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The futer of dogfight hopefully zuper pls read. 12 years 5 months ago #6107

  • SkyDavis
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It would be cool to have a online campaign mode wher we gut a bigger map 8 air bases for each side 4 on land 4 carriers and we could have the line wher you go into the Germans side if the line or on the alied side if the line and when a plane crosses the line the ground troops report it and you are told that a plane crossed the line in to your territory and they will show up on the radar in the middle between the alied and central powers line it could be no mans land and that's wher the infantry is o and when a plane crosses the line it doesn't say who the player is just shows them on radare and says they crossed. Ther could be 8 times the number of players in a regular game in it becuse of the 8 bases in each team. The hole would be to go and bomb the hangers at each air base and sink the aircraft carriers. The players should get 100 poi ts fir every base or carrier destroyed becuse it would be egule to the points if wining a game so when you win the house map you get 800 points more depending on how many planes you kill. When your team wins on your scor it should show that you win 8 games if you wher ther frome the beginning on players in the side that lost should get a win every time you destroy a base or ship if you win you get 8 becuse that would be the requirement to win is destroy all the hangers and ships. For tanks and infantry when you get shot down should be the same distance frome a base that you are in any other game to go to a tank or your littal solder guy and what ever ground equipment ther is by the time this comes out uf it dose come out. Every ine thinks for reading my idea that is very long if any one would like to add to this please do. If this dose come out my friends it will probly be a few years frome now becuse it will be like making a houle new game its much larger than the game is now if zuper likes it he probly will releas it a bit at a time like starting with 2 bases for each team and slowly make it larger by aiding a base snd area to the map probly once every two months or 4 months and trying to make it not lagy and if the game would Evan fit on our devices. So don't realy expect this to come out. And zuperman thanks for all your hard work on this game it is amazing they way it is.

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Re: The futer of dogfight hopefully zuper pls read. 12 years 5 months ago #6109

  • Hy flyer
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there were no radars back then.but its a cool idea!
Who ever dislikes you gets payback by something else.
My planes bullet proof.;)
the talking banana light
im always beyond the clouds or way over my head

Once upon a time knights of the sky's were hey! But on a beautiful day we dueled and fell now red poppies cover our graves in Flanders...

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Re: The futer of dogfight hopefully zuper pls read. 12 years 5 months ago #6110

  • SkyDavis
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I was talking about the minimal in the corner you can see littal red dots to wher the enemy plane is.

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