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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384192

  • zuperman
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First and foremost, I want to thank you all for participating in the thread  Should I remove WW2 planes from the game? - Dogfight Elite Forum
I think it's been one of the most productive threads in a long time, where everyone was respectful and gave their opinion.

Let me explain my views and the decision I've reached.

First, I owe everyone an apology. If a poll where something as basic as the goal of the game is so divided, it is very clear that I made some big mistakes. To list a few:

- I made the mistake of introducing WW2 too fast. Instead of adding the airplanes little by little, I worked in the shadows to make a big release with all the airplanes. At the time I thought this would be a wonderful surprise. Time has proven there is no discussion that such a huge change in the game was destructive. There is no excuse for this. I messed up.
- I mixed WW1 and WW2 planes. This has been chaotic. And to try to make people happy I demoted WW2 planes to be able to compete with WW1 to the point that it's almost useless to pick some of the lower tier WW2 planes. I also changed the ranks and points required so they could compete to a point that it was nonsense. You can remember there was a time to get a Camel you needed almost MORAF (31) level. Before last week you could get all planes with level 24. So many wrong things done here.
- I assigned WW1 missions (like the zep) and reused missions and a map that is clearly designed for WW1 and placed WW2 planes on it.

In short, I made a game that feels like a WW1 game with WW2 airplanes. Nobody is happy. WW1 players are not happy to see WW2 planes and WW2 players are not happy they feel they are in WW1 world.

These are some of my mistakes. I'm sure I made many more, but these were huge on my part.

Do I remove WW2 based on the poll?

1) I can't remove WW2 planes. When the vote is so divided, it's not fair. There is no easy solution to people that paid for WW2 planes AND love those planes too. I can't issue refunds because developers don't have that power on the app stores. And I have a clear moral obligation towards people that do enjoy using those planes that I can't just take away because others don't like them.

2) I also have a moral obligation towards people that enjoy playing only WW1 planes and have been here for years. I can't ignore your requests either. If you don't want to play WW2 planes or against WW2, you shouldn't have to.

How do I move forward?

I know I can't make everyone happy, but I'll try to achieve a balance the best I can. Also please understand that Christmas is in a week, so my hands are tied during these days. I hope to be able to do the most important changes by January 2022, but I also depend on the app stores. They close down during holidays and I can't release updates.

1) I will add the option for subscribers to select WW1 or WW1 & WW2 track. Like it used to. I don't like this solution but it's the only way to keep a balance between both sides of the poll. This option will be available in the Settings screen on the next update (1.1.97 hopefully).

People that select the WW1 track, will never see a WW2 plane. They won't be able to select them either. And they won't see WW2 missions.

2) It doesn't make sense that WW2 planes are so demoted in specs and combat so they could fight with WW1. All WW2 will get upgraded to their real specs. Any WW2 airplane will and should be able to destroy WW1 airplanes easily. They should be able to finish WW1 missions in a breeze.

This means that I have to work on both, WW1 and WW2:
- I will work on adding new mission types and airplanes for WW1. So that people that decide to stick to WW1 have new content to enjoy.
- I will work on creating new missions and upgrading the map for WW2 planes so that it doesn't feel like you are doing a WW1 mission with a WW2 plane.
- I will add multiple airplanes to WW2 too.
- To be able to add all these new airplanes, the ranks, experience required for each rank, and the requirements to purchase each airplane will be adjusted and spaced out more. This will allow adding more airplanes in between ranks.
- I will work on more collaborative missions. Missions where you need your teammates to complete them.

What I will do is I will post a few polls asking for new missions and features that you want to see. I won't be able to do everything so fast, but I'll try my best to add the things that make more sense, beginning with splitting the WW1 and WW2 wars.

Again, I'm sorry I messed up so badly when I added WW2. I hope to see you soon in the skies.

Have a wonderful Christmas holiday season.

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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384194

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I just wanted to say, dont be so hard on yourself, you have a great game that we all love. I would like to suggest, please consider making ww2  planes available to the ranks that they were before recently. We would all enjoy , and game benefit from new planes. Thank you. Happy Holidays all. 
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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384195

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sounds good zup the only way forward is not dwell on the past but learn from our mistakes .The game was way better with the split servers most people played the game for the ww1 experience like your intro video when i  enter the play store. The spirit of the old airmen who where pioneers inspired us all to download the game
i played loads of air combat games and this one is The  best  .looking forward to the new year and a new old game lol Merry Christmas
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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384196

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Me saco el sombrero por tu decisión Zuperman. Como colaboración a tu trabajo pronto haré una compra de monedas y haré el esfuerzo de promocionarlo. Saludos. 
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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384198

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Passez de bonnes fêtes de fin d'année ZUP ! Merci pour votre travail. Nous sommes nombreux à adorer votre jeu.
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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384200

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Awesome!! Thank you Zup!!

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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384204

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Thank you, Sir, I believe you have found a way to please everyone!
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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384207

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Thank you Zup. Guess I won't have lead the coup now. Lol. Merry Christmas sir!
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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384208

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Gracious summary Zup, but I think the problem has been more us than you.
[ So from making this work (I need to pay the bills), what can the game offer so that you would spend money on it? I can't just remove WW2, make you happy and give all the work free, it has to add some income or I can't do it.]

Bristol M.1? 
Sikorsky Ilya Maurometz? 
Ansaldo A.1 Balilla?
Handley Page O/100 and Friedrichshafen G111?
There were quite a lot of bigger WW1 bombers we could buy.
The water is underutilized. Maybe expand its use. Add seaplanes.
Like tanks, we could purchase WW1 warships, submarines, midget subs to attack the carrier, all bombable.
Maybe a new game scenario, add the Maginot Line? With "robotic" artillery that has to be bombed before it destroys our soldiers, winner is one with most soldiers left? And if you want a real challenge:- TUNNELING and FLAME THROWERS!

And to WW2, add dambusters and bouncing bombs!
I wonder if players would pay to be able to display their own avitar name or image on their aircraft?
A button to briefly change to looking backwards would be worth paying for in  turn fights.
A zoom function to enlarge the gun sight area would also be popular for head to head shootouts.
Maybe only payed up members get to play a whole game, free loaders above beginner level get booted out after a set time period.
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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384211

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Sounds great. I truly wish you the best and hope this all works out well. I want to subscribe now and look forward to the improvements. 

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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384216

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Well, zup, you read everyone pleas and accumulate all facts and figures until you have derive to an impartial conclusion. You strike an equitable balance for everyone :).. Looks like everyone are happy. Enjoy your holidays:) 
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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384226

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Just tried to play a game and I find that I have to buy premium to use my spitfire. Is this an error? I paid for my spitfire in good faith and now I have to pay again just to use it??  Is this correct??

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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384228

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Voto por dejar los aviones WWII. Creo que es buena idea que se pueda jugar con ellos sólo desde un rango determinado como era antes.

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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384232

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atn col8 ERM i think when you bought this plane it clearly stated on the tag you need subscribe for this plane. if you no longer subscribe then you cannot use it simple. Also if you look at terms of use the developer has right to change features of the game
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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384237

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Updated game, I am not able to start game. It States I need a free upgrade, but will not update, 
is this part of the future processes? Or glitch in programme?

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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384246

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Me parece Joaquín muy interesante todo lo que has escrito,yo no soy partidario como ya dije de quitar los w2 costo mucho conseguirlo y no seria justo,mejor separar las guerras y si quieres juegas solo la w1,en cuanto a todo lo demás estaría muy bien enriquecer y aprovechar el juego y ya veo que tienes grandes ideas,ampliar el mapa con bases en otros puntos seria muy interesante,así como un misión solo de tanques y otra de aviones y tanques por ejemplo y alguna otra de soldados todo por tierra y mezclado como una primera guerra mundial a tope,poniendo tropas automáticas en ambos bandos como pasa en muchos otros juegos,pero por otra parte la culpa es de todos,es difícil no imposible que contentes a todos por igual,hubo mucho cabreo y lo sé de seguro,por que había mucha diferencia entre los aviones y el método que se usa para jugar,siempre he dicho,tablet y movil y pc y consolas diferentes servidores,así se equiparan los juegos y las habilidades de cada uno serán las que cuenten,bueno te animo a seguir con el juego,estoy seguro que cada vez será mejor,este juego siempre he dicho que tiene mucho pero muucho para mejorar,así te animo a que lo hagas sera bueno para todos.¡¡FELIZ NAVIDAD!! JOAQUIN QUE LA DISFRUTES,despues te estaremos esperando,aquí estamos también para ayudar en lo que se pueda  
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The future of Dogfight Elite 3 years 1 month ago #384270

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Updated game, I am not able to start game. It States I need a free upgrade, but will not update, 
is this part of the future processes? Or glitch in programme?

Answer: That was a glitch. You were playing on a kindle, correct?

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The future of Dogfight Elite 2 years 10 months ago #385669

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Looking forward to the “ working on new planes  for ww1 and ww2 " just thought that ask for ideas from the community like you did with the missions. Saw some really great ideas from people. Also was wondering where you currently stand on the project. Thanks for a great game.
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The future of Dogfight Elite 2 years 9 months ago #385671

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Right now I'm in the process of fighting to update to Unity 2022 which is coming out in about 2 weeks. So I can't do many changes to the game because the Unity game engine is breaking sooooo much stuff. Including that the memory consumption is 4 times more without any explanation. Hopefully Unity releases fixes before I'm forced to update to their system in 2 weeks.

After that, I will continue working on new airplanes, missions, and features.
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The future of Dogfight Elite 2 years 9 months ago #385697

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Mr. Zuperman,
suggestion for new missions:
combine 2 missions already in the game, like bomb sub and bomb hangars, or capture carriers and capture flag.
Would shift focus from 1 mission to 2 at once.
Just a thought....

another thought... add a cancel button to dialog that gives choice to quit or auto destroy.
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The future of Dogfight Elite 2 years 9 months ago #385725

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Can we get a Grumman F6F HELLCATF6F accounted for 75% of all aerial victories recorded by the U.S. Navy in the Pacific. This was a killer it should be in the game think about it zup if you would Thank sir 
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The future of Dogfight Elite 2 years 9 months ago #385729

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There is a F4F hellcat included already in the game. Adding the F6F would make little difference at this moment I believe.

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The future of Dogfight Elite 2 years 9 months ago #385731

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HELLCAT F6F is the best plane America had in ww2 seems you would have it all ready I can't play in game say there's an up date and it takes me to no update so now I can't play? Mr zup

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The future of Dogfight Elite 2 years 9 months ago #385733

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I know the difference in real life, but the game doesn't calculate engine HP, or climbing speed and all those numbers in a realistic way, since this is not a hyper realistic flight simulator. So the question is, if added, in between which airplanes should the F6F Hellcat be placed? Before and after which one?

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The future of Dogfight Elite 2 years 9 months ago #385779

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Jeez Zuperman, not sure how this post got by me,but I was impressed so much. It tak3s courage to admit you made a mistake.  Reading through the issues,I wouldn't want that task. Wasn't there a time when there were four rooms. Like 7 yrs ago,just before bullet drop was added. I don't know anything about server or cost. I know I enjoy flying both style planes. We our are, and always have found something ask to be corrected.  I know I've been a thorn in your side at times,but I trust you'll do what's right. Like me being colorblind, you fixed that and man,I could see planes. Remember, I sure you know this,but texts can be misunderstood.  That happens  a lot here with the language barrier. I've had many issues with players not understanding what I'm saying. Over time,people no I'm just a happy Joker and don't take me seriously.  Lol Peace,CueBall. 

Cueball #2

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The future of Dogfight Elite 2 years 8 months ago #385949

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The way that the ww1 planes were locked it was not cool. To ww1 can be done the equal ww2, I mean leaving only to subscribers the top ww1 and ww2 planes. This will be a win for zup as those hooked on game will want to pay for the best planes.

DEEZ_NUTS post=385947 userid=73670There have been a tremendous amount of new players, everyday there are new names that I never heard of and many times the list of online players for ww1 has been full with 10 -18 players....good players too. But everyone that joined my squad has quit at lvl 7. More noobs join and again at lvl 7 they become inactive. It's because they don't want to have to subscribe to get a better plane. I am not for the game being free because I known zup works hard to make sure we're all happy but why not get rid of the subscription requirement and bump it up from level 7 to lvl 20. At level 7 a player hasn't played enough to appreciate the game and its easy to quit and move on to the next game. But if there was no subscription requirement to buy the next plane and use it they would continue to play and by level 20 a player has enough time invested they don't want to quit and will be more likely to subscribe. By level 20 they have made friends, they are building good stats, they are part of a squad, and they have planes they can compete with and they appreciate what we all do......look at Cankid, he tried to quit twice even said goodbye to everyone and he ended up reaching  in his pocket and staying.....I knowI saw around 20 players go from playing every single day at level 1-7 and ask why they couldn't buy the next plane and then never see them again.....



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The future of Dogfight Elite 2 years 8 months ago #385955

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i agree V V.Huntress War post=385949 userid=33638

The way that the ww1 planes were locked it was not cool. To ww1 can be done the equal ww2, I mean leaving only to subscribers the top ww1 and ww2 planes. This will be a win for zup as those hooked on game will want to pay for the best planes.

DEEZ_NUTS post=385947 userid=73670There have been a tremendous amount of new players, everyday there are new names that I never heard of and many times the list of online players for ww1 has been full with 10 -18 players....good players too. But everyone that joined my squad has quit at lvl 7. More noobs join and again at lvl 7 they become inactive. It's because they don't want to have to subscribe to get a better plane. I am not for the game being free because I known zup works hard to make sure we're all happy but why not get rid of the subscription requirement and bump it up from level 7 to lvl 20. At level 7 a player hasn't played enough to appreciate the game and its easy to quit and move on to the next game. But if there was no subscription requirement to buy the next plane and use it they would continue to play and by level 20 a player has enough time invested they don't want to quit and will be more likely to subscribe. By level 20 they have made friends, they are building good stats, they are part of a squad, and they have planes they can compete with and they appreciate what we all do......look at Cankid, he tried to quit twice even said goodbye to everyone and he ended up reaching  in his pocket and staying.....I knowI saw around 20 players go from playing every single day at level 1-7 and ask why they couldn't buy the next plane and then never see them again.....


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The future of Dogfight Elite 2 years 8 months ago #385957

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yep there is a gap between ranks and airplanes, the gap is there because I was working on several things before I could add the airplanes. The 2 seat airplanes in WW1 won't need to be a subscriber and they are there for rank 7, which is exactly the rank you mention.
With this update I finally managed to get the Albatros C.III ready, so people at rank 7 can get the 2 seat bombers instead of having to wait until rank 12 for the next one.
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The future of Dogfight Elite 1 year 10 months ago #388072

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I know I'm late to the party on this one but I was genuinely impressed by your post and wanted to let you know. Zup I think you do a great job at a very difficult task. You can't please everyone but it's obvious from your post you are doing your very best to be mindful of what different players want in the game. Also, I think you show high personal character by speaking to moral obligations and admitting mistakes, owning them, learning from them, and moving on to solutions. The humility which you have shown in your post is an endearing personal characteristic that draws people in.

Thank you for all you do.
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