Ok Z, there are some small things I'd like to see changed to improve the dogfight expierence (not about bug fixing). One I noticed its a bit tough to find the 'quit' button when in multiplayer...this obviously isn't a huge deal but these little things are what this post is about. What I propose is that instead of it just saying 'autodestroy' make it say 'quit/kill' (I'm only using kill because it is a small word that will fit in the current button space, obviously once you hit that button it will show 'quit' and 'autodestoy' so you don't sound emo lol), the Fokker e.iii' (slow) propeller spins off center, the sopwith camels propeller when spinning fast is inside the cowling of the plane itself, the Fokker e.iii needs a bigger hitbox. Also if you could add an 'online leader board' button on the main menu. You have to be clear the leader board is online so phone users don't waste thier data. These are only a few things I could think of, if anyone else sees anything post below for Z to see.