Kazee83 wrote: It was weird playing tonight with the extra line on top of people's tags. One guy called me Enigma for half the game - pretty funny. Usually play around 10-12 p central time (gotta get kids to bed) - same time I am on computer. I feel pretty good about training unless you got some secret tips to share ( I am a iii group captain). I haven't used xat before so if you could give me a brief rundown it would be great. And Skydavis....PUNCTUATION...it's your friend and mine
Ah, we're the same rank! But rank is disregarded in this squadron. It's all about da' skillz.
I'll tell you tons of great stuff in Xat. About Xat -- there really isn't anything to explain. When you go to our Homepage, you'll see the Xat box. You're already in! You can change your name if you want (the default will be like...WumpyGwumpy or something lame

) but either way, you can go ahead and simply start chatting! Easy as that. Type & press "Enter". I really hope more people start using it.
Oh and I laughed hard about that person calling you Enigma. Hurrrr durrrr