I cant remember thr type/colour of plane Dire, but i will be keeping a look out for it in future!
The bear has been putting in some cockpit time and trying some new ideas.
Ive been practising divebombing from 1000-500 ft, gives me less time over target and i have height in hand to handle reds as soon as i bomb. Carrier hard to hit from 500 ft with reds on you but im getting better.
Ive also been working on a way to reduce risk in headon attacks. I really dont like this attack but is hard to avoid as eveyone else does it. I keep the red plane in the cornear of screen and as soon as tracer starts coming in i start barrell rolling like crazy. Makes me very hard to hit. At the last second i will straighten up and get in a quick burst (try to anyway) or i roll past and try to get them from behind. Its working, even with bomb on board my deaths are down and im getting some extra kills.
Would love to hear any tips that are working for other people
What are peoples plans 4 next 48 hours? would be very keen on some squad play if anyones around.
Digger, Ive got some new ideas on squad tactics too, but i might write them up later...
Hooowwwwlllll Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Bear.