In the old days, people got reeled into the game via world chat because people were having fun there.
Nowadays, people are running away from the game because World Chat is used by others just to insult and fight others.
I literally see players join, read the WC, and leave after reading all the drama between players. They keep posting their constant drama, personal attacks, and moral lessons as if that were their place to vent their frustrations.
World Chat was designed as a place to communicate with everyone in a relaxed and FRIENDLY environment. This has not been the case for months already. Every single day I have to read through some player personal vendetta against another.
Then you say "punish the offenders" as if that were that simple. If I punish one single one of them, they will take it as a personal attack and then begin a flood of emails, insults, and private messages with their friends about how I'm such a horrible person for blocking them but not others and so on. Then turn against the game and the person they were fighting with even more in a toxic loop.
The point is, nobody gets reeled into the game via the world chat now.
So for now it is gone. There are also many other communication channels:
1) Discord is free and available to every player.
2) Squadron Chat is enabled.
3) The game itself while you play.
4) The forum.
5) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for all account and subscription help.