I agree
There have been a lot of improvements in this game since it came out.
now you can upgrade and buy different tanks, buy more bombs for your planes, new game modes like capture the flag, upgradable gun for your soldier, and new features like being able to use the ship's gun and the climbing aboard the zeppelin. before, you can't do all these stuff. so expect new things in the future.
about a camera that locks on a target, (based on my experience) it wont help much because the airplanes are just too fast. in fact, you only have less than a second sometimes to push the button when your opponent appears on your screen in a turn fight ! also , crashing your plane is not always the best choice after using your bombs because you can let your opponent chase you and give way for teammates to use their bomb and its also a matter of stats (lol). btw crash and deaths are two different stats recorded separately.
well i still dont know because the game might change again after some time.
and watch out for the sun!! it might blind you when flying