It's my birthday! It's my birthday!
So I wanted to publish something special today before I go celebrate. Dogfight Elite 1.0.25 is out and...
- Faster airplanes. All airplanes now fly faster.
- Faster tanks. All tanks now run faster.
- Fixed squadron management issues: couldn't reject people and a few other things.
- Fixed zep mission ending early.
- Fixed bombing of hangars getting that additional hangar for no reason.
- Fixed screen joystick that was mixing all type of controls.
- Improved graphics. Airplanes now also get a nicer burst from the wings when you fire.
- And...
- Two new tanks! I can't enable them until it's on all platforms but you'll see them. It's beta and I will have to move them up/down to make space for all the other tanks that I've been working on.