Kamikaze King

THANK YOU! Imagine my face and big smile when I saw your post about my very own Banner Shop. It just got real,lol. Thank you very much for setting it up. Not only will it make a great place to keep things all in one place, but the name you selected is absolutely perfect. As you mentioned in the introduction, all new and current Wolf Pack members are invited to request a new banner or any type of special art they would be in need of.
In addition, I would like to invite our Allies,the G.I's to come forward, should their own thread be over run with work. I offered to help HB and Desi in the past...so feel free to come and window shop. I you see anything that inspires you, please, ask questions, and put in a request of your own.
Tis Factory shall be open 24/7, although the proprietor may not be attending at the very moment you visit. Drago, my loyal guard Dragon will be keeping an eye on things when I'm not here.
He has told me that he will grow quite fond of this place, and will guard it with his life.But, don't worry, a bag of Gummy Bears will soothe the beast if he should get out of hand.