Whiplash wrote: Can I add someone for you guys? That guy who figured out how to fuze the plastic together for almost anything you buy at costco. Even cutting off 2 edges it still is nearly impossible to get most things out. The worst part is buying scissors and needing them to get them out!
man you aint kidding. you can get an anyuerysm tryin to open all that plastic heat shrunk blister pack anything lol
pinkstar30 wrote: Yep, I'd like to add res barob to the list as am tired of him foul mouthing me every game we are in
I just had a game where res was my only partner through most of the game. He swore he didn't drop when I asked him about it, but there were only two of us within earshot of our carrier . . . and I still had my bomb.
{GI} E*A*G*L*E wrote: Did he ever drop a bomb on the carrier?
Not on that run. He took off in front of me, (or hopped over me). I was just clearing the deck and I heard the bomb go off. I asked him about dropping, and he said "no I didn't."
Then we flew to their boat. His Siemens got there first, and he twirled around above the carrier, downing reds. I dropped one that broke loose to face me, and then I bombed, circled back to see if he needed me to cover his bombing pass (just in case he did have a bomb) and then headed back to reload. I never saw res bomb anything.
By the end of the game, Acefreely popped in on our team, and all at once, res starts dropping tank rounds onto the carrier like he invented it.
I flew in (no reds at their carrier)and dropped another bomb on the boat. res wasn't showing on my radar, and I didn't see him anywhere on my way in or out from the target.
I asked him where his tank was, and he said "near the bridge".
Ace dropped a couple more bombs to end the game.
Hartman is the only one of the reds I recall right off the top of my head. He could tell you how it went from the red perspective.
The following user(s) said Thank You: {GI} E*A*G*L*E
Don't know who this pilot is, but is a level 24 with a new name, and obviously he knows me or wouldn't have called me pinky, either way u see him nail him to runway, I sure as heck will and have someone looking to see whom they really are, I swear I see em red again before they leave I wI'll do whatever it takes, stopping just short of bannable offense. No need for that type of childish language on this game.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Baby Crockett, {GI} E*A*G*L*E, DireWolf{WP****}, nebular, Raz, S. E. Dailey
Hello again gis, I have talked with ghost via pm. A few were sent back and forth, Rage . Was not a member of M.O.M. at the time he said what he did. He was recruited shortly after, without officers knowledge of this offense. Ghost is handling the situation, and by all means, thus was not intended to give M.O.M.'s a bad rep, thank you
The following user(s) said Thank You: KA5EY, GHOSTRIDER1, dognamitt, Jasta1, Raz
pinkstar30 wrote: Hello again gis, I have talked with ghost via pm. A few were sent back and forth, Rage . Was not a member of M.O.M. at the time he said what he did. He was recruited shortly after, without officers knowledge of this offense. Ghost is handling the situation, and by all means, thus was not intended to give M.O.M.'s a bad rep, thank you
Upon discussing the issue of rage with the M.O.M leadership we have decided to summarily give him the boot.
I apologize for his actions Pink.
After further research we belive him to be a sock puppet and/or troll. Rage was recruited through our Instant Recruiting Program (IRP) This is a temporary program we instituted to bolster our shrinking numbers as of late. While Rage was on the borderline of qualifying for said program, after some discussion we felt mostly comfortable admitting him.
This has been our first problem with The IRP since its institution a month ago. Our Council of Ministers has a regularly scheduled meeting soon. This will be added to the agenda for discussion, and we will revisit the use of The IRP and its requirements.
Again, I am very sorry for Rage's actions. These actions have never been and will not be tolerated in M.O.M. I wish squad leaders had the option to moderate and/or mute its members.
Have at him and we will too.
The following user(s) said Thank You: _bts, Gizmo., KA5EY, {GI} E*A*G*L*E, DireWolf{WP****}, pinkstar30, dognamitt, Raz, S. E. Dailey
i wish zup would add a player number for every account out there so we know who this jerk is when he changes his name again
GHOSTRIDER1 wrote: Upon discussing the issue of rage with the M.O.M leadership we have decided to summarily give him the boot.
I apologize for his actions Pink.
After further research we belive him to be a sock puppet and/or troll. Rage was recruited through our Instant Recruiting Program (IRP) This is a temporary program we instituted to bolster our shrinking numbers as of late. While Rage was on the borderline of qualifying for said program, after some discussion we felt mostly comfortable admitting him.
This has been our first problem with The IRP since its institution a month ago. Our Council of Ministers has a regularly scheduled meeting soon. This will be added to the agenda for discussion, and we will revisit the use of The IRP and its requirements.
Again, I am very sorry for Rage's actions. These actions have never been and will not be tolerated in M.O.M. I wish squad leaders had the option to moderate and/or mute its members.
Have at him and we will too.
The following user(s) said Thank You: GHOSTRIDER1, {GI} E*A*G*L*E, nebular, Lunas Wolf WP****
I don't know how many of you have played with Giacomo17, but for me, the several times I have played with him, he hasn't been a pleasant teammate. Every time I have played with him, he has complained about everyone who shoots him down being "invisible" and calling them cheaters. This game I just played with him, he bombed our own hangar, and promptly left the game. I'm not saying this is a pure enemy of GI, but he is one to be watched, and maybe corrected in game.
The following user(s) said Thank You: SavageViking
JO1063 wrote: Please tell me Donald Trump is on this hit list (Real life and Pilot Username) He deserves some hot GI lead!
Really, that's kind of sad. I haven't played with him for a couple weeks, but I thought he had turned over a new leaf. It seemed like he had a pretty good stretch going too.
What a waste . . . the man can really fly. He's a true threat even in a tier 1 plane without playing dirty.
Thanks talon ..Will show him some GI love..been in game with him before ..as far as Donald trump , he may.not be on official GI list I will kill him every chance I get when in game. He's great target practice for them long range shots cause he's too busy flapping his lips or fingers. Lol.
People in general may change a little bit and temp. Change there ways but they always have that side that will come back out because they think it's funny to ruin other players games and make them mad. Well the brick wall they run into is ME. I don't get mad at any player and really don't care if they change or not. I don't care about KDR and don't play his little game , when I see them in a game messing with other people's fun I simply show them all the attention they are craving and a little more. Lol.
Here is a good one for the hitlist. ikojhkoh, a second air commodore, jumped into the game not too far away from the end of the game. As soon as he entered, he bombed his own hangars, twice. Then, as we were all expressing our indignation, he started team killing. Also there to witness was Thersitis and Passion of Christ.
Desert Fox wrote: You relies I was there as well right.Why I'm never the one credited for.
-Erich Hartman
Sorry 'bout that, I didn't think that I needed to give the name of every person in the game, and the reason why I listed Thersitis and Passion is because I had played with them before. I considered every person in that game (except the person I reported) a good upstanding player, and I am sorry if I offended you by not crediting you.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ZebraUp, The Desert Fox