I've had "Dogfight" installed on my Droid Maxx for a few weeks and played it off and on and done a few sample missions.
Although the graphics are nice, I've not spent a lot of time with it because generally I prefer air-simulation games that allow you to control the rudder, and "Dogfight" only seems to allow you to control the ailerons and elevators via a connected virtual joystick (if I'm wrong in that, however, please correct me!).
I was also bothered by the fact that it seems that it costs a lot of money to buy improved aircraft, and because I'm unemployed I don't wish to spend much of my cash on gaming (and if I do buy a game, I prefer to pay for it all at once, instead of having to constantly pay more money to advance as I go along).
Nonetheless, I decided to give "Dogfight" another try yesterday, but things seemed a bit different. When I clicked on the shopping-cart tab, it offered to allow me to purchase points, but no longer can I find anywhere my hanger or any place showing me what kinds of planes I can purchase. Has this been removed from the game? Although the game allows me to purchase points, it doesn't offer me anything to spend the points on anymore.
Also, I don't quite understand how to tell how much damage my plane has taken. Is that represented purely by the number of bullet holes in my windscreen?
Finally, I was really miffed when I tried to land at the end of mission 3. Apparently the landing strip was a concrete block raised a half foot off the ground, and when my aircraft tried to taxi onto it from a slight angle from the nearby ground, my first wheel got on the runway but caused my airplane to become tilted because the runway was so high up, and the plane tipped over and crashed when I tried to slowly move the second wheel onto the runway. Who makes runways out of concrete strips above the level of the ground? Don't the game designers know that runways in World War I were generally just a long dirt area in a nearby field conveniently close to the hangars? *mumbles and then chuckles at the lack of logic* Does this type of problem from a lack of realism happen often in the game?
Is there a game manual anywhere that explains all the nuances and details regarding the game, or is the game intended to be so simple that they assume anybody can figure out anything they need to know?
I'm trying to like this game, I really am -- but I'm just wondering if I'm missing something, or if I need re-install my copy of the game, or what.
Thanks for the advice! Tally ho, and see you in the skies!