can ask (post) questions here but please try to make the relevant to DF. I will be posting a weekly question on Thursday nights (Pacific Standard Time) which will be either something I was asked during the course of game play or that is relevant to a game I was playing in, although it might have been a situation which I only witnessed but thought should be asked. Some questions might seem obvious to all and others may not have an answer, but are meant to make the reader think a little. I might even make something up or take a situation from real life (I’ll try keeping these to WW I situations as best I can). All I ask is let’s not drop names, keep it to blue & red if the situation requires one, and the use of some netiquette would be nice. In other words no name calming or slamming someone’s answer just because it differs from yours. I hope everyone enjoys this, but even if it’s a flop I shall persevere just like a lone noob in a 6 on 1 death match with ranked Morafs should.
Wolf-Eel aka Larry G.

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #252423

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This weeks question is about sneaking. Since it seems that everyone has an opinion on this I thought it would be good to start the thread with this.

Good Tactic or Bad Sportsmanship? Is it ever acceptable? And would you feel the same if it was real life and not a game?

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #252425

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I'd actually be more okay with it in real life than in game. I was called out for sneaking early on, then avoided it for a while. I think it's just part of the game, now, and am totally okay with it. The one exception is if there is a large numerical advantage... Then, it certainly doesn't seem sporting.
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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #252470

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Sneaking can be a really good tactic, or a show of poor sportsmanship, depending on the circumstances. Most folks think sneaking is bad form only when the sneaker is on the side with superior numbers, but more than okay if the teams are even. Some people get tired of the up the middle continuous battle. That can be fairly monotonous and really can make a game last for hours. Sneaking has become, at least in my opinion, I viable way to shorten the games. Any player can see who is in the game at any time. Additionally they can look at their chat dialog and see who is being shot down. If you don't see a red for some time, odds are that red is sneaking so someone better go find him.

As a side note sneaking seems to be way more acceptable now than when I first started playing. I should also add that if the sneaking is done without a bomb and solely for the purpose of getting to the enemy base to camp them, then likely that is going to be frowned upon.

Each case, therefore, will be different.

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #252522

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Viper in game with you today my chat was not working. You guys scared away my allies. I gave my all And tried defending until help arrived. Unfortunately headquarters decided I was expendable.

As for "sneaking" I am an old grunt corpsman. I was taught to counter attack and out flank. I also manage runs anywhere I find free air. The map is huge, why limit your attacks to just 100-3000 altitude in a direct line up the middle? Like the old civil warrants,lining up and going in formation is a suicidal idiotic to fight. Now, knowing most call it sneaking and it is supposedly this egregious error, or even cheating, I only do so if we are out numbered or out gunned (4 morafs vs four lower ranked or less).
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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #252528

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navmed wrote: Viper in game with you today my chat was not working. You guys scared away my allies. I gave my all And tried defending until help arrived. Unfortunately headquarters decided I was expendable.

As for "sneaking" I am an old grunt corpsman. I was taught to counter attack and out flank. I also manage runs anywhere I find free air. The map is huge, why limit your attacks to just 100-3000 altitude in a direct line up the middle? Like the old civil warrants,lining up and going in formation is a suicidal idiotic to fight. Now, knowing most call it sneaking and it is supposedly this egregious error, or even cheating, I only do so if we are out numbered or out gunned (4 morafs vs four lower ranked or less).

Ahhhh.. that explains your silence. You fought a good fight, Doc.....stuck it out to the bitter end against some pretty good talent. Good show!

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #252537

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If I ain't talking chat is broken
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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #252574

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Thanks for the responses so far, I hope to comment on all, probably on Sun or Mon, I thought if I give my opinion too early others might not voice their own. So far however the responses are pretty much running the direction I anticipated. I do agree that each situation is different Viper, thanks for pointing that out. I've also noticed that it's a small handful that scream the loudest and while berating an opponent, actively encourage a team mate to commit the same act. Also the way I see it if you appear on a reds radar then it's not sneaking, no matter where you are. Once I was hugging the outer border when suddenly there's a red on my radar who obviously wasn't looking at his screen which allowed me to get the kill which started the sneaker screaming. So I calmly said the only reason I was there was that I was looking for him/her and what was he/she doing there? That stopped the chat right there, didn't even care whether I won or lost at that point since I had corked the mouth of a glass house living rock throwing red. :whistle:

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #252575

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oh yeah Aaououooooowwww

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #253640

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AAOUOUOUOOOOOOWWWWWWW Hello to all my Pack Brothers & Sisters Everyone should click the above link and just think about it for a second then come back and finish reading...............Let me start by letting you know I'm in a weird mode right now so .. I've been thinking about death for a few hours now, not my own but everyone I've ever known who has passed and I have to tell ya I'm leaning more towards air-head happy (similar to being blond I imagine) then I am towards sad or anything like that but back to the poppies. Mixed in there somewhere are two which represent two brothers, my maternal grandmothers oldest sisters sons. I think that makes them 2nd cousins of mine. Both were ANZACs, one a trooper in the (I want to say 7th?) Lancers and the other was in a line regiment I have know idea which. Both lost their lives at Gallipoli (spelling's probably wrong but I'm sure you know what is meant). I remember seeing 2 old photos of them in uniform before they shipped out which my grandmother had and thinking how much the looked like my brother & I and they had died some 50+ years before I was born. So for this week does anyone else have a storey about a relative & WWI. I'll tell you about my grandpa's experience latter in the week. I told you this thread would be different.AAOUOUOOOWWW
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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #253744

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Each one of those poppies was hand-made. No 2 poppies are exactly the same. My in-laws took my kids down to London to see them, so as a thank-you my good lady wife and I bought her one of them. All the money raised from the sales goes directly to charities supporting servicemen and their families in the UK and abroad.
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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #253789

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I would have liked to have seen that myself. It's one of those "wow" type of things brings things a little more into perspective then can be had from a text book.

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #254420

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ok then, I new it was a weird one this week. I guess when you look at it for me to have relatives in WWI does seem odd but given that I was born 1963, my mom was 1922-2014, & my grandma was 1880-1976. A lot of years get covered in just a couple of generations. Any how to finish up quickly, Gramps was English living here in the states and in return for volunteering in the USArmy he and my grandma got citizenship. He was boarding a troop ship in NY when armistice was announced and rather quickly sent home. So there you have I, my WWI rant. Next time I'll have a game question for ya, think I'll go to the den for a cold one. AAAOUOUOUOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #254532

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Larry, thanks for starting this up. I have a lot of questions and concerns about the bombing missions that is causing some game angst.

Navmed, hear! hear! I have stopped, for the most part, playing the BTB since there is a lack of team tactics and seems bent on head on lunacy. I have on occasion asked for a plan and team tactics and get the reply "Kill Reds".

Just doesn't seem to be any team warfare intelligence employed.

Sorry if this seems a little off topics - it's just my ADHD. oh yea, sneaking - all for it - just another tactic to destroy the monotony... and enemy.
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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #254643

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Glad you brought this up navmed, I agree it can get a little frustrating but you have to consider that without some previous flight time with each other so that comms could be kept to a minimum or knowledge of a code speak coordination of an attack strategy is difficult at best. Combine that with individuals (many of whom are not proficient with the various languages spoken by the community) or who might actually be 10 or 11 years old & not have a clue what your talking about, make full team cooperation seem far off indeed. But don't give up omn the bombing missions. Points and experience come from these "cluster f***s" and from this point forward anytime you see me in a game (bombing, dogfight, doesn't matter)just howl and say "HEY WINGMAN" and I'll know what your thinking, fall into formation, and follow your lead to death or glory. But not if your red.

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #254645

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Oh yeah and regarding sneaking, in my opinion if you're carrying bombs when you fly wide or high go for it and waahh to anyone who bitches, but to sneak after having dropped is another thing all together.
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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #254666

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BulletBait wrote: Larry, thanks for starting this up. I have a lot of questions and concerns about the bombing missions that is causing some game angst.

Navmed, hear! hear! I have stopped, for the most part, playing the BTB since there is a lack of team tactics and seems bent on head on lunacy. I have on occasion asked for a plan and team tactics and get the reply "Kill Reds".

Just doesn't seem to be any team warfare intelligence employed.

Sorry if this seems a little off topics - it's just my ADHD. oh yea, sneaking - all for it - just another tactic to destroy the monotony... and enemy.

Ask your questions bullet. Sometimes its best just to go to team chat and start letting them know what you are doing, to kind of get the tactical ball rolling. For instance you can post "going high" and your team will know whats up. You will also learn who likes to employ tactics and who likes to mindlessly play without focusing on the objective. I like the tactics myself and was recently in a ctf game where nobody was even trying to win, so I just left.

Bottom line is learn who plays tactics and who doesn't, and look for the tacticians in the games. Those games will be more fun for ya.

United We Prowl/Together We Howl
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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #254771

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Ok, so for those who read this thread you are the first to hear this, more will come over the next few months but it all starts here.
If all goes as planned by 1 Oct. 2015, I shall embark on a "walkabout" around the world. I'm not sure yet (planning stages still) exactly when and where I'll be going or how long I'll be in any one place, but it is going to happen.
So if any Dogfighters out there are interested, if I pass through your country/city and I supply the ingredients would you cook me an authentic meal from your country and then we'll fly together briefly before I move on. Remember I'm still planning so any tips on why or what I should see & do anywhere let me know.
This should be a grand adventure.

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #254801

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I'm jealous!! always wanted to do that but a little too late now....

You are welcome to stop by if your travels bring you to the Oregon Coast....

Fresh seafood is our specialty around here and son in-law has a tuna boat :P

I'm not a cook but my friends (teachers) at the culinary college are amazing!!

I am in charge of the smoker tho!! the best smoked salmon or tuna ya ever had!!

good luck and enjoy your walkabout!! keep us posted

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #254822

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ya I figured its now or never. So the planning started two days ago and I'm seriously ready to do this
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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #254833

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Well Larry if you wind up in the Daytona Beach, Fl. area I would love to cook something up for you... or if you would rather eat something edible, Ill get Mrs. Viper to do it. ;)

Sounds like fun. I love to travel.

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #254836

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Thanks, considering that Florida & Alaska are the only states I havn't been to you might just find me knocking on your door but for the time being the International travels come first. So I might get to Florida on the homestretch sometime fall of 2016.

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #255363

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Does anyone know why having your brakes on at base will keep you from being spawn killed but when on a carrier the brakes won't save you?

And if you return to base for ammo & land will the brakes help you then or is it like the carrier situation?

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #255386

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Hi Larry,

Even in carrier game, brakes will keep you from being spawn killed provided you landed on your captured carrier or even if you have landed at your base.
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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #255410

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Larry G. wrote: Does anyone know why having your brakes on at base will keep you from being spawn killed but when on a carrier the brakes won't save you?

And if you return to base for ammo & land will the brakes help you then or is it like the carrier situation?

It only keeps you from being killed if the airfield or carrier is blue, or under your teams control. If the carrier is white, the brakes wont save you.

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #255511

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Interesting, I will pay more attention from now on, but I can't recall a single time in which I was on a carrier w/brakes on and wasn't strafed till I looked like Swiss cheese. But the ships color at the time I don't recall
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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #255513

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It's easy to see that the dynamics are different with the different styles of plane (speed, turning, etc.) but are the guns all the same no matter what you're flying or does their performance specs vary as well?
And if they do vary which plane's guns are the best?

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #255523

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Larry G. wrote: It's easy to see that the dynamics are different with the different styles of plane (speed, turning, etc.) but are the guns all the same no matter what you're flying or does their performance specs vary as well?
And if they do vary which plane's guns are the best?

I like the German top plane the best. It turns on a dime, fires where I want it to and I like the color :P

Just my 2.0000555 cents.
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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #255555

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Ive not seen a difference in gun performance. The two top planes perform about the same but the allied one seems easier to hit, especially when I am in it and anyone else is shooting at it... Could it be me? Nah. (probably me)

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Question of the Week 9 years 4 months ago #255683

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thank you , I look forward to getting in the cockpit when the time comes.

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