*420* wrote: Hey Luna, I think it's like when a boy would poke you or run up and pull your hair during recess. They liiiike uuu oooooooooooo 
It's funny you mention that -- I've been working on the psychology behind why men abuse women today and get away with it.
Think about it. As children, girls are taught "Well, if he's teasing you or something -- he just likes you!"
In fact, it's burned into our heads -- even I flirted that way as a elementary school student (and scored my first kiss behind the playground trees

However, what if we fast forward say...13 years? We're always hearing of women being abused by (weak) men -- but the women always come back to them. In another scenario, I'm sure all of us with Facebooks have that beta-male friend who always makes statuses whining how "OMG WHY DO ALL DA JERKS GET ALL DA GIRLS AN NONE FOR DA NICE GUY!?"
It seems like people neglect to remember the "If he hurts you, he likes you" way of thinking. Though, most people don't think of this because -- that was elementary school.
Or was it? What if this is the way of thinking that has caused so much physical abuse?
And that's where I'm at right now. Finding that correlation between the two.
Also; I'm tired of seeing "nice guys" whine about how they're always being friendzoned. It's simple. This is the logic behind a "nice guy":
>Be nice to a girl
>Do favors for the girl
>Now since I did something, I'm expecting something in return. Like a date.
Nice guys are typically self centered because they want something back for their deeds. And they seem to disregard the fact that friends usually do nice things for each other in exchange for something. Hence why they're friendzoned to begin with.
So if you're a guy and you feel like a "nice guy". Stop. Cut that out. Instead, choose to be kind; but assertive. Being kind is to not expect anything. However, being confident & assertive is also important as well so you establish yourself as a leader or someone of importance.
Anyways -- that's my bit. Carry on with conversation.