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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155119

  • [NLR] McFate
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Unfortunately the forum's "Rules" tab does not have any content and there does not seem to be a "Rules" section which you can create a thread for.

There are a few contentious issues which could really use some clarity especially regarding the intentions and opinions of the supreme "creator" of the dogfight world. :dry: :whistle:

One very nice thing about the game is that there are very few rules. However, I believe that there are some items which should also be presented as guidelines with a way to prevent those who don't care from repeatedly ruining the game for others.

It could be helpful to have the rules and guidelines defined:

* What is truely hardline unacceptable?
* What is seriously frowned upon?
* What sort of diciplinary actions/restrictions can be applied and by who?
* What should players do when someone is repeatedly ignoring these guidelines?
* Where to go to find the complaints when diciplinary actions/restrictions have been taken upon you.
* How to apply to have the actions/restrictions removed.

The top stickied threads of this section should be locked for moderator use only.
The section should have threads for discussions of the thinking behind the rules/guidelines and threads for suggesting new ones.

No hurry, no worry. I just think it could help things go more smoothly and it would be great to have a resource to direct new players to.
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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155121

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This is the closest thing to a rules "section" :


the only part regarding playing:

17. (In game only) Do not team kill, destroy our own bases or anything else that would be deemed "gameplay ruining"

It is awfully vague. I'm hoping for something a little more helpful.

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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155125

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McFate wrote: Unfortunately the forum's "Rules" tab does not have any content and there does not seem to be a "Rules" section which you can create a thread for.

There are a few contentious issues which could really use some clarity especially regarding the intentions and opinions of the supreme "creator" of the dogfight world. :dry: :whistle:

One very nice thing about the game is that there are very few rules. However, I believe that there are some items which should also be presented as guidelines with a way to prevent those who don't care from repeatedly ruining the game for others.

It could be helpful to have the rules and guidelines defined:

* What is truely hardline unacceptable?
* What is seriously frowned upon?
* What sort of diciplinary actions/restrictions can be applied and by who?
* What should players do when someone is repeatedly ignoring these guidelines?
* Where to go to find the complaints when diciplinary actions/restrictions have been taken upon you.
* How to apply to have the actions/restrictions removed.

The top stickied threads of this section should be locked for moderator use only.
The section should have threads for discussions of the thinking behind the rules/guidelines and threads for suggesting new ones.

No hurry, no worry. I just think it could help things go more smoothly and it would be great to have a resource to direct new players to.

As usual brother you put out a well thought suggestion!

Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or an idiot from any direction
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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155199

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Proposed rules for dogfight :

1) the player must not kill another player of his own team.
if done by mistake , the accused should imediately appologise.
he or she should take care not to hit him again.
if the accused does it constantly , he will be labled as a traitor
and should be reported to mods with pics asap.
still , if the accused keeps on team killing , " he sucks "

2) donot kill enemies while they take off.
This law is bound by exceptions.

The exceptions are : you are angry or in bad mood like zup , you are in a bombing run , other player is BlueMax or wig!.. And tit for tat
If the accused keeps on doing it , go to his base , and thrash him.
If he still keeps on doing that , well " he is a jerk "

3) Camping : camping and spawn killing go hand in hand.

If a player keeps on camping and spawnkilling then , " he / she is a jerk^2 "

4) spawn killing or team killing or camping on BlueMax is allowed.
And in that case " you r a dumba** "

Ofcourse , you will have to face the following consequences.

1) he will hunt you your whole life.

2) you will have nightmares.

3) changing ur name wont help. [ blue max works with dogfight security agency and NSA ]
he will come to know instantly who you r :pinch:

5) foul language should not be used unless u r a dustbin.
Many young , sweet , immature , kind hearted , cute people like me , gog and Davy , play this game.


It affects our sweet young minds ;)



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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155215

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Wow i dont think ive ever seen more sarcasm sauce drip off of someones words before science. On a more serious note i think there should be specific guidlines within the rules outlining what is and isnt considered game ruining tactics. For example is it really camping if you just made your bomb run and 4 more friendlies are visible? I dont think so. Many of what we consider to be rules have so much grey in them that you cant definitively say yes this is or no this isnt acceptable. Somewhere around here should be a thread where i tried to outline that very problem and clarify it as best i could. I'll try and find it and repost the link.

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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155217

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Thats just the trailer.
Im posting the whole film later ;)

and its gonna be Huge and very discriptive.



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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155218

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So heres a copy and paste of post # 151477 from the Official Dogfight Community Laws thread i started a few weeks ago:

At YEMX's suggestion i decided to post this as a reference for noobs who perhaps don't know the laws that we fly by. Mods, feel free to amend or edit these laws as you see fit to reflect the general wishes of the community.

Law 1) Tank Spawnkilling is not tolerated. Dont post up at the end of the runway and wait for people to respawn for an easy kill. You wouldn't like it if it happened to you, so don't do it to anyone else. It's one of several offenses you can be banned for, and its also a good way to get yourself targeted by squads for retaliation, so just don't do it.

Law 2) No aerial spawnkilling. As a general rule most pilots will rake the deck as they come in to bomb the base or the carrier. After releasing their bomb however, they will at least let you get airborne before they shoot you, so show them the same respect. Spawnkilling is also another offense that can get you either banned, or marked for retaliation by squads. Again, respect this and it will be returned in kind.

Law 3) Don't camp. Camping is when you circle a spawn point waiting for pilots to respawn so you can get an easy kill. There are varying degrees of camping and its usually situational, so here's a good rule of thumb: if you've dropped your bomb and shot down all enemies over the base try to break off and clear the area. If you start taking fire after disengaging, then its acceptable to turn around and fight as long as you continue your efforts to clear the area after shooting all the enemies down.

Law 4) No excessive teamkilling. For those who dont know this is when you intentionally kill a friendly. Friendly fire does happen for a number of reasons, most commonly when two friendlies are shooting at the same target. When it happens, as soon as you have a second to type, a simple "sorry so-and-so" will usually suffice to let your teammate know it wasn't on purpose.

Law 5) Absolutely NO foul language ingame, on the forum, or in world chat. More people get banned and muted for breaking this law than any other. We're a community here and the oddball slip happens, but if you make a career out of foul language you wont last long. Put yourself in the shoes of the parents who play this game with their kids. They dont want their kids seeing vulgar language, racist remarks, or excessive drug referrences, so if you have an opinion that breaks this rule keep it to yourself.

Law 6) HAVE FUN!!! Its only a game, so anyone not having fun will be sent to remedial fun school run by some characteristically unfun characters.

Follow these basic laws and you'll be fine. Enjoy!

I never did finish writing and refining these to better reflect what i felt most of us agreed on mainly because of writer's block and also because the real world demanded my attention. Theres plenty more that could be added to this, and sadly i could type for days about when it is and isnt acceptable to do certain things or behave a certain way. The major concern i have is what about those who just dont
give a flying rat's rump about the rules? In my opinion if you've had a history of ignoring the rules for no good reason then you should be banned. Permanently. As far as banning for friendly fire, lets face it, it happens and we know who the habitual offenders are. The only truly effective way of eliminating friendly fire would be if zup programmed in teammate immunity and i dont want to see that bc then marksmanship suffers and people will be more likely to shoot through their teammates than hold their fire and wait for a clean shot. Anyways, i think i laid the foundation for the rules tab in that thread if you guys want to add to it or forward it to zup or a mod or whoever is handling that.
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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155233

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There is a problem with rule 2 and 4

no ariel spqwnkilling !

It is a must in btb and btc.

And " EXCESSIVE " Team killing...... :blink:

does tht mean , i can teamkill but not excessively ?

Im just finishing the rules.
I will post a final copy in a few hours :)


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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155235

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The following rules were made by all the people of the dogfight community with loads of discussion and cannot be changed by anyone other than zup or the dogfight community itself.

Rules are to be followed in order to have fun in playing .
They are made , so that everyone can play dogfight and have fun without destroying the game for the other player.

These rules , if failed to be followed by an indivisual , he or she shall face trials in the form of threads created on the forum.
Trials will include discussion of the indivisual , enrollment of their name in the blacklist and will lead to terrible loss of respect of the indivisual within dogfight community.

Not following these rules will lead to loss of points and in many cases , ban on the player for some days or hours.

Following are the rules of dogfight.

1. Spawnkilling.

Spawn killing means, shooting an indivisual while he just enters the game or respawns and takes off.


This may be accepted during your bombing run , in the missions bomb the carrier and bomb the base.

Although , excessive spawnkilling is not allowed in those missions also.

2. Camping.
An indivisual is said to be camping , if he or she , hovers over the enemy base , usually without the bomb, waiting for an enemy to respawn.

This should not be done under any circumstances.

3) dropping.

When a person drops his bomb to increase his speed, its called droping.
Droping DOESNOT cause any disadvantage to your enemy.
It is a good tactical strategy.
But , droping the bomb usually , leads to camping and spawn killing.

This isnt to be done.

Droping as a whole may be considered as an offence by some people.
You may lose your reputation.
But , its not an offence and thus you cannot be reported to mods for droping.

4) team killing


This is straight forward law.
Some time , teamkilling happens by mistake.
This is acceptable , But you should take care not to fire anywhere close to your team mate.


5) Have fun and let others have fun.

You are not the boss.
You donot decide what a person can do or cannot do in dogfight.
You cannot dictate your terms to other people.
The exceptions being : you are squadron leader or a moderator or the administrator.
You can tell them not to do something , if their actions violate the rules.

6) Mind your language on world chat and ingame chat.
Many young kids play this game.
Because of some foul mouthed people , the game turns unenjoyable.
Donot brag about your kills.
Some people are sensitive .

Donot make any political , relegious , racial statements ingame.
We all are a family.

7) donot shoot your own zep.

8 ) donot bomb your own base.

9) donot bomb your own carrier.
Method of reporting:
During game, if you find anyone violating the rules. Please tell him to stop .
If he doesnt , click on menu and then click on the name of the person whom you want to report. An option to report the player will appear.
Click on it , type the reason of reporting i.e. The rule that he has violated and click report.
The game chat log , will be automatically attached with your report.

However some people report others without any reason.
Even when they have not violated the law.
So action will not be taken on him , unless two or more players report the same indivisual or you post an accurate visul proof of his actions in the form of screen shots on blacklist thread on the forum.

Happy hunting !


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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155237

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Wow, Science Dude.

That was a lot of work for one individual. ;)

Thanks to HD too.

This is a good starting point.

I hope that others, and especially zuperman and the moderators will provide their input and make some sort of official document.

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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155238

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ty :)

As i said.

The rules can be changed :)

But once they are officially adopted, they will require a good amount of discussion to change them :pinch:

We have to get everyone's opinion.
Everyone's opinion matters.


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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155239

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Science first allow me to clarify a few things here. Most importantly "no excessive team killing". I worded it that way for a number of reasons. The first is that friendly fire does happen accidentally. Ive lost track of the number of times I've been in a turning fight and had someone rise up from below and in front of me and fly right into my line of fire before i can get my finger off the trigger. Also, if i see a friendly 3v1 ahead of me, and im too far away to just dive in and break it up yea, im gonna send some rounds in the direction of the fight in the hopes of drawing attention away from that friendly. Sometimes i hit the friendly, other times i hit a red, mostly i just hit thin air butit always gets at least one of them to break off. So in short i dont agree with your assessment of tk'ing. Also, i dont think shooting your wingman if he asks you to is fair play. How would you like it if 4 wraith came to your base, 2 of them shot each other down just to tank and then obliterated your base? I think youd cry foul for that as many veteran pilots here would. There are cleaner ways of intentionally tanking that dont involve shooting your wingman. Secondly, camping. As i mentioned in my earlier post, its situational. Im not leaving the target area if more blues with bombs are inbound. I will hold the door open for my team provided they are close enough for it to be justifiable. Dont want me to do it? Then gain aerial supremacy over your base. Now the point where camping goes too far is if you're camping and sk'ing, or if your teammates are too far away to justify camping, and you dont make any effort to leave the target area. Even in a lopsided game i will engage in justifiable camping just long enough to ensure that my teammates can make a good bomb run and then ill rtb. Next on my list is the reporting/ trial by forum thread idea. While not an entirely bad idea, i think it would clutter the forum with useless threads, as well as embarrass, offend, and anger any wrongfully accused pilot. I think a better method would be a trial by pm, with evidence i.e. screenshots, witness statements, ACCURATE descriptions of what was said or done etc, you get the idea. Perhaps a dedicated part of the forum could be used for this with access being granted to certain pilots and the mods, kind of like how a grand jury operates in the u.s.. But before any of that happens, we need a ratified version of dogfight laws approved by zup, the mods and the dogfight community. Also an effective solution to ban dodgers and lag switch users needs to be found. Players like predator fab who've been banned do things like change their name and ip address and boom they're right back to ruining games. Sorry but i have no idea how to fix that. Other than by eliminating their ability to physically reproduce in the real world. I hear lorraina bobbett is looking for work. :evil:
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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155240

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fair enough. :)

but i just pointed that out because that statement was ambiguous.

Im not changing the rules now.

We will keep these as a base and will improve them gradually .


They will be modified.


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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155249

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do unto others, as you would have them, do to you

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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155250

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It's pretty simple, if your Mother, child, grandmother, preacher, or even Mr. Zup himself, were watching over your shoulder, would you still play dirty? Would you hover over the enemy base? Would you line up your sites on the defenseless NOOB on the runway?
You can DO anything you like, but YOU have to look in the mirror at night. I'm older now, I don't have anyone to answer to. Only one thing keeps me in check.

my own ethics, honor, dignity, and respect for others.

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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155255

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[M]VonKopp wrote: It's pretty simple, if your Mother, child, grandmother, preacher, or even Mr. Zup himself, were watching over your shoulder, would you still play dirty? Would you hover over the enemy base? Would you line up your sites on the defenseless NOOB on the runway?
You can DO anything you like, but YOU have to look in the mirror at night. I'm older now, I don't have anyone to answer to. Only one thing keeps me in check.

my own ethics, honor, dignity, and respect for others.


You disagree with the rules

and dont like the whole rules concept ?


please dont smash me o great hulk :p
we just require everyone's opinion :p


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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155257

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I agree fully with a set of rules, I just use my moral compass. I don't like being Spawnkilled, so I don't do it. I don't like being camped on, so I don't do it. It's pretty simple.

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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155306

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The line between rules and guidelines is going to be the toughest to draw.

Many of the"rules" are enforced by mechanisms in the game. For example;

* teamkilling. You receive an automatic 5 minute ban after the third time.
* intentionally getting shot down in enemy territory. "Landed in enemy territory" you respawn at your base.
* tanks sink on water. (I wish they would sink instantly)
* zup had to make it so your guns would not work until you are airborne to prevent rampant killings at spawn in dogfights.
* you can't be a soldier on a carrier.
* you can't be a soldier on the bridge. (Not for long anyway)
* there is some limited time spawn immunity for lower ranks.
* you cannot park a tank on the spawn point and crash planes as they spawn.
* you may not shoot the zeppelin when you are a defender.
* others?

These are all things that zuperman had to work out through trial and error in updates.
By reading through the early forum you can see that this has not been simple and it has not always been an intuitive process. Many things that seemed like simple fixes backfired in some way and needed to be undone. Temporary spawn immunity for instance was a problem to implement because some of the Apple updates did not turn Immunity off after the 15 or 25 seconds as it was supposed to. To make matters worse Apple sat on the updates for an extended period when that happened because they got behind as they released the iPod 4.

The rules that are needed are for things that cannot be handled by zup putting code into the game. For example:

*Teamkilling. Even though you are limited to three before a ban, jerks can still ruin games with only 1 or 2 intentional times and with the ban limited to 5 minutes they can wait and come back to do it again.
* Constant use of profanity. It gets **** but people find ways around it. I actually wonder about an auto ban after three times with a message just like teamkilling but there would still be ways around it.
* Tank spawnkillers. It would ruin some of the game play if a red tank could not be on the ground near a base.
* Spawn killing. This is probably the most contentious issue. Most people feel that there are grey areas. Zuperman has said there is "no excuse" for it. There does not seem to be an acceptable way to code it into the game.
* "excessive " camping? I think this is too contentious with too many grey areas and should not be a rule. Others will disagree.
* others ?

These are things that the blacklist is for. I think the blacklist thread could use a revamp with a first page with a firm statement of how it works and what it covers and how the system works. As fun as it is to banter it really should be used only for official business to make things easier for the mods to do their job.

One very important thing to address is how to keep those players who have been disciplined from flooding Zup' s email with their whining.
Unfortunately these jerks also have a history of giving the game bad reviews and detracting from echoboom' s income stream. I suggest that the banned / muted players get a set of message screens that include a place where they have to confirm that they understand the user agreement, a page that tells them how to get on the forum and how to find the blacklist or give them an email address for the mod panel as well as a message saying that courteous request will receive faster attention while abusive responses will be ignored.

What other issues should be included?

At some point, If this is going to become a real thing , it will need to be "ratified" and "set in stone".
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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155316

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One thing you all forgot is the going high or wide on a lop sidded game! Ive done it a time or two. Not proud of it. One game i did it not realizing til after the fact they the reds were out numbered! And for that im sorry! But being in game with 4-1 or 5-1 or even 7-1 with me being the 1. Fighting for my digital life, when all of a suddon my hangers were bombed by two sneaks. Games like that really tick me off. Cause when it is done to one of the guys that just did it them selfs they call foul, blacklist and whine about it. Make a rule for that!

Dont get me wrong, ill stay and fight! Win, lose or draw ill fight my tail fin off, when out numbered and the reds play fair. Its fun like that til the go high, and ruin the whole game!
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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155328

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Well said mcfate. Mr.misfit, shame on you! Just kidding :p i too find sneaking by the enemy team unfair when im heavily outnumbered. Depending on the pilot and his/her skill, sometimes I'm able to kill them sometimes i can't. One thing i will admit to having done a few times is sneaking in an outnumbered situation i.e. 1 or 2 reds vs twice as many blues. In my own defense though, i only consider doing this if the reds in question are one of those few pilots who just slaughter me every time they see me *cough* hansone and blue max* cough* the only other time i consider doing that is if my phone is overheating. I know, lame excuse, but i'd rather finish the match than suddenly leave when my phone gets too hot and shuts itself down to prevent damage. I'm not proud of that but there it is. Should we build a ratified set of newer and more detailed rules than the ones zup originally came up with, i'll try and behave myself a bit more in that regard. As for zup's opinion that spawn killing of any kind should never happen, well, the problem with that is that too many people ignore that rule, especially on the bomb run bc if you don't rake the deck as you come in to bomb, the odds are extremely high that you'll get shot down before you reach the target. I for one think that no matter how clear we are on when and how certain things are ok to do, enforcing it when someone breaks those rules will still be next to impossible, just like it is now. The only thing i think that would be effective is forfeiture of points when you do break those rules. Unfortunately coding each and every parameter of that would be so costly that 1) its unlikely zup would spend that much time coding that many situations into the game, and 2) in the end you'd still have those who just dont care about the rules. The only effective way to possibly police that would be for the mods, upon investigating an incident to have the added power of removing points from a player and / or demoting said player if they have good cause to do so. I generally play as honorably as i possibly can giving my frienemies a fighting chance without leaving myself too vulnerable. If someone complains that im not playing fairly enough, i may ease up on them a bit, if i feel their gripe is justified enough. So much of what is discussed in these conversations is situational though that its hard to cover everything without being ambiguous. I do enjoy these conversations though bc its a good way to vent and share opinions while allowing others who maybe dont know to have a way of getting a feel for what is and isnt acceptable in game should they take the time to read what's being said.
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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155329

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Sorry Ghost, as much as I love you and appreciate you wanting to keep the game clean,

Some of the things that I believe should NOT be in the game rules are:

* Camping
* Dropping
* Sneaking

These issues are too contentious to try to make rules about.
These issues are all different playing styles and all can have valid use in strategic plans.

These are issues of ettiquete and style. All can be countered with skill and planning.

Unfortunately uneven games are a problem that does not seem to have a workable solution. It would be nice if people would be considerate but maybe it is just better to let the game end knowing you did your best rather than have blow outs about who is doing wrong to who. :unsure:
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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155330

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McFate wrote: Sorry Ghost, as much as I love you and appreciate you wanting to keep the game clean,

Some of the things that I believe should NOT be in the game rules are:

* Camping
* Dropping
* Sneaking

These issues are too contentious to try to make rules about.
These issues are all different playing styles and all can have valid use in strategic plans.

These are issues of ettiquete and style. All can be countered with skill and planning.

Unfortunately uneven games are a problem that does not seem to have a workable solution.

Ohhh no, lol sneaking can be a good thing! When sneaking on an out numbered team is really vary cheesey! :woohoo: im not talking abut taking the sneaking out or ruling against it. Only on out numbered games! Its really uncalled for. One or two guys holding off from 3-6 other pilots and because they cant get through they go high! Maybe we get them maybe we dont, but its the fact that 2 pilits cant be every where at once, or shoot like max, and crockett! But we try!
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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155331

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Yall have some pretty good rules!! I just want to make it clear that not all "camping" is the same. Some "camp" and kill the reds before they take off. I dislike this form of camping but it's not bannable. The other form is hovering around the red base and waiting till the reds are up and flying around, which is what I have done and still sometimes do. (I will mostly hang around the first hill though). To me this is fair and still gives the reds plenty of chance to fight back. As far as im concerned, it helps pre occupy the reds so bombers can come in. I find that this tactic works well for me, providing I can get to the red base.
Just my 2 cents :)

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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155332

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Hey ghost, you responded before my last edit. B)

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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155623

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If you build it, I will come.......and bomb it !!!
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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155626

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Ty --j--

+1 for u :)

i think zup should display this message at first start of the game.
U know , when the optimization stuff takes place :)


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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155630

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Science_Dude wrote: Ty --j--

+1 for u :)

i think zup should display this message at first start of the game.
U know , when the optimization stuff takes place :)

LOL. He does. It's a screenshot of the user agreement which you have to scroll through and press the "agree" button before you can get logged into the game. :blink:

I've read it completely. It is the shortest easiest to read user agreement I think I've ever seen. By the way it's written, the mods could ban you if they don't like your name. :P

It is till awfully vague as far as game play. Hopefully they will have some input and an official document can be created so everyone can know what to expect.

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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155634

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No no no ....

I i ment that , once the rules are complete , they should be displayed after every reinstall so that the players dont forget :evil:

Because , Clearly some people do :)


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Provide content for the forum's "Rules" Tab 10 years 5 months ago #155710

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Perhaps add a "no blaspheming" clause to the rules? Yes? No? Just an idea. Oh wait that would mean I'd be a blasphemer bc my squad number is the number of the beast :p jk guys! Lol

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