Big update for Dogfight Elite 1.0.15 coming very soon (between today and tomorrow on Android).
- New airplanes are ready! Yes, they will be enabled as soon as this update is published by Apple too.
- Fixed those annoying trees on water.
- Removed the server selection (for now, since not many people on Elite at the moment) and instead you will be able to see who is playing online.
- New cockpit. Removed the altimeter and speedometer and replaced them with text. Reasons: With the new airplanes and features coming I needed more space on the screen. They were blocking a lot of the view. Now you have a clearer view while playing which should help you Dogfight!
- Friend list! Yes, you've been adding friends on that list and it had no impact. Well, now you'll get a notification when your friend is online and also when many squadron members are playing. This is beta (I don't want to annoying the heck of everyone with notifications), and you will have an option to disable specific notifications. Also they won't be sent out after certain hours (working on it), so you don't get one at 4 am, or if you do, they should be on silence.
- Huge performance improvement. I've been working hard to get it to run faster on many old devices. I was able to get my Nexus 7 from 2012, to run it at 30fps while it was running it at 7 fps on the existing version.
- With the performance improvement, you get a new water. I think it's way cooler looking than the previous flat one for slow devices. I also hope it makes it easier to spot the enemy airplanes.
- New mission type! Squadron vs Squadron. It's like the Dogfight mission but instead of one vs everyone else, it's one side vs the other side. The server will try to put the people on the same squadron on the same side until it's full.
- Squadron Wars statistics already ready! Ok, you won't see them yet, but just so you know I'm working hard on this and it's almost almost ready for primetime. I already store all what a member of a squadron does to another squadron. So for instance, if a member of Lafayette Squad kills a member of Misfits, it's already registered on the database so I'm going to display a squadron ranking soon. You will know how your squadron is vs any other squadron!
- Automatic migration of Dogfight account into Dogfight Elite. This is big and it was hard to make, but if you get Dogfight Elite and use the login info from Dogfight, it will detect it, create an account on Elite, migrate all its compatible data and begin using it from that moment. Remember, this only works the first time, it won't keep migrating data between the games once you've used Elite because there is no way to know where you made the kills, or where you bought the points.
- 2 to 4 times more points with purchases! You'll get way more points now when you purchase them, and if you are a subscriber, you'll get even more points!
- Added some more trees near the allied base.
- Added an option to reverse the fire/bomb buttons on settings/graphics.
- Partial credits for kills. Doesn't it bother you when you've hit an airplane 3 times and then another person hits it again and they get the kill? Well, not any more. You get partial credit also!
- Auto destroy delay: it will take 15 seconds to autodestroy. This is done so that it avoids people autodestroyed so they don't get killed.
- Much more! But surprises wouldn't be surprises if I spoiled them
IMPORTANT: On Android, and only on Android, the game engine I use has a bug that the game won't load on certain devices. I'm well aware of the issue and I've contacted Unity (the game engine) on multiple occasions. As soon as they send me a fix I'll send it out!
And just for the sake of it. A screenshot comparing the old Dogfight vs Dogfight Elite