You posted that I messed up and you lost your purchased planes that you paid for, and also you lost your ranking and had to begin from scratch. Here, a thread that was created for a completely different purpose. Also, you posted it on world chat AND sent me an email. Everywhere! I said that would be hardly possible and that it is always that people forget they have a second account. You said nope. Fine, I decided to spend a few hours of my holidays (it was a holiday here yesterday) to help find your forgotten account all the way back from 2015-2017. I did. Problem solved. It was a pain in the ass to do it but ok. I didn't have to. Then I come here and see your posts deleted but you didn't say anything that I helped or fixed it. Not nice but ok.
What image does it give? if something is wrong, you made sure I take full visible blame. For everyone to see in all possible channels you can post. If I help you, nothing... delete, not even a thank you here. So I had to be the one telling that I fixed it because nobody here would know otherwise. Again, not nice, but ok.
But then your reply to me saying that I fixed your issue? - Thank you, but if I had listed every account in the system you wouldn't be in that situation.
Excuse me?
So obviously I wasn't happy with that reply and told you so after spending time of my holidays helping you.
"What I meant is that if when I reentered this year if I had seen my name even in 5000000 place".
Not true again. Because your name WAS listed in the 150 place or so. And if you knew your name you just had to type it on the ranking and search for it to see it. You just didn't do it or you forgot your name too. You can pick up any existing player from the last 10 years and search it on the ranking, it will show up. But again, my fault?
Lastly, you also added a HUGE lie. "Delete other people posts, ban people for critics. Calm down."
This is what I mean when I say you just keep adding content to make me look bad.
This has never happened. People that get banned or muted have always been because they broke the rules. You can always criticize politely. In fact everyone can see from the number of updates that I work to fix things requested constantly and they NEVER got muted or banned. But using vulgar language is not allowed. And I ALWAYS give seconds, third, and even more chances. And to be more precise, I even unmuted and unbanned everyone last week. To people that I gave more than 10 chances included. Tell me precisely ONE single example of when I have deleted posts or banned someone just because that person was a critic of the game or myself in a polite and constructive way and I will publicly apologize to you and to that person.