Hey y'all, its been a while since I've been on. I just bought DF Elite (finally rejoining!), but I'm having technical issues. I can't get to the technical support thread because of a dumb blocker on my computer, so I was wondering if you guys could help me out at all. Issues are: I've bought DF Elite on the Windows Store (running Windows 10 PC), but when I access the game, it says I still need to subscribe to play the game. I click the subscribe button, a Windows Store window comes up, I put in my password for authorization, and then the window closes and I am still not subscribed. Second problem (my guess is the subscription issue), the app says, "Error connecting to server." I've tried restarting my computer and reinstalling the app. Any help? As soon as I get these problems fixed, I'll rejoin GI and take to the skies!