"What if there is no Dogfight?"
Its just a game... If one really needs to stick playing PC or mobile or console games, there are tons of them to choose from.
"Are u ready for this?"
Well, I stood away from Dogfight for almost 5 months, and I tell you: I spent that free time running and swimming. Now, I dont run anymore - cuz my knees are "no more". But I still swim, since I dont play more than an hour per day. So, yes, I know now that it wont hurt if, eventually, this bar closes its door.
Before I took a break (last year), I used to play three hours per day, and used to spent almost two hours per day at forum (at work, mostly), and this behavior almost caused a divorce.
Now, after taking a long break, I came back to gaming, but in a less "addicted" pace. And Im planning to play even less from now on, and posting and reading this forum even less.
Take care, guys. This game/forum thing is going to bring you down, if you dont time it well.