pownage wrote: It started as prank lol 
pownage wrote: I have officialy left sqaudron and jojned falcons with new banner sry the falcons have better pilots and enigma people are hardly ever on
I will shoot down all of you if see enigma insignia lol
I think everyone can read for themselves -- that seemed pretty serious.
Next you say (after negative reaction from the squadron and others):
pownage wrote: what are these posts doing here I dint do them I think someone hacked my account? I just got how long haave ibeen posting for
But later you expose yourself as saying it was infact you doing this and it was "just a prank" here:
pownage wrote: It started as prank lol 
Not only do you degrade everyone in this squadron, but you also take us as fools and lie to us -- even though we knew it was you making those posts from the start. We can tell this by:
A. Login times
B. The IP Address you used. (It didn't change within that time frame)
C. The exact same writing style/phrases only you use were in all of those posts
And much more. I'm sorry but I personally don't think you should be in the Enigma Corps as we don't represent dissing other players/lying. We are an elite squadron who doesn't tolerate such behavior.
But I'm open to other people's thoughts -- what do other members think? Let him stay or let him go?