SheiBe Kopf wrote:
SheiBe Kopf wrote:
Welcome to The Official M.O.M Thread.
To join the actual squadron, go here:
To give yourself a
Squad-Tag (so we may properly identify ourselves in game), go
Current Members
SheiBe Kopf
B Strachan
Big Tex
Hat in the Ring
Paul Mantz, Jr.
Big Tex
LD Dutchkiller
new jersey devil
These are the current confirmed members. If you are a member and wish to be listed, please respond accordingly in this thread.
Official Rules and Owner’s Manual for your 2012 MOM LX5000
The following rules are to be adhered to on pain of death or something really serious:
Rule 1 – There are no rules in M.O.M.
Rule 2 – There is no lying in M.O.M.
Rule 3 – Rule 2 is a lie.
Rule 4 – No member of M.O.M. will engage in team killing (shooting at members of his own team) spawn killing (shooting at the comic book character Spawn) or spawn raping (we don’t recommend raping anyone but if you must, we recommend you try to rape Spawn. Give us a heads up first so we can come watch.) We regard these practices as craven, dishonorable, weak, gutless, moronic and none of us engages in any of them more than once or twice per mission.
Rule 5 – Language: we encourage the use of language in M.O.M. Hand gestures don’t work so hot online.
Rule 7 – Math was our favorite subject to skip in school so we could go out back and have us a smoke of...we mean, do some independent horticultural research. Education is a wonderful thing. But really, the computer site gizmo keeps track of your kills so who needs it?
Rule 8 – Any member who doesn’t show up on time for his shift will be docked a half day’s pay.
Rule 9 – All members of M.O.M. must be courteous and polite to fellow players. Say “Thank you so much” after shooting someone down. If it happens to be a player you despise, say, “Thank you so much you miserable mother f*cking son of a b*tch.” Then strafe him in his chute.
Rule 10 – All members will adhere to the M.O.M. Principles of Flight, as follows:
Fly at least a little above the ground.
Shoot the red guys.
Bomb stuff.
Have some cake.
Age and Other Requirements for Membership in M.O.M.:
Pilots applying for squadron membership must be between the ages of 21 and 174. Unless you’re really, really good. Then you can be 3 and we wouldn’t give a rat’s ascot.
For the most part M.O.M. pilots are in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s after which point we forget how to count that high or what we just had for lunch. It looked like it used to be peas.
Anyone of any age may apply to join M.O.M. A select few underage pilots will be admitted as “Prodigy” members and treated like dirt. You can get even by treating your own kids like dirt when you’re as old as most members of M.O.M.
Applications will be subject to review by the M.O.M. Board of Admissions, consisting of dogss, B Strachan, Dentinhead, SheiBe Kopf. Wigbomb and an albino raccoon called Jimmy the Lip. In case of a 3-3 tie the applicant him/herself will have the tie breaking vote.
Applications should be submitted in the form of a hand written email on standard 8.5x11 paper with decorations in either poster paint, colored pencil, crayon or the blood of a virgin. Some form of death and/or ice hockey must be incorporated into the imagery. A forum post containing the words, “Hey you old clowns, can I join?” will also be acceptable.
Bribery is encouraged and will almost certainly get you in. Cash is preferred but hookers, crack, liquor, DVD’s or virgins (with blood still intact) will be considered. Strachan likes a nice redhead and SheiBe prefers a vintage Chardonnay. The rest of us aren’t that particular.
If you believe in the notion that a game can be played with mutual respect in the spirit of friendly competition and a healthy hatred of Lady GaGa, write and tell us. Above all M.O.M. is dedicated to the having of fun. Even if it means killing you. There isn’t much we wouldn’t do for a laugh, and seeing you die is fairly high on the list. Become one of us or risk utter and complete annihilation at the hands and feet of M.O.M. Or, y’know, just, um, like…don’t. That’d be cool, too.