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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #155517

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I started to reply to Deezl on my own squads thread and got inspired to summarize the current horrible state of DogFight as it is today.

I am having a hard time keeping my sanity with all the problems that just seemed to be acting up worse than ever yesterday.

- Plane guns would switch on and off randomly but more often than not it was when I was just about to bring a target into the cross hairs and so long as they remained in the kill zone no bullets would come out or a couple then stop again

- My chute gun same but much much worse. I had to change to a tapping on the button type strategy getting about 1 bullet for 5 taps

- The chute control stick wouldn't work most of the time so you couldn't aim at your target or once it did begin to work it turned to slow to get back on the target

- The soldier control stick same deal but not nearly as bad as in chute. I would run a bit pause and start running again

- My tank controls were the worst of all! I had some control here and there, best case I only lost control about once every 3 seconds worst case i couldnt move no matter how much I tried to move the control stick

- Normal problem of everyone vanishing and then showing up to shoot you down

- Bullets that I see go into planes because I am like 5 feet from them watching my tracers go into the center of the plane and not a single registered hit. During that game I was in a straight head on and i had my full stream of fire on the plane until I smashed into the center of their prop not a single hit!

So many elements of the game feel like cheating now because of all of the issues, for example sneaking. Sneaking is a good plan really since as many have said before why just keep going down the same corridor waiting to meet head on dying over and over? The first problem is the teams are so rarely fair that if you are on the larger team you are taking advantage since the smaller team can't cover all the planes and leave someone behind to cover the base. If you are on the smaller team you leave your team weak and the abundance of planes make it past them and maybe you get to bomb once but they get to bomb over and over and usually end up surrounding your airport and pinning down your whole team as they camp over it! The second problem with sneaking is the lack of hit consistency. You find the sneaker only to not be able to do anything about it since your bullets are fake or ineffective. I can be right behind them with full sync with their turning or corkscrew and watching my bullets go in and not a hit. I had an event with wig where when he got to the base to bomb he went underground what looked like 10 feet which my bullets cannot penetrate to only resurface and bomb while I expect a crash notification.

The next part of the game that feels like cheating but really isn't is camping. If you fight across the map to get to their base you should be able to stay over top shooting reds who have fully taken off until they remove you period. That's the reward for doing that since it is crippling and if you decide to leave they shoot you in the back anyway so why leave? Well if the numbers are on your side it's extremely hard to remove the camping team since more and more show up and you are much weaker at take of than flying over head. Look at General Jackson's comments about me a few posts earlier I came up to his base and was in a twisting df with him forever. Now people get criticized for camping so much that being in a df over the base is something wrong. I never shot at anyone that wasn't in the twisting with me and all I was trying to do was hit the General (I'll get you one day!!). Is that wrong too now?

Few other weird bits that complete my descent into madness are first the way now tanks can get stuck in the apex of hills, the sharper the edge the better the chance. The snow is near impossible for me to see terrain elevation and crash into the ground often. You can't see your tracers over the snow. The ground has less pixelation so you can barely tell how close you are during twisting. That's the same for the water for me since I have to turn all graphic options off to not have hang ups when I move. During ctc when planes land they start to shuffle and can seem to be anywhere after that point even a hundred feet away from the carrier. I look for their name and keep blasting and you eventually hit them. You can even now hit players who are have landed inside the carrier now right through the wall as this no longer provides any cover. Same for carrier spawning, the planes shuffle all over then pop out of the carrier when they take off. The enemy can get brake immunity on a carrier you have captured. If you blast with a tank shell the rolling parachute that breaks off after you have touched down in chute you die no matter how far you are away, same for shooting the enemies rolling chute. I hit planes with a tank shell and see the shell explode on their plane to have nothing happen and sometimes shoot cleanly over their plane to take them down. The teams are rarely fair and I try and switch to help I ofetn lose the game I am trying to get back into lots of times collecting crashes as I spawn into games since that isn't fixed either. Some players have found a way to crash into you and only you crash. Very effective since you get no chance in chute or tank. Also how is it when you crash into someone in chute and only the plane crashes? You don't think colliding with a plane would cause some injury if not instant death? Same as like I said to wig this morning after I speared my plane into the top of his tank, shouldn't that do at least some damage? Like I can take out a tank from 1000' with a rifle with 5 shots...where is the logic in that?

Now join all of this with the steep increase in foul language in game and on world chat and team killing of what seems like it is coming from the newer players who often shoot their own team and say nothing even if it's an accident. I ask them what happened and if it was and accident and why they don't say sorry only to be sworn at and told it's only a f***ing game or I don't care. That seems to be the real issue here the lack of caring about everything except by a select group who without them I would have no reason to stay. You can see them pour out effort to suggest what can help and offer assistance and guidance to new players. The players that when I started playing here made it so I never wanted to stop and be one of them some day. The players who seem to be slowly leaving as they experience the same nonsense I am describing here. Magenta Baron cost me one of my best friends no matter how you feel like spinning it and TheGodofGods seems to be able to do the same crap and escape punishment and his squad leader now apparently approving teamkilling for their whole squad and calling war on two well respected squads?? The conclusion I am left to draw is, as I say, no one cares or I imagine in the case of Zup, cares about something else I am not able to discern. It feels like the rest of the idiotic world where looking good seems more important than functioning well. Well I care, and I care a lot but that's eroding. I don't want to see any more great players and personalities leave and problems remain and grow until I give up caring. I ask please what can I or those who care like I care, do to change this and get back to some version of a game that works and is enjoyable again?

Am I alone?
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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #155519

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You are not alone Sir Whip. You took the words right out of my...... Fingers.

ALL IN 100%
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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #155521

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You are far from alone Whip.
I was having the same problem with bullets not registering and simply turned down my sensitivity - I know, you wouldn't think sensitivity would have any bearing on bullet strikes. But, if I turn it above 75% by bullets go back to being duds again. Same with chute issues, sensitivity down to 75% and the problems went away. My tank controls still aren't what they used to be, but I have less problems if I keep the sensitivity down.

The rest of it? I'm asking the same questions as are many. But the only question I've really been posing to anyone lately is: What has changed in the last 4-6 months to explain all the issues with problem players? What is here now that wasn't before? I've only been here for little more than 3 months so I don't know, but these issues seem to have come with me (I didn't bring them mind you lol!). It almost feels like a lot of hostility was sparked by the Windows ghosts problems and just didn't stop when the ghosting did. Sounds far fetched but that's how it feels.

I guess the best we can do is enjoy playing with each other and not let ourselves be drawn in to it ourselves, just keep doing what we do and not let our respect for others diminish.

I know that's not much of an answer, but it's all of got. As the whole atmosphere here and in game grows darker, I'm trying not to grow dark with it.

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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #155523

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Porkfinger wrote: You are far from alone Whip.
I was having the same problem with bullets not registering and simply turned down my sensitivity - I know, you wouldn't think sensitivity would have any bearing on bullet strikes. But, if I turn it above 75% by bullets go back to being duds again. Same with chute issues, sensitivity down to 75% and the problems went away. My tank controls still aren't what they used to be, but I have less problems if I keep the sensitivity down.

The rest of it? I'm asking the same questions as are many. But the only question I've really been posing to anyone lately is: What has changed in the last 4-6 months to explain all the issues with problem players? What is here now that wasn't before? I've only been here for little more than 3 months so I don't know, but these issues seem to have come with me (I didn't bring them mind you lol!). It almost feels like a lot of hostility was sparked by the Windows ghosts problems and just didn't stop when the ghosting did. Sounds far fetched but that's how it feels.

I guess the best we can do is enjoy playing with each other and not let ourselves be drawn in to it ourselves, just keep doing what we do and not let our respect for others diminish.

I know that's not much of an answer, but it's all of got. As the whole atmosphere here and in game grows darker, I'm trying not to grow dark with it.

I may be wrong but I think it's the windows players themselves. I saw a client of mines kid playing an online war game don't remember which one but I watched him team kill a whole pile of people cause he wanted the helicopter they were about to take or since you could choose your vehicle he blew away the remaining ones to get a freah load all at the expense of the game stats and other team mates records. Seems regular gamers are different than what DogFight used to attract.
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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #155524

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SnidelyWhiplash wrote:

Porkfinger wrote: You are far from alone Whip.
I was having the same problem with bullets not registering and simply turned down my sensitivity - I know, you wouldn't think sensitivity would have any bearing on bullet strikes. But, if I turn it above 75% by bullets go back to being duds again. Same with chute issues, sensitivity down to 75% and the problems went away. My tank controls still aren't what they used to be, but I have less problems if I keep the sensitivity down.

The rest of it? I'm asking the same questions as are many. But the only question I've really been posing to anyone lately is: What has changed in the last 4-6 months to explain all the issues with problem players? What is here now that wasn't before? I've only been here for little more than 3 months so I don't know, but these issues seem to have come with me (I didn't bring them mind you lol!). It almost feels like a lot of hostility was sparked by the Windows ghosts problems and just didn't stop when the ghosting did. Sounds far fetched but that's how it feels.

I guess the best we can do is enjoy playing with each other and not let ourselves be drawn in to it ourselves, just keep doing what we do and not let our respect for others diminish.

I know that's not much of an answer, but it's all of got. As the whole atmosphere here and in game grows darker, I'm trying not to grow dark with it.

I may be wrong but I think it's the windows players themselves. I saw a client of mines kid playing an online war game don't remember which one but I watched him team kill a whole pile of people cause he wanted the helicopter they were about to take or since you could choose your vehicle he blew away the remaining ones to get a freah load all at the expense of the game stats and other team mates records. Seems regular gamers are different than what DogFight used to attract.

My biggest things are the guns not firing, non registering shots and the snail tanks (well mine anyways). And my parachuter always turning in a different direction then what i turn! Last night in a game i watched two tanks zoom across the map to my base in no time flat. They started by their base, i bombed and left, when i caught them they were just past the hills to my base! Must be android users tjat habe the racecar tanks! And thats another reason i dont fly much! Ugh!!
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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #155526

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I read this somewhere before shirley;) or is this dejavu?;)

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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #155527

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You are correct on several. The thing you said i particularly liked was you talking about all the older players and wanting to be like them.

I can remember spawning into games with WIG, BELL, NOUSH, MCCUDDEN, PARROT, CHRIS, and several others when I was new, you had to learn quick to even survive. Several older players i hardly ever see anymore. They made this game fun.

Sure we ran into a idiot but it was seldom, now it's a lot. When I spawn into a game with the above players and people like MARTIN, BS and the MISFITS and several others we have fun and enjoy each other and the game,

Yeah there are several good ones coming up but there are many bad ones to. I never heard complaints about camping and or sk back then. I think we all considered it a challege to get out of those predictaments, it sure made you better and quickly to.

At least thats what I remember. I think when you started out playing with the big boys it WEEDED OUT ALL THE BAD ONES.
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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #155531

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Davy Crockett wrote: You are correct on several. The thing you said i particularly liked was you talking about all the older players and wanting to be like them.

I can remember spawning into games with WIG, BELL, NOUSH, MCCUDDEN, PARROT, CHRIS, and several others when I was new, you had to learn quick to even survive. Several older players i hardly ever see anymore. They made this game fun.

Sure we ran into a idiot but it was seldom, now it's a lot. When I spawn into a game with the above players and people like MARTIN, BS and the MISFITS and several others we have fun and enjoy each other and the game,

Yeah there are several good ones coming up but there are many bad ones to. I never heard complaints about camping and or sk back then. I think we all considered it a challege to get out of those predictaments, it sure made you better and quickly to.

At least thats what I remember. I think when you started out playing with the big boys it WEEDED OUT ALL THE BAD ONES.

Your right Davy, I remember when I first came to the upper server everything changed! The dirty players I had to tolerate were gone and suddenly there was a whole bunch of skilled, respectful new players to learn from and the game got harder, but better for me.
Now all the dirtbags I left behind have moved up too and they are staying.

Whiplash, you ask if it's the Windows players themselves? That's the question I've been dancing around coming right out and asking because there are plenty of Windows players I love to play with and I didn't want to generalize. But yes, that's exactly what I've been hinting at. :(

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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #155538

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A lot is the same for me too. I could maybe understand high centering a tank, but earlier mine was stuck in the side of a hill when I got in it. The disappearing planes & shooting blanks gripe me the most. I just kil the trash talkers if they don't disappear, but they frequently do or my hits don't register & down I go, much to their amusement & empowerment.

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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #155541

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I agree with Davy! The one thing to point out was not only were we weeding out the bad ones we were weeding out almost everyone. This was not good for business.

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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #155545

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Your not alone i'm rather new and been around little over a year don't get a lot of time i work quite a bit but enjoy the game more my speed i'm 53 finally running on win 8.1 on a asus T100 not sure what level or platform is best yet because i'm still having a time getting around the forum can only read so much can't learn to fly reading all the time. would like to know more just put in a post somewhere about buying points figure at my speed i'm not getting anywhere fast and also like to help fund if i can it really is a neat alternative to tv,lol. if anyone can point me in the right direction to enjoy a bit more i'd appreciate it
thanks again and hope this finds someone that cares. just in case rldstover This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Good Orderly Direction, It is What it is until it isn't anymore.
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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #155560

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Porkfinger wrote:

Davy Crockett wrote: You are correct on several. The thing you said i particularly liked was you talking about all the older players and wanting to be like them.

I can remember spawning into games with WIG, BELL, NOUSH, MCCUDDEN, PARROT, CHRIS, and several others when I was new, you had to learn quick to even survive. Several older players i hardly ever see anymore. They made this game fun.

Sure we ran into a idiot but it was seldom, now it's a lot. When I spawn into a game with the above players and people like MARTIN, BS and the MISFITS and several others we have fun and enjoy each other and the game,

Yeah there are several good ones coming up but there are many bad ones to. I never heard complaints about camping and or sk back then. I think we all considered it a challege to get out of those predictaments, it sure made you better and quickly to.

At least thats what I remember. I think when you started out playing with the big boys it WEEDED OUT ALL THE BAD ONES.

Your right Davy, I remember when I first came to the upper server everything changed! The dirty players I had to tolerate were gone and suddenly there was a whole bunch of skilled, respectful new players to learn from and the game got harder, but better for me.
Now all the dirtbags I left behind have moved up too and they are staying.

Whiplash, you ask if it's the Windows players themselves? That's the question I've been dancing around coming right out and asking because there are plenty of Windows players I love to play with and I didn't want to generalize. But yes, that's exactly what I've been hinting at. :(

Well I have never been accused of being shy or beating around the bush but that being said there are good and bad in every bunch. I like some Windows players also more what I mean is a whole group got loaded in and we notice bad players quickly and they seem to be often from the Windows group. I find it odd that they don't want to let the other player at the very least know they aren't a jerk shooting teammates on purpose! I don't play other multiplayer games online so maybe this is common practice just like making squads or clans that seem to be the more common name for them with anyone at all instead of testing and ensuring you have quality honorable players joining. From their reactions it seems like a culture shock for them.

EDIT: I will also add I see a lot of kids playing online games in my job and the filth spewed on our world chat is really very tame compared to in game chat or global chats that I have seen. Again maybe we are the different ones...I like it our way but maybe we shouldn't be so surprised. Maybe a note on world chat as soon as you see it saying NO FOUL LANGUAGE! would at least stop some of the filth?

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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #158102

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Everything you said is right,I'm having major problems, iv good planes but they hardly move,I'm a sitting target i keep getting shot down before iv even taken off,iv spent alot of money to get points to have the best and i feel I'm getting ripped off.

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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #158108

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I have came to the point where I have put DF on the back-burner because of the shoddy state this game is in. I think shoddy is being very kind. This used to be my favorite game to play. Hell it was the ONLY game I played. The reason I don't visit the forum too much any more is because I just can't beg for the game to be fixed anymore. I haven't played a game in weeks. I am not alone. You notice there are fewer long time DF guys around? There is a reason. A lot of us have came to a breaking point here. A few more crap updates away from full time retirement.........Sorry but it is a fact. I will not create another thread over glitches and S*#t updates.
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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #158116

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BlueMaxYoung wrote: I have came to the point where I have put DF on the back-burner because of the shoddy state this game is in. I think shoddy is being very kind. This used to be my favorite game to play. Hell it was the ONLY game I played. The reason I don't visit the forum too much any more is because I just can't beg for the game to be fixed anymore. I haven't played a game in weeks. I am not alone. You notice there are fewer long time DF guys around? There is a reason. A lot of us have came to a breaking point here. A few more crap updates away from full time retirement.........Sorry but it is a fact. I will not create another thread over glitches and S*#t updates.

Yep sireee, I couldn't agree more... I'm movin on up to the skyyyyyyyyy,,, in a spacious apartment in the skyyyyyyy Yea movin on up..... I think that's close enough..... What's that got to do with anything? I dunno!!!!!! But, It's kinda like the update's.... :( :)

I ck the forum out once in awhile... That's even thinning a bit... Don't play the game much anymore either.... I'm with ya Max

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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #158121

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I don't play at all anymore. I just hang around on the forum cause you guys are just so damn wonderful.

Contact The Jolly Roger at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #158122

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Are you a trucker? And how did u make your banner

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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #158125

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I forgot to mention the the aggravating forum now logs me out every 10 min. or so and I can't post screen shots without a third party anymore. Just a bit more aggravation to add icing to the cake. I love retyping my forum name and password every time I log in or take too long to post.
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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #158132

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Yah that password crap sux.......
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Please Fix This!!! 10 years 5 months ago #158133

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I just noticed a few things reminiscent of some of the glitches that were recently fixed. Had a glitched zep/ df match yesterday. Everyone showed up red and spawned at the same base. Match ended when the zep bombed the base. In a df match today the sound bug seemed to make a return to active duty as a few times i got hit once and went down. A few times i spawned with no bomb, other times i punched my payload off and didnt get the bomb camera.LG MS 770. Also, the forum seems to glitch if i type too long and duplicates words forcing me to backspace and retype the words a lot.

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