Hey guys.
I know i know, im retired, yet i come back to ask for something. Lol.
I had an idea that im sure everyone would love to hear. I asked zup about the idea and he said he wanted to hear the peoples voice on this.
So here it is. Yall know this banner right?
Hopefully yall do, if not, check the top of the website
lol. My idea is to get the people of dogfight involved with dogfight alittle more than just financial. I propose having a banner contest held on the last week of the month, and on the first week, hold a vote on what banner entry will represent dogfight for the next 2 months. If the idea is liked, im sure zup will tweek the numbers a bit, and thats fine by me, im just giving the idea
Now just to keep the banners easily judgable, i suggested to zup that we have a theme to go with for those 2 months. Maybe a plane from df, or ww1, or a particular pilot from ww1, etc etc. Just some examples to help zup with.
Another thing i suggested to him was to have a set group of people be the judges instead of having everyone vote, because from what i seen from the last poll, several people tried to cheat numbers by creating multiple accounts. And thats just cheap, in my opinion. So my idea to keep the playing field fair, having a moderator from each squad "represent" their squads vote, or have said moderator make their own choice. Just another idea for zup and everyone here to play with and think about. If the vote is accounted by the whole squad system (meaning the mod counts the votes for has squad, and lays the squad vote for whichever banner was most popular by that squad), or just by the thought of just 1 mod from said squad.
Not sure how this idea will go, but i think zup likes it, but he wants yalls opinions as well, so please help zup and I out.
Yay or nay on this idea?