Dropping in to say hi. My world has changed a whole lot in the last year, and I just haven't had the time to invest in this place. I thank Manfred very much for keeping it going. I have a feeling that in my absence, the game probably has many new faces that are neither familiar with our particular brand of bullshit, nor our glorious history of putting it to good use. I miss throwing rocks at hornets nests, righting the wrongs, and standing up for the little guys in this game that at least I felt were getting a raw deal. This bar (thread) has allowed for me to do all of this, and I definitely don't want to see it go anywhere.
If you are new to the place, please check out page 1. I'll venture a guess that some of the listed staff may not be familiar to you. I can assure you though, they were a freaking hoot. If you are familiar with them, you will realize that as I'm not very smart, and kinda smell a bit funny sometimes, that I go out of my way to hire the best, brightest, most objective, and least likely to push over people that this game has to offer.
I'm proud of the history of this place... Even more that it was born out of my frustration regarding my inability to satisfy people's wishes to be politically correct, and my wish to not try to be someone I'm not. Your opinion and your personality are welcome here. If you try to shut someone else down, who is acting like a decent human being, we will give you the proverbial baseball bat to the knee, and then throw you out on your ass.
I just want to thank everyone who has stuck with us over the years, and welcome any new people who are venturing in here for the first time.
I look forward to seeing everyone around