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Possible new missions (ideas) 9 years 11 months ago #198949

  • WarEagle!
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Ive come up with a solution!!!!!!!!
In this game you have two typse of pilots, those who drop and those who dont. I was recently in a bomb the base mission and it occurred to me. While me and this guy was playing 1 on 1 we had our 'dancing' session and after he crashed I made it to his base and turned back to reload. So on my way back to my base I though....hmm what if there was a new mission? What if it was kinda like a 'Tag' mode? Where u have to make it to enemy base and back without being shot down :whistle: than I started think about a score system. Should there be a ring or something by each base and the pilot has to go through the enemies ring and back to the base, through the other ring to score?
Personally I think this would be absolutely wonderful!!!! I mean, than we'll have another bombless mission. Its something to think about, talk about and concider.....Anyways let me know what yall think about this.

And!!! Just awhile ago ive also come up with another mission that might work well for squad wars!!!!! So my other idea for a mission would be like 'a team dogfight' I figured this would go well with squadron wars because both teams are expected and probably be even in numbers. So, for this 'team dogfight' if the numbers are even, than what if first team with 50 kills (and thats all togeather) wins.

Something else that might help. To kinda balance the D8 what if, the caml was a little smaller and had more speed or maneuverability? Idk im not to big Into the whole D8 thing. Its a great plane and I love it! But it being a big advantage just isnt a big concern for me, I can honestly careless. But it could be something that might balance the game abit! :)
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Possible new bombless mission!!!!!!! 9 years 11 months ago #198950

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I think it's an awesome idea. Kind of like a secondary mission. Would definitely make the game more challenging
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Possible new missions (ideas) 9 years 11 months ago #199006

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There has been a Zeppelin game glitch which I think would make a great new game variation.

Have you ever seen the glitch where the zeppelin does not move? It stays in front of South base and just hangs there. It may be the best turn fighting variation ever! :blink:

Basically, the way it plays out is that the Allies spawn right behind the zep and he Germans obviously spawn far away. The German attackers have to fight their way over and take out the engines before it can be shot down. Simple? Not really.

In a normal zep game the Germans start out making the long trip over. In a well fought game the Allies can usually keep the Germans from getting the engines until the zep gets to mid field. The further past mid field it gets, the harder it is for the defenders. Each time a defender gets shot down it takes longer for them to get back into the fight because of the increasing distance. Any close game becomes a race against time, where the Germans have to finish off the zep before it bombs the German hangars.

In this new variation, the Germans (with the superior d8s) have to travel the entire distance on each respawn. A complicating factor is that they have to ration their ammo. Each time they shoot down defending allied planes the defenders respawn at the ideal defending point. If a German just wants to dogfight they will use up their limited ammo before they can get the engines. They are forced to fly evasively and to try to get close enough to get snap shots off at the engines.

The allies need to keep the Germans as far away from the zep as possible and can obviously rack up lots of kills while the Germans need to be careful with their ammo. Remember that if a German gets close enough, once he is shot down he can shoot the engines from the parachute. Once the engines are down the attacking Germans can shoot the zep from a much greater distance but still the Germans will get more points for the game if they save their bullets for the zeppelin rather than shooting defenders.

This variation is like the real ww 1 mission of attacking well defended spotting balloons. There is the great reward of many points for a successful German attack AND a great reward for the allies of many potential kills.

I suppose that here should be some way for the allies to win too? It could either be that each side has a stationary zep to defend, OR the allies could be given bombs so they can take out the German hangars. The Germans would be flying bombless while the allies would need to have some bombers make it through. Escorts, sneaks, everything would be fair game.

This would make a good game even if one side is out numbered.
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Possible new missions (ideas) 9 years 11 months ago #199017

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Well its a great idea,., i also got 1 of a mode which is like. target 1 and kill ,.in this mode 1 team will be assassinators and other defenders , in this game 1 of the player of defenders will be chosen by random and attackers have to kill him within the time limit to make a victory and others help him to survive if he survived in time they will win,.!! I think it would be a nice game!!!! ;) ;)

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Possible new missions (ideas) 9 years 11 months ago #199019

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I also have a mode, basically like "Infected". What you do is there is a full server of people but set onto the mode "Dogfight for the first few minutes then the mode changes when the infected person is selected.Now the mode will change to all friendly accept for the infected.The way u get infected is by being shot down by an infected person. And in every game the rotation should be like this :woohoo:
I'm described 2 ways.Weird, and Mighty.

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Possible new missions (ideas) 9 years 11 months ago #199118

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I was thinking about a new wrinkle to an old mission... take the radar and big ol' words off the screen. When flying a mission you have to get close to identify who is who before you open fire. In this game variation other aspects of ACM beyond the standard yankin' and bankin' will need to be employed in order to be effective. Using the sun, clouds, different altitudes, formation tactics, things like that. The folks who like the realistic aspect of dogfight should enjoy a game that is as much a game of aerial combat as it is a thinking and strategy game.

Oh, and I like the ring at the bases idea and the stationary zeppelin idea as well. The only caveat of the stationary zeppelin is.... how do you win if you are the defenders? The proposed bombs by allied idea would be a tough road to travel as you have two mission objectives: protect and bomb while the Germans have just one objective. The better idea, in my opinion, would be the both sides have a zeppelin to defend idea.

Just my .02

United We Prowl/Together We Howl
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Possible new missions (ideas) 9 years 10 months ago #208611

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Maybe u can consider the idea of a specific tank or pilot missions, where the planes still fight in the air, but the only way to win is on the ground. Idk if it's really possible with the actual maps and playin system, but, i think if should it be, will make the game more addictive for us all! Cuz, even lovin this game I'ma bit tired of "destroy zep, bomb carrier, bomb base, ffa!"

And the idea of 2 zeps is awesome, and could bring more challenging to the game!

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Possible new missions (ideas) 9 years 10 months ago #208614

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Like the ideas so far..how about a dusk/ nightime mission with lights...it can be bomb the base all lit up runways etc.. or a city to fly over and bomb look great with all the lights....someone has to make it back to base to finish game.also it's on a random timer..
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Possible new missions (ideas) 9 years 10 months ago #208626

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I really like the 2 zepplins idea and it would make it a completely different game. I was thinking of a mode where it is like a team dogfight and like there is like a thunderstorm in the sky and lightning strikes a plane if it is unlucky. Idk it is just a thought and maybe a tornado raging in the mid part of the map??? :blink:

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Possible new missions (ideas) 9 years 10 months ago #208641

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1. Shoot down the observation balloons. (static balloons, midfield for artillery observation. Nice mission for older model plane.)
2. Find enemy tank batallion, and mark the target. ( nice for older models plane too)
3. Bomb or defend the bridge.
4. Strafe enemy airfield. ('Legally' camping. Anti aircraft guns would be nice then.)
5. Bomb enemy arttillery positions.

6. Escort those missions ( better planes defend the bombers/older planes)

With the offered planes at the beginning of the game you get a specific personal mission-instruction.
(Like a briefing: "Gentlemen, today we are after the observation balloons, the Camels will take care of enemy fighters.......etc.)
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Possible new missions (ideas) 9 years 10 months ago #208666

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I seen on youtube zuperman was working on something about the night time, idk if its discontinued or hes got something up his sleeve lol. My favorite idea is the team death match or team dogfight.
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Possible new missions (ideas) 9 years 10 months ago #208670

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Lol eagle i saw that too yes i like the two Zeppelin idea and what rudolf said and i hope the nightime daytime thing does happen that would be really cool

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Possible new missions (ideas) 9 years 10 months ago #208672

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How would the two zeppelins work? U have to bring ur zeppelin down and stop the other team from bringing theirs down too to win? Or the first to just bring thier zep down wins?????
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Possible new missions (ideas) 9 years 10 months ago #208829

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Yeah all these ideas sound good but a night time mode sounds awesome if u tell me :pinch:

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Possible new missions (ideas) 9 years 10 months ago #208833

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I still.say the bases should be moved inthe btb mission. And maybe have them move Evey few months. I'm kinda tried of the valley of death and there a.lot of room to place them. And a second smaller ship in the btc mission with 50% life. Witch has to be taken out before you can bomb the carrier. And I'm.like the two zep idea one going in each direction. First one down wins.
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Possible new missions (ideas) 9 years 10 months ago #208875

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I must say that a thunderstorm in a night mission would be great! :woohoo: :woohoo: :silly:
The two zeps must bring a lot of challenging onto a mission that actually just look "amazing for germans but not so much for allies"!

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