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Question of the Week 9 years 10 months ago #255779

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I have a question of the week based on a real game incident.

I spawned into a btc game just as 2 reds were on final bomb runs. I stayed parked until they dropped, brakes on so I couldn't be killed, and as they passed and bombed I launched. I was fortunate enough to catch the second red bomber turning past the ship's bow and after following him and lining up my gun sights just right I took him down. It was clear to see the first bomber flying back to base to rearm and nothing about the second bomber suggested he was going to stay and camp. The red I shot down proceeded to inform me he was flying home. Then he asked if I was okay with campers since I shot him down as he was leaving. I simply told him I don't camp but if he was going to that was okay... I'm not afraid of dealing with campers. I know full well that if you fire at retreating reds they are perfectly justified to turn and engage you and I chose to engage the red player as he headed for home.

So here's the question; What does everyone feel about what happened? Are you supposed to let reds fly away? Are you okay with them turning around and killing you, even over your own base or carrier? Remember, you initiated the fight, they were leaving the area. Most importantly, does a one-time engagement as I described open the door for camping for the rest of the game?

That player didn't camp me, but I feel he may have because I shot him down as he was leaving. Ill never know because I didn't give him a chance. Good player by the way, one I have respect for.

Oh and just to let you know the result, I was out-gunned (2 MORAF's) and out numbered that particular game, the reds had one last bombing run until my carrier was dead, (22% as I was taking off) and my team mates were mid-field tanking. I held them off for about 3 runs until they got through and won, I think from a tank close to shore. A loss but a good fight.

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Question of the Week 9 years 10 months ago #255816

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I for one will always make the attempt at taking down a red in a like scenario, and if he/she turned to fight then my aim was off, lol. I've come to the conclusion that just because a red turned for home doesn't mean that's where he's going. There could be a blue that has tanked & is in a prime spot to begin a barrage, but because I let the red "withdraw" to his base, now becomes the target. As a matter of fact I've been known to drop my payload just so I could catch up to that bomb dropping red s.o.b., of course I would return to base to rearm after shooting him/her down:) I also don't show much sympathy to a red who after bombing tells me that they're out of ammo. And while I don't like serial campers very much, it's a cowardly way to up your stats, all that it does is make me what to shoot them down more and sooner or later they will run out of ammo, then they're mine. lol.
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Question of the Week 9 years 10 months ago #255848

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I have no problem doing what you did Viper, I do it all the the time. And when I'm in that red's position just having bombed the base/carrier, I skedaddle for home zig-zagging and if I see bullets whizzing past me then I turn and engage. And I will also turn and engage if there is a blue closing in on the red base/carrier while I'm retreating, except when I know that the blue has already dropped. In fact, I will sometimes ask that blue if they have a bomb and if the answer is no then I continue heading for home.

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Question of the Week 9 years 10 months ago #256387

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Does anyone know if this random game, tank available in the enemies camp situation is going to be permanent or not? I for one find it a little exciting when the game starts and you don't know if when you shoot down a red close to home whether they're spawned at base or given tank option. Can't take things for granted.

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Question of the Week 9 years 10 months ago #256395

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Yes I think it is fine
Full send Boys

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Question of the Week 9 years 10 months ago #256398

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In Capture the Flag mission, Tank is available where ever you land. But some players are using it for shooting plane on runway before one can take off. So the same will continue or not will depends upon Zuperman decision.

In Bomb the Base mission,
it’s a glitch that you get tank at enemy base and most probably in coming update it will be removed.
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Question of the Week 9 years 10 months ago #256415

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Thanks Blue, and while I disagree with spawn killing from a tank or plane for that matter, if a way could be figured out to make the "glitch" a random occurrence for both sides, say 1 out of 50 games it comes into play. It would make for a little more excitement. I'm not talking permanent but the thought that this game might be that one people won't be just flying blindly forward toward the next enemy unless they are willing to risk a loss to a tank.

The preceding has been the opinion of the author, it in no way reflects the opinion of the WolfPack, HGB, or the DF community in whole or in part, unless specifically stated.

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Question of the Week 9 years 10 months ago #257912

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the next question due soon?? ;)
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Question of the Week 9 years 10 months ago #258041

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Yes sorry I've been busy, no serving number B317,b317.

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Question of the Week 9 years 10 months ago #258168

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One possible solution to the tank spawn-killing could be a limit on the number of shells a tank can carry. We have limits on ammo for the planes, limits for the pilot in a parachute and on the ground. Why not in the tank?
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Question of the Week 9 years 10 months ago #258271

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Thank you KK, I actually hadn't even registered that one. Very good idea, they should have a limit. Has anyone every approached Zuperman about this? Just in case they havn't, I think I'll send a note his way. Don't worry either KK you get the credit promise. Aaouououoooooowwwwwww

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Question of the Week 9 years 10 months ago #260765

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So this question concerns Forum rather then the game....how do you post screenshots, pictures, or even the movies like some people do? I have been trying every way I can think of and I get nothing.

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an eternal recurring question ... 9 years 10 months ago #260783

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tank spawn killing can be a problem, but so far I've only encountered 2 players who were notorious for it. Most of the time if it's a new player if a team mate explains what's up they will stop unless there is a language barrier. I do like kamakazis' idea about limiting shells or why not have a secondary airstrip in a back corner so if someone were to be spawn killed 2-3 times in a row it shifted you then you could return. I guess what I'm trying to say is it doesn't happen that often to warrant any knew changes and if you don't like it when you're on the receiving end, don't encourage it from a teammate just to help get a win.

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Question of the Week 9 years 9 months ago #262114

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I think it's okay if you'd outnumbered or not it's a game and you'd supposed to try an win so if that helps you win then do it
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Question of the Week 9 years 9 months ago #262126

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Larry G. wrote: So this question concerns Forum rather then the game....how do you post screenshots, pictures, or even the movies like some people do? I have been trying every way I can think of and I get nothing.

Hi Larry!

In order to post screenshots or pictures, you must open an account with a file hosting site, like Tinypic or photobucket. They are both free to use. Any files you want to post must be uploaded there first, then you paste the link into your post. I use Tinypic myself. When you upload your file, it gives you a code to use for forums. It just so happens I have a pic uploaded of the code type to use.

You can post videos from Youtube simply by pasting the link into your post.

If you have any trouble, PM me and I will help you out as best as I can, my friend.

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Question of the Week 9 years 9 months ago #266385

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Sorry everyone on not keeping up my end of the deal and having questions ready. It really is tougher then it looks, lol. Anyhow this weeks question was inspired by are very own Baseballstar. I've heard about people being "muted" as opposed to "banned". But what exactly does muting entail? Is it in game or forum or both? What sort of behavior warrants it? And are there various lengths of time spent thus, like the penalty box in hockey? I realize that that's more then one question but let's just say that I'm asking for all those who can not ask themselves (cause they're muted),lol.


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Question of the Week 9 years 9 months ago #266404

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Ask boudicca. She has been muted in-game. And has been for a while.
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Question of the Week 9 years 9 months ago #266407

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Viper10{WP} wrote: Sneaking can be a really good tactic, or a show of poor sportsmanship, depending on the circumstances. Most folks think sneaking is bad form only when the sneaker is on the side with superior numbers, but more than okay if the teams are even. Some people get tired of the up the middle continuous battle. That can be fairly monotonous and really can make a game last for hours. Sneaking has become, at least in my opinion, I viable way to shorten the games. Any player can see who is in the game at any time. Additionally they can look at their chat dialog and see who is being shot down. If you don't see a red for some time, odds are that red is sneaking so someone better go find him.

As a side note sneaking seems to be way more acceptable now than when I first started playing. I should also add that if the sneaking is done without a bomb and solely for the purpose of getting to the enemy base to camp them, then likely that is going to be frowned upon.

Each case, therefore, will be different.

I find myself agreeing with Viper on this one. Thanks for saving me the typing time.
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Question of the Week 9 years 8 months ago #268833

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Okay so there is an argument on a different thread that brought this question to mind. What is the difference between camping & spawn killing? Other then the fact that a spawn killing always happens at the same location and you can camp anywhere. Is there anything other then this that makes one not so good but the other something Satan created that all despise?

Personally I don't see a difference and when I see someone argue that I'm wrong it makes me want to laugh. What do you think?

Also, who chopped down all the trees? I'm no tree hugger but this deforestation has got to be stopped.

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Question of the Week 9 years 8 months ago #268909

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Larry G.{W.P***} wrote: Okay so there is an argument on a different thread that brought this question to mind. What is the difference between camping & spawn killing? Other then the fact that a spawn killing always happens at the same location and you can camp anywhere. Is there anything other then this that makes one not so good but the other something Satan created that all despise?

Personally I don't see a difference and when I see someone argue that I'm wrong it makes me want to laugh. What do you think?

Also, who chopped down all the trees? I'm no tree hugger but this deforestation has got to be stopped.


In my opinion, camping always includes spawnkilling. Spawnkilling can happen without camping.

If I linger overhead after a bomb run, just spinning around without spawnkilling, that is not camping. Camping only happened when you linger and spawn kill.

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Question of the Week 9 years 8 months ago #271051

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It's time for a new question, well actually two questions. Come to think of it, it's more like one question and one topic with a question inside. Lets start with the question...

Is there a purpose or advantage or something to the "friends" button found in game? Or is it simply a sign of friendship? Last night, for the first time someone actually asked me to send them a friend request Making me realize that I had never paid much attention to this so any insight would be appreciated.

Now along similar lines lets talk "Private Messages". For awhile I was able to use this, both sending and receiving PM's, to and from varies people. But lately when I try I get a memory fatal error message and thus am unable to communicate this way. I'm not sure if incoming messages work or not, but I havn't received anything lately so IDK. Does anyone else have problems similar to this? And is there a way to fix it?

That's about it for this round, see you around the skys. AAOUOUOUOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW

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Question of the Week 9 years 8 months ago #271901

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Do bombs dropped on carriers count as Hangers? Or is there a different category for ship bombing?

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Question of the Week 9 years 8 months ago #271907

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Larry G.{W.P***} wrote: Question?

Do bombs dropped on carriers count as Hangers? Or is there a different category for ship bombing?[/quote

They do not count as hangars. Unfortunately that is one stat that is unrecorded thus (in my opinion) a lot of the stats and records and whatnot are inaccurate. Zepplin kills, flags captured, successful chute landings, and games lost are all point generators yet unrecorded by the current system and make any kind of "power rank" or "slugger percentage" difficult to ascertain with any kind of accuracy.

Just my .02

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Question of the Week 9 years 8 months ago #273385

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I'm more curious then anything else so could someone tell me where I might go to get a better understanding of how world ranking gets calculated? Also once before I found a link that showed my stats and everyone else of the same level in relationship to me (as in where I placed among other level whatever #), like I said I saw it once but can not for the life of me remember where it was or how I got there, anyone know what I'm referring to?

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Question of the Week 9 years 8 months ago #274338

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I recently (yesterday) joined a game in progress where in a fellow wolf, who's name I did not recognize was playing. After posting a query regarding this I realized that I should have gone to the squadron section in game and checked for said individual first, which upon doing he/she was listed, this would have saved an unnecessary posting........
Later while waiting out my 6 minutes (my subscription has lapsed) I was eavesdropping on WC when an other wolf was instructed by a member of another squad that he/she must drop the [WolfPack] from name, which was done, since a new squad had been joined.........

I remember (because it wasn't very long ago) upon joining the Pack, introducing myself here on Forum and thought that all new members were actually supposed to. However of late it seems that other then the fellow wolf who invited/recommended a new pilot giving a heads up it seems to have fallen into disuse.

I would like to know what the opinions of my fellow wolves is on the matter? I for one would like to see it become a requirement for all once a pilot becomes a member of the Pack, even if it is the only time that person ever comes posts to Forum. At least that way everyone gets a heads up. Likewise if a brother/sister wolf changes their name or leaves the Pack (for whatever reason) something should get posted regarding this.

I would like to suggest creating a knew thread for this purpose, with the individual pilots who either join or change their name required to post and for those who no longer fly WolfPack the post could be made by someone designated for the task perhaps as an addition to the monthly promotions posting if needed. What's everyones take on this?

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Question of the Week 9 years 8 months ago #274369

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I like the idea.

To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into thy bosom’s core
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Question of the Week 9 years 8 months ago #274462

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I like the idea as well. The issue is that not every game player is on the forum, so there has to be some kind of balance if you will, and many requests to join were disapproved while awaiting a forum introduction. What I have found is the Pack numbers stagnate when you hold strict to the forum introduction requirement, and we get lots of either muted or short-term pilots when you let all requested players in. While we prefer to have all new recruits begin with a forum introduction, and we advise them to visit the forum page for an introduction prior to acceptance, I personally do not make that a firm rule. We would not have the numbers we do today had we adhered strictly to the forum intro requirement.

Clear as mud yet?

That being said I would LOVE to see everyone request to join our squad on the forum first, no question about it. However since not all players are on the forum and facebook being a forum requirement, well I am good with one of our "recruiters" bringing the new players onboard, so long as they advise them to A) Visit the forum and say hi... and read the code of conduct, and B) learn to howl, I personally don't have a problem with that type of recruitment.

The key is to stay vigilant and when you either recruit new players or see them in the game give them a big hello, howl at them, and let them know our forum page is AWESOME!

Okay gang, thoughts?

PS GREAT question Larry, and one that deserves some discussion as I don't feel I am the hard and fast rule maker when it comes to new pilots and recruiting. Its our squad, we should have some kind of understanding among ourselves.

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Question of the Week 9 years 8 months ago #274466

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One edit, Viper. You don't need Facebook to be on the forum (I don't have it). You don't get the fancy crown of you subscribe though :(

To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into thy bosom’s core

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Question of the Week 9 years 2 weeks ago #316465

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Question of the Week 9 years 2 weeks ago #316473

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Good to see you're still around sir


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