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Gunners Inc. is looking for YOU!
Gunners Inc. Squadron was formed by Gunnerzz and SLAYERinc as a group of pilots who fly hard and have fun playing the game.
Our squad continues to grow and includes residents of many countries around the world. We are seeking dedicated pilots from any nation to join G.I in battle. We accept membership requests from pilots level 10 and up.
Dogfight provides a set of rules that pilots in G.I must obey. Squad rules are simple: be nice, fly often, and be respectful of other squads.
=List of Officers=
=Squadron MORAF=
=Executive Officer=
=Air Marshals=
=Information Officer=
S.E. Dailey
=Training Officer=
S.E. Dailey
=Recruitment and Advancement=
- All pilots who are level 10 and over are invited to join the squad. Anyone recruited to the squad receives the rank of lieutenant. Lieutenants are eligible for promotion upon reaching level 15.
- Pilots level 15 and up receive the rank of wing commander. Wing commanders are considered regular ranks and treated as full G.I members.
- Pilots level 22 and over are eligible for promotion to group captain. Group captains serve as junior officers and can recruit new members to the squad. Group captains are selected based on maturity and dedication to the squad as well as personal fighting record.
- Pilots who show the greatest maturity and leadership are eligible for the rank of air marshal. Air marshals have the ability to accept/expel members, and give promotions. Air marshals in Gunners Inc make themselves available to lower ranks for advice and guidance as well as represent the squadron in squad battles.
We accept many pilots and are a large squadron. Our main goal in this game is to have fun and that includes ensuring other pilots have fun also. If a pilot from G.I creates a problem there are several ways to report a complaint. Feel free to send a pm to Pinkstar30, {GI} E*A*G*L*E, or S. E. Dailey. We follow up on complaints and appreciate the help we receive from the DF community.
=unit citation=
Devil's Dragons Medal of Valor
Awarded to Gunners Inc. March 2014
~Our Founders~
~Our Allies~
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